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Four Star Accreditation Web Logo

Greater Boerne Chamber of Commerce Mission Statement:

The Greater Boerne Area Chamber of Commerce is an association of
businesses organized to promote and
improve economic vitality through
partnerships, leadership and education of our members and community.

   August, 2011                                                                               Volume 15, Number 5

Getting Connected to Your Chamber    

Website Hpmg Photo Web

The Greater Boerne Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce the release of our newly redesigned website, By updating our main website with a stylish new look and feel, we've been able to improve the navigation and provide enhanced education and decision tools.  


The Chamber site was created by Vantegis, a website and application hosting provider and the inside perspective of Chamber staffer, Lynn Richter.  Read more.



e-Newsletter Business Card Sponsor

Toudanines Cleaners - Arlene
Toudanines Biz Card Shdw Web
Click on card to view in full.

Visit Toudanines Cleaners' website.

President's Perspective

Back to School          

Terri Politi Web Shdw Pic

Terri Politi

Boerne Chamber President

 Leadership Boerne is a community leadership program offered by the Greater Boerne Chamber of Commerce aimed at increasing the leadership pool for the present and future of the Boerne area. Through the program's 12-year history, the objectives for Leadership Boerne have remained constant.

Leadership Boerne develops in potential 

Leadership Boerne Shadow Logo

Click on logo to visit website

leaders the skills necessary to effectively participate in community affairs. This program is designed to acquaint participants with community structure, challenges and resources. The result is a well-founded base of leadership.  Read more.


Stage 3 Mandatory Water Restrictions    

Clear Water Hose Image Web

Since the record drought conditions are persisting, all City of Boerne Water Utility customers are required to follow Stage 3 mandatory water restrictions until further notice.


Click here to read the watering schedule.



Conserve water now to avoid Stage 4 Restrictions which are even more limiting. During Stage 4, you will be prohibited from watering your lawn by any method although you will still be able to water your garden between 8 p.m. and 8 a.m. with a hand held hose. In Stage 5 ALL outside watering is prohibited.



e-Newsletter Business Card Sponsor
AppleTree Day School - Jennifer & Lloyd Voigt
Apple Tree Shdw Web Card

Click on card to view in full.

Visit AppleTree Day School's website.

Carlin Friar Elected to Chamber Board    
Carlin Friar Shdw Web 

Carlin Friar 

Boerne Banking Center 

The Greater Boerne Chamber of Commerce welcomes Carlin Friar as the newest member of its Board of Directors.  Carlin is Senior Vice President and Branch Manager of the Boerne Banking Center, a branch of the First National Bank of Sonora, Texas.  Carlin has twenty four years of banking and financial service experience, and prior to joining Boerne Banking Center in November of 2010, was an executive with The Trust Company in San Antonio and Boerne. 

Carlin describes himself as a team builder who works to capitalize on his co-workers' strengths to create an environment centered on providing customers unmatched service. Read more.

Preferred Landscape Wins Kudos
Preferred Land Shdw Web 

Click on logo to visit website.

referred Landscape and Lighting was recognized by the San Antonio Business Journal as one of the fastest growing firms in the area from 2008 through 2010. 


Preferred has managed an annual growth rate of 12.4% during two droughts and an historic recession.    


Preferred attributes it growth to innovation, dedication to the community and a corporate business philosophy that strives to make sure that their clients, employees, their firm and their vendors win in each transaction and benefit each other through their relationships.

Preferred has been a member of the Greater Boerne Chamber of Commerce since November, 2006.


On behalf of the Board of Directors, Members and Staff of the Chamber: Job well done!  


e-Newsletter Business Card Sponsor  
Marcie L. Cox, CPA
Marcie Cox CPA Shdw Web Card

Click on card to view in full.

Visit Marcie L. Cox, CPA's


Meet Lance Lemoine, Chamber Chair Elect 
Lance Lemoine Shdw Web 

Lance Lemoine

RPM Mortgage

Lance Lemoine is a current member of the Board of Directors for the Greater Boerne Chamber of Commerce. He has been elected to the position of Chair-elect and will assume the role of Chairman of the Board on January 1, 2012. He and his family have lived in Boerne for more than 10 years.


Lance owns RPM Mortgage at 31004 IH 10 W. in Boerne, having started that company in 2008. He employs 10 people, 5 of whom are Boerne residents. Read more.




Crepe Nation: New Food Truck in Boerne
Crepe Nation Shdw Web

Click on logo to visit website.

Frank and Jennifer Ramirez have been married for 2 years.  They live here in Boerne and together they are raising two children, Haley 16 and Reed 12.  Frank was born and raised in El Paso, Texas.  He graduated in October 1994 from the Scottsdale Culinary Institute.

Their new business, Crepe Nation LLC, is a gourmet mobile food kitchen that allows Frank and Jennifer to reach their customers wherever they may be!

The versatility of crepes allows for the expansion of the French influence to include both sweet and savory crepes that represent flavors and dishes from around the world as well as encompass the favored flavors of local fare.


The gourmet mobile food kitchen can cater any type of cuisine for any type of event.  Frank and Jennifer are committed to providing a high quality food experience to all their customers and looks forward to meeting each and every one that blesses them with their business.


Right now, you can find them Tuesday through Saturday at the Alamo Fiesta RV park. Come for breakfast between 8 and 10:30 a.m. and enjoy both sweet and savory luncheon items from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Ask about their vegetarian options.


We're hopeful we'll be seeing them parked in town on Mondays. You can visit their website for updated menu selections and current locations and follow them on facebook and twitter for up-to-the-minute information.


e-Newsletter Business Card Sponsor  
United San Antonio Federal Credit Union
Rosanne Hernandez  
Hernandez Biz Card Shdw Web

Click on card to view in full.

Visit United San Antonio Federal Credit Union's


Bending Branch Winery Holds First Harvest
Bending Branch Winery Shdw Web 

Click on logo to visit website.


Bending Branch Winery out of Comfort has completed its first harvest of estate grown fruit. They began harvesting the 2011 Tannat at 4:30 a.m. and by 1 p.m. they had harvested two tons of Tannat and two very small batches of Picpoul Blanc and Petite Sirah.   


With drought conditions and extreme heat the Winery got a small yield this vintage, but the fruit itself was picture perfect. The owners are eagerly anticipating the wine that is born from their estate vines.    


Now that the grapes have been plucked from the vines, the real work begins. The fruit is immediately destemmed, crushed and the white grapes are pressed to remove the free run juice from the skins. The red grapes are left in contact with the skins, seeds and pips for a generous amount of time to achieve the perfect effect.

The Bending Branch Winery has two wine clubs for its wine devotees to choose from. Contact Jennifer Beckman, Director of Marketing to discuss the plan that works best for you!  


Love Chocolate?                            Save the Date  
Choco Fest Shdw Web

Click on logo to visit website.

Chocolate Festival of Texas is coming to Boerne!!  


Saturday October 29th


Kendall County Fairgrounds


12 noon til 6pm


Chocolate sampling, Texas wine tastings, Texas food sampling, Cooking demos, Shopping,  Kids Korner and much more.


Enter the Chocolate Competition open to Professionals and Amateurs. This is a don't miss event! Click here for more information.


e-Newsletter Business Card Sponsor  
Lillians - Tammy & Megan Otten
Lillians Biz Card Shdw Web

Click on card to view in full.

Visit Lillian's


Jenny's Lil' Playhouse Specializes in Babies     

Lil Jennys Playroom Shdw Web 

Jenny's Lil Playhouse infant room.

Located at 113 S. Plant Avenue, #D, Jenny's Lil' Playhouse Infant Nursery & Child Care Center is a one-of-a-kind daycare place to care for your children. They specialize in infant care. They are licensed for 21 infants from birth up to 23 months, and for 27 children from the age of two through five years old. As a team, staffers are committed to working within each child's comfort zone to ensure optimal social, emotional and educational results. Babies are surrounded by sound, music and love.


Child development observations are made on a daily basis and include motor gross skills, sensory skills communication, social, emotional and general skills.  All diaper changes, feedings and naps are recorded every day. Toddlers and preschoolers are offered a variety of opportunities to explore their world through play. Their days are filled with music, art, dance, story time and more. The curriculum is packed with educational elements including basic Spanish, English and sign language. Games and crafts teach pre-reading skills such as letter and sound recognition, basic math concepts and hands-on science exploration.

The playhouse is building a great staff to do an exceptional job for the community and children. You have an open invitation to stop by and visit this colorful daycare center. 


Why the Y?
YMCA Shdw Web 

Click on logo to visit website.


Did you know that the YMCA offers corporate rates for membership? Business owners could be offering this great discounted rate as an employee benefit. Contact Ashley Maytum to find out the details.  


The YMCA offers afterschool care, youth sports, family events as well as the health facility.   


The YMCA offers afterschool care, youth sports, family events as well as the health facility. A membership would include:   

  • access to the wellness floor
  • all group exercise classes
  • ActiveTrax; our computer based workout monitor
  • a 12 week program called Commit to be Fit where they get to meet with a Wellness coach and help establish goals AND to reach those goals    

Believe it or not, the holidays are just around the corner. Why not take steps now to be in the best shape of your life when you and your family are posing for your special holiday photos?  


e-Newsletter Business Card Sponsor  
Gatlin & hicks WealthManagement Group, Raymond James & Associates, Inc. - Dave Sears
Dave Sears Biz Card Shdw Web

Click on card to view in full.

Visit Gatlin & Hick's


A Note from the Queen of "WOW"! 

Clear Resort Tapatio Shdw Web Logo 

Click on logo to visit website.

If you haven't been out to The Resort at Tapatio, just wait. It is getting a facelift like I wish I could
Kay Wiginton Shdw Web
Kay Wiginton

Director of WOW/Goodwill

(830) 537-4611


get....if you get my drift. At any rate, Tom and George are restoring this Jewel of the Hill country not only to be like it used to....but it is going to be better than ever. We are so proud of how this is coming along. Many of our homeowners have left for long vacations to come back in awe of the progress that is now becoming very visible.  

We are working to have this fully finished soon. We are having a Chamber mixer on September 22 so put that on your calendar. We will send invites soon and hope you will all be able to come see it first hand. We will serve drinks and hors d'oeuvres and give tours.    


One more thing, if you are having Christmas parties, please give me a call. It will be a real paradise for Christmas so buzz me and we will arrange anything you need. It is going to be a Christmas holiday to remember. Also, don't miss our event on September 22.


e-Newsletter Business Card Sponsor  
Sunrise Pottery - Doug Oian
Sunrise Pottery Biz Card Shdw Web

Click on card to view in full.

Visit Sunrise Pottery's website.



First Annual Ladies Night at Shutter-Happy Photography 

Shutterhappy Ladies Shdw Web 

Click on logo to visit website.


The staff at Shutter-Happy Photography is gearing up for the studio's first annual Ladies' Night...and everyone is invited!


Free drinks, desserts, and fabulous door prizes.  Studio gift certificates will be available for purchase at a buy one, get one free special.


And shopping will be available through many local vendos (Tomboy Tools, Cutie Bow Tooty, Premier Designs Jewelry, Scentsy, Juice in the City, 31 Gifts, Pampered Chef, Tupperware, Mary Kay, and Take Shape for Life)


The event is at the studio (11 Upper Balcones Rd.) on Saturday, September 17th from 6:00pm - 10:00pm.


e-Newsletter Business Card Sponsor  
Boerne Office Supply - Scott Maddox
Boerne Office Supply Biz Card Shdw Web

Click on card to view in full.

Visit Boerne Office Supply's

Invest in Our Youth, Strengthen Our Community
Boerne Soccer Shdw Web 

Click on logo to visit website.

For more than 30 years, the Boerne Soccer Club has helped develop the hearts, bodies, and minds of our young people while encouraging family and community participation through volunteerism. Business sponsors and private donors have played a key role in our success by funding scholarships for needy players, enhancements to our fields and facilities, and additional training programs for players, coaches, and referees. To find out more about sponsorship opportunities for the fall season, visit their website.


e-Newsletter Business Card Sponsor  
Raymond James Financial Services - Andrew Voiles
Andrew Voiles Biz Card Shdw Web

Click on card to view in full.

Visit Raymond James Financial Service's

2011 13th Annual Chamber Scholarship Memorial Golf Tournament  Golf Tourny Shdw Web

A few places are left to join the fun at this year's tournament which is being held at Fair Oaks Ranch Golf & Country Club.  


The tournament will begin with a 12:30 Shotgun start. Registration begins at 10:00 a.m., followed by lunch sponsored by Texas Heritage Bank and a chipping contest at 11:00 a.m.  The tournament will then be followed by an awards dinner sponsored by RPM Mortgage at 6:30 p.m.  During the festivities there will also be a Ball Toss sponsored by Jennings Anderson Ford.   


We encourage you to download and review the golf brochure for sponsorship & participation opportunities.   


Tournament Sponsors:  


Capital Guardian Web Logo  

Capital Guardian Income Solutions Group

Double Eagle Sponsor 


Kendall County Abstract Co Web Logo  

Kendall County Abstract Company

Eagle Sponsor 


GVTC Logo  


Birdie Sponsor



Contact Mary Sue Hurd for more information or if you wish to sponsor and/or participate.  Add this event to your Outlook calendar.


e-Newsletter Business Card Sponsor  
Enterprise Car Sales - John Edwards
Enterprise Biz Card Shdw Web

Click on card to view in full.

Visit Enterprise Car Sales's website.



2011 2nd Annual Hill Country Leadership Summit   2010 HC Leadership Summit Shdw Web

Come join us for the 2nd Annual Leadership Summit. Strengthen your leadership capabilities, add other leaders to your professional network and return to your business with renewed enthusiasm, all without leaving the Hill Country.


This year's Summit Breakout Sessions include:


Alicia Arenas: "The Sales Experience"

Sheila Dudley: "Creating Rapport"

Kelly Riddle: "Advanced Fraud Scams"

Russ Riddle:  Lunch Keynote Speaker "Looking for the Humor"  


The Summit will be held at the Ye Kendall Inn Ballroom located at 128 W. Blanco Road in Boerne and will run from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.  Cost is $75 for Chamber members and $85 for guests and the general public.  You can register and/or pay online

Contact Mary Sue Hurdt for more information.  Add this event to your Outlook calendar.

Wild Game Dinner                            Save the Date! 
ovember 5, 2011
2011 Wild Game Shdw Web Logomarks the date of the Greater Boerne Chamber of Commerce's first ever Wild Game Dinner that will be held at the Kendall County Fairgrounds from 5:30 to 10 p.m.

The early word is that m
any different kinds of game will be offered including: elk, white tail and axis deer, nilgai (antelope, for the hunting impaired), alligator and Rocky Mountain oysters.

Tickets are $20. You can register and/or pay online.  Expect a vast array of auction items and some fun games and other surprises. We encourage you to download and review the Wild Game Dinner brochure.

So Save the Date for this fun event people will be talking about for months to follow.  Add this event to your Outlook calendar.

We're Looking for Your Stories

Send Us 100 Words (and Maybe a Photo or Two)

 ChamberBriefs Shdw Web LogoWe want to share news about your business with the rest of our members. If you have something you want to share, please send your email to Bonnie Westley - try to limit yourself to 100 words.

Pay it Forward

Welcome New Members for the month of July    

 New Members Shadow 

We encourage you to go to our  website directory to find out how to contact these new members that joined the Chamber family in July.






AT&T Authorized Retailer

Benita B. Patuel - Realtor

Caring Transitions

Cayce G. Fagala, Licensed Professional Counselor

China Bowl

Chocolate Festival of Texas

Enterprise Car Sales

I-tech Direct

JAC's Personal Touch

Lester Meier Rodeo Company

Mueller, Inc.

Sharon Neill Consulting

Sisterdale Smokehouse

Texas Road Repair & Patches

The Silver Queen

Vantage at Fair Oaks

Verizon - Mark Carter


Thank You to the July Chamber Event Sponsors 

Speed Networking Lunch 

Town & Country Manor and

Alamo Hospice  


Business After Hours Mixers

 CW Floors 

Burns Garden Center & Landscape  



Chamber Events Photo Gallery
Photo Gallery Shadow
e are pleased to provide you with photos
of the many Chamber events. 

Click here to view the event photos.

Chamber Events Calendar 
Antique Show BoothView the Chamber website calendar for information for future Chamber events throughout the year.





Sept. 5        Labor Day Holiday - Chamber Office Closed 


Sept. 6        

3:00 pm.       Ribbon Cutting for Boerne Vision Center, 124 E. Bandera Rd.

                     Ste. 403, Boerne (map).  Add event to your Outlook calendar.

Sept. 8

5 - 7 p.m.     Business After Hours Mixer sponsored by Dog & Pony Grill

                     1481 S. Main St., Boerne (map).  Add event to your Outlook


Sept. 22

5 - 7 p.m.      Business After Hours Mixer sponsored by The Resort at

                     TAPATIO SPRINGS, 314 Blue Heron Blvd., Boerne (map).

                      Add event to your Outlook calendar. 


Sept. 26

11:30 a.m.     Lessons in Leadership with featured keynote speaker

                      Paul Barwick, Director of the Hill Country Mile. Cypress Grille,

                      170 S. Main St., Boerne (map).  Register and/or pay online by

                      Thursday, September 22.  $25 for Members, $30 General

                      Admission, $30 for all thereafter.  Reservations required, No

                      shows will be billed.  Contact Bonnie Westley for more info.   

                      Add event to your Outlook calendar. 


Oct. 3 

12:30 p.m.    13th Annual Chamber Memorial Scholarship Golf Tournament

                      Fair Oaks Ranch Golf & Country Club, 7900 Fair Oaks Parkway,

                      Fair Oaks Ranch (map).  Contact Mary Sue Hurdt for more

                      information.  Download/view the sponsorship & participation 

                      opportunities.  Double Eagle Sponsor: Capital Guardian Income

                      Solutions Group; Eagle Sponsor: Kendall County Abstract

                      Company; Birdie Sponsor: GVTC, Awards Dinner Sponsor:

            RPM Mortgage, Lunch Sponsor: Texas Heritage Bank, Ball Toss

            Sponsor:  Jennings Anderson FordAdd event to your Outlook 



Oct. 11

7 - 9 a.m.      Networking Breakfast sponsored by Geneva School of Boerne,

                      113 Cascade Caverns Rd, Boerne (map).  Register and/or pay

                     online.  $15 Member, $25 General Admission if registered by

                      October 6, $25 Members and $35 General Admission thereafter.

                      Reservations required.  No shows will be billed.  Contact

                      Mary Sue Hurdt for more info.  Add event to your Outlook




Oct. 1

8 a.m. to  

1 p.m.            2nd Annual Leadership Boerne Summit.  Ye Kendall Inn

                      Ballroom, 128 W. Blanco Rd., Boerne (map). $75 Members,

                      $85 General Admission.  Register and/or pay online.

                      Reservations required.  No shows will be billed.  Contact  

                      Mary Sue Hurdt in regards to this event.  Add event to your

                      Outlook calendar. 


Nov. 5

5:30 p.m.      First Annual Wild Game Dinner, Kendall County Fairgrounds,

                     1307 River Road, Boerne (map).  $20 per person.  Contact                       Mary Sue Hurdt for more information. Download/view the  

                     Wild Game Dinner brochure .  Add event to your Outlook


Shop Members & Local First

For Hot Deals & Member to Member Discounts


Hot Deals Button 
Click on red button to view deals.
ne of the best kept secrets in the Hill Country is the front page Hot Deals & Member to Member Discount Programs at   Anyone can take advantage of  the hot deals posted by Chamber members.

Member to Member Web Logo 2
Click on key logo to view discounts.
Chamber members can also take advantage of discounts designed and provided by other Chamber members.  This program is sponsored by Kendall County Air.

How to contact us:

Greater Boerne Chamber of Commerce  

(ph) #830-249-8000, (fax) #830-249-9639, email:, (loc) 121 S.Main St., Boerne, TX  78006, (mailing) P.O. Box 2328, Boerne, TX  78006-2328


We're On The Web 

In This Issue
Getting Connected to Your Chamber
President's Perspective - Back to School
Stage 3 Mandatory Water Restictions
Carlin Friar Elected to Chamber Board
Preferred Landscape Wins Kudos
Meet Lance Lemoine
Crepe Nation: New Food Truck in Boerne
Bending Branch Winery Holds 1st Harvest
Love Chocolate?
Jenny's Lil' Playhouse Specializes in Babies
Why the Y?
The Queen of "WOW"!
1st Annual Ladies Night
Boerne Soccer Club
2011 Chamber Golf Tournament
2nd Annual Hill Country Leadership Summit
Wild Game Dinner
We're Looking for Your Stories
Pay It Forward
July Event Sponsors
Chamber Events Photo Gallery
Chamber Events Calendar
Shop Local & Members First
Contact Information
We're on the Web
Newsletter Links Divider


Antique Show Booth
Chamber Website Links

Chamber Directory 
Chamber Councils 

 Chamber Links    

Member to Member Discount ProgramSponsored by Kendall County Air    

Member Hot Deals  

Job Postings  

Newsletter Links Divider 
Beca Short, Chair

Legacy Mutual Mortgage

Lance Lemoine, Chair-Elect

RPM Mortgage


Richard Elkins, Vice Chairman

  Stanbio Laboratory


Susan Allen, Past Chair 
Texas Heritage Bank
  Mike Lang, Treasurer
Kendall County Abstract Co.

MJ Slater, Member at Large



Matt Diana

Covenant Services


JoDee Kerestes

Methodist Boerne Emergency Center
Carlos Guerrero

Karen Daly
Coldwell Banker
D'Ann Harper, Realtors

John Gonzalez
JDG Associates

Nancy Holekamp
The Corner Cartel 

Ronnie Huie

Huie Financial Services  

Chris Miller
CareChoice of Boerne
Nursing & Rehab Center 

Lauren Stumberg
Distinct Media

Jeannemarie Wilson
Attorney at Law, P.L.L.C.


David Brown

Security Services FCU


Steve Schmidt

Enchanted Springs Ranch


Carlin Friar

Boerne Banking Center 



Newsletter Links Divider 
Terri Politi 
Jesse Martinez

Vice President of

Membership Development


Bonnie Westley 
Director of Communications

  Mary Sue Hurdt
Director of Events & Programs

Ann Schafer

Director of Finance 
Lynn Richter
Administrative Assistant

Newsletter Links Divider 

Social Networking Links

Facebook Web Logo

Twitter Web Logo 

Linked In Web Logo

YouTube Web Logo 


Flickr logo   






Newsletter Links Divider

The Chamber Appreciates the Support of Our

Sustaining Level Members

Airtron Logo
Airtron Heating & Air

Frost Bank Logo
Frost Bank


Jefferson Bank Logo
Jefferson Bank

 Newsletter Links Divider