Issue: 31                                                                                                                  October, 2008

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 The TJSC Office has MOVED to a new location. We needed a bit of extra space so we moved around the corner to a new office. All information except our mailing address has remained the same.
The new mailing address is:
The T. Jeffrey Safari Co.
4001 North Runway Dr. #123
Tucson, AZ 85705
One of the most frequently asked questions we  get is about shipping trophies home after the hunt. Hunters usually want to know who to use to handle the shipping, customs clearance and other related paperwork. We use only one company Fauna and Flora. They are experienced and professional and they have done a great job for many of our clients.
They offer two options for trophy shipment you may either ship by air or sea. Shipping by sea takes a few weeks longer but is significantly cheaper. There have been some questions about possible moisture damage to trophies shipped by sea. This is not a problem. Trophies are shipped below deck in watertight containers. Think about the millions of electronic items shipped here by sea that are not damaged by moisture. We recommend Faun & Flora without hesitation. Please call them directly with any questions you may have about your trophy shipments (718) 977-7700.
Some of our 2008 Hunters
 Tom Basso 
and daugter Sara
red hartebeest
Sam Saxton & Sam Saxton Jr.
 On our 20 gemsbuck management hunt.
Trophy Coues Deer Hunts In Mexico
We still have a few openings for our top quality trophy Coues deer hunts in Mexico. These hunts are conducted in the Mexican state of Sonora and consistently produce excellent quality bucks.
A 5 Day hunt is $4,700 including your hunting license fee. These are top quality hunts which have been featured in numerous hunting magazines such as Safari and others. Available dates are: December 1-7, December 9-15, December 27-January 2, January 4-10, January 12-18, January 20-26. With January being preferable because the deer are usually in rut at that time.
For a full description click here
Call us today to reserve your place on one of the fantastic hunts! 866-470-0470
Latest Caprivi News:
Unfortunately there are no details about the Caprivi at this time. We are still optimistic that there will be hunts available there in 2009 and beyond.
We will send out a special alert as soon as we know any more information.
Some pictures from
 New Zealand
Back From the South Pacific!
A Big mature bull who is still out there!
I just returned from an inspection trip to Australia and New Zealand. This was one of the most productive trips I have taken in terms of finding top notch outfitters to offer to our clients. I hunted in Australia's Northern Territory for buffalo and feral hogs. I took 3 buffalo: a trophy class bull (SCI 96), a management bull, and a cow. I also took a big bodied young boar hog. It was a fantastic hunt with one of Australia's top outfitters. He has been hunting this same 2 1/2 million acre concession for over 20 years. They are consistently taking top quality trophy buffalo from this area. In 5 days we saw a number of excellent trophies including 3 that we estimate would go over 100 SCI. Of course there are no guarantees that one will take a bull over 100 SCI but this place presents excellent potential to do so. The concession is extremely remote wilderness area with absolutely NO FENCES of any kind. The only way in or out is by charter flight. The airstrip is a few short kilometers from camp so you can be hunting in no time upon your arrival. The food was suprisingly excellent given the remoteness of this camp. Sleeping accomodations are in simple cabins or good quality tents. Hot and cold running water for showers, drinking, etc are readily available. 
Trophy buffalo hunts are $10,500 for 6 days of hunting and includes the trophy fee for one trophy quality buffalo. Charter flights run approximately $1,600 round trip.
Todd Rathner's Trophy Buffalo he Took in Australia (96 SCI)
This outfitter not only offers top quality trophy buffalo hunts he also offers a great management hunt for buffalo. These hunts are an excellent value. The management hunt consists of 5 days of hunting, trophy fees for 1 management bull, and 3 management cows and costs only $7,500 for 1x1 and $6,500 (pp) for 2x1. Plus Charter of approximately $1,600 round trip. The management hunt is  just as challenging as a trophy hunt because you must be just as selective when choosing the animals to shoot. This hunt is a great opportunity to use your big bore dangerous game rifle on a number of big tough buffalo. Additional trophy or management animals may be added to your hunt. This outfitter also has opportunities for top quality Banteng, scrub bulls and other Australia species.
A management bull skull (left) and a trophy bull skull (right).
The primary difference you notice between Australia and New Zealand is the terrain. The Northern Territory of AU is relativley flat with thick brush, and an arid climate while the South Island of NZ is covered in soaring snow capped mountains and alpine vegetation. In Australia it is springtime and it is getting hot. In New Zealand it was cool and comfortable the whole time I was there.  
New Zealand
My hunt in New Zealand was with an absolute first class outfitter who cuts no corners whatsoever. I stayed in a 5 star B&B, ate gourmet food every meal and was completely spoiled!
We hunted chamois in very remote areas which are under the complete control of the outfitter. There are no fences where the chamois and tahr are hunted. I only hunted chamois because the tahr are in their summer coats and the red stag are just growing their antlers back. You will note that the coat of the chamois I took is lighter than can be expected because of the time of year. The chamois in this area are normally much darker and nearly black. As you can see this chamois certainly has excellent horns!
Todd_Rathner_Chamois_Hunting New Zealand_1
 Todd Rathner with Trophy Chamois (note: fur color is light due to season)
Most of the hunting in this area is done by flying to the tops of the mountains by helicopter and then hunting along the ridges of huge steep canyons. The terrain can be tough but this outfitter can work with people in all types of physical condition to allow them to have a sucessful hunt.
This outfitter also offers outstanding trout fishing and can accomodate non-hunters with touring, shopping, hiking, helicopter flights, winery tours and many other first class activites.
Rates are as follows:
Hunter $600 per day (includes PH, helicopter transportation)
Non-Hunter $400 per day (includes guide)
Red stag   $5,000 (Silver) $7,000 (Gold) Higher scores POR
Tahr   $5,000
Chamois $4000
There are a few other species to hunt such as Fallow deer, Alpine Sheep, game birds and waterfowl. Please call for prices.
To see more photos from this trip go to my BLOG.
The US Dollar continues it's rally against the South African Rand (ZAR), the Australian Dollar (AUS) and the New Zealand Dollar (NZD). In recent weeksthe US dollar has gained strength against currencies important to US hunters. The USD has risen sharply against the ZAR finishing today at close to R11.00 to $1 USD. This is almost double where it was in 2005.
RSA Oct 28
The same has happened against the Australian Dollar which was almost at 1:1 just a few months ago (.98 AUD:$1) now we are looking at AUD1.59:$1USD. This is a significant gain for the USD.
Australian Dollar Oct 28
The NZD finished lower today as well at NZD1.8 - $1USD 
NZ Dollar Oct 28
This is excellent news for US hunters travelling to Africa, Australia or New Zealand to hunt. With these currencies falling against the US Dollar a lot of your ancillary expenses will be lower. For instance hotel rooms, touring and sight seeing fees etc. In some instances you will save on charter fees and other expenses which bring your overall costs down.
Now is the time to book your safari and take advantage of these great opportunities!
tjsc logo 
The T Jeffrey Safari Company
4001 North Runway Drive #123 Tucson AZ, 85705
866-470-0470 or 520-887-2529

Todd Rathner: [email protected]