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Upcoming Events in 2012 |
Muldersdorf, Republic of South Africa
June 12-13
SAIMM - School on Production of Manganese Ferroalloys
Beijing, China
Sept 24-26
Asia Steel 2012
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
October 14-18
Scrap Supplements and Alternative Ironmaking IV Baltimore, USA
October 27-30
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Dear Newsletter Reader,
Since our March Newsletter, we are seeing several bright spots in the steel making world, with the U.S. for Q1 showing increased production of 8.3% over Q1-2011 and speeding up its rate of recovery. We also see improving conditions in a number of emerging economies.
In this Summer issue, you will read about more furnace operators that have decided to utilize the RefractoryFlex™ Program. We will also present a case where an alternative process to conventional blast furnaces; a Corex furnace, was needing new refractories in South Africa. And you will read about a manganese producer in China that has just invested in another ChillKote™ lining for a very demanding process. In June we hope to see Yiwang and many of you manganese producers in Muldersdorf, South Africa; let us take the opportunity to discuss your submerged arc furnace linings! And we will inform you about the US Steel Gary blast furnace #8 reline that is planned for next year, but where material has been purchased due to delivery times getting longer as parts of the steel industry production picking up quite well. |
More Furnace Operators Buy Important Insurance
In our last newsletter we informed you about a UCAR® FlexRepair™ that had just been delivered to TATA Steel in Jamshedpur, India. Since then, US Steel has placed their order for a large FlexRepair™ package, and several other companies have expressed interest in FlexRepair and FlexLine™ packages. The FlexRepair™ system is the instantly available repair package for small or medium sized repairs in brick or block hearth walls. FlexLine™ is a complete lining designed to fit several furnaces of different sizes. Richard Pugh, Sales Manager Europe has this to say about the RefractoryFlex™ Program: "Furnace operators are finding that they have to constantly change furnace production to meet the shifting demands of their customers. This puts abnormal strains on the hearth lining, which can lead to poor performance or even a furnace break-out. The RefractoryFlex™ System allows the operator to make a faster emergency repair if needed, or to choose the optimum time to make the repair. HotPressed™ bricks are small and easy to handle, and easily adaptable."
Learn more about the RefractoryFlex™ Program here or contact us directly to discuss this offer and your specific situation. |
Yiwang Invests in one more UCAR® ChillKote™ Lining for their Demanding Process
Yiwang Ferroalloys in the People's Republic of China, produces manganese metal in a three stage process. The first stage generates high carbon ferromanganese and a High Grade slag from primary raw materials. The second stage produces low carbon silicomanganese, also from primary raw materials. In the third stage, the High Grade slag from stage one and the low carbon silicomanganese from stage two are reacted together to manufacture the manganese metal. In order to limit the manganese recovery in the first stage of the process, a low basicity slag is used. This slag has however been very aggressive towards standard furnace linings which incorporate regular grades of carbon refractory materials. Th e result was lining campaigns of less than six months. In December 2006, a UCAR® ChillKote™ lining was installed in the 10.5 MVA, 10 meter diameter high carbon ferromanganese furnace at Yiwang. Since start up in 2007, and allowing for periods of downtime due to non-furnace related issues, this lining has now provided more than four years of service;a significant advance on what has been achieved using standard carbon lining materials. Based on these superior results, Yiwang recently decided to purchase one more ChillKote™ lining for their existing 18 MVA, 12.3 meter diameter furnace. Picture shows the installation of the NMA™ HotPressed Brick side wall in December 2006. |
The ArcelorMittal Corex 2000 Hearth Repair
In the COREX® process, non-coking coal is primarily used as the energy source and ore reductant for the production of liquid hot metal, essentially eliminating the use of metallurgical coke. Operating costs and the environmental impact are therefore lower compared to the conventional coke-oven, sinter-plant and blast-furnace production route. ArcelorMittal in South Africa operates a Corex C2000 furnace in Saldanha Bay and this fall, the hearth wall and taphole refractories needed repair. The photo on the right shows the taphole area and what remained of the existing lining. 
The mechanical repair was conducted by the contractor, SA5 Engineering, with HeaTeQ in conjunction with ANMAR-BRS as the main refractory contractor. Due to the unexpected severity of the lining wear, the demolition went slower than expected but the installation of the new UCAR® HotPressed™ Bricks went fast and without disturbances. GrafTech had two full time supervisors on site 24/7 during this repair and large quantities of NMA™ and NMD™ bricks were installed in the tap hole areas, as can be seen in the photo below. In addition to this, a decision was taken to remove the complete top 1000mm of the hearth side wall and replace it with NMA™ bricks. South African Sales Manager Hercules van der Merwe informs us that the furnace is now back in full operation.

SAIMM - School on Production of Manganese Ferroalloys

South Africa has the largest land-based manganese ore reserves and is the 3rd largest producer of high carbon ferromanganese and 4th largest producer of medium and low carbon ferromanganese. Prof. Merete Tangstad is currently leading a research group at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway which focuses on research related to manganese ferroalloy production. The aim of the course she will conduct in June 2012 in Misty Hills, Muldersdrift is to transfer the knowledge she gained through her work to role players in the South African manganese ferroalloy industry. In order to reach this goal Merete will address the following topics during the two day school:
- History of manganese
- Alloy specification and uses
- Raw materials
- Commercial production of manganese ferroalloys
- Manganese thermodynamics
- Physical properties of manganese slags
- The FeMn process-theoretical considerations
- The SiMn process-theoretical considerations
- Refining of manganese alloys
- Environmental aspects
As a leading supplier of ChillKote™ refractory linings to high productivity Mn furnaces globally, GrafTech is sponsoring this event and will at the same time make a short presentation, discussing the selection of linings and its consequences. |
US Steel Gary Blast Furnace #8 Reline
Photo courtesy of US Steel | Last time BF #8 needed a new UCAR® hearth lining was 17 years ago. In 2013 it is that time again. Hearth wall, tuyere surrounds, and parts of the bosh will be replaced with about 230 tons of NMA™ and NMD™ bricks. Although the reline is still some time away, USS secured the supply of their UCAR® lining early to ensure delivery when they needed it. Furnace #8 is a single taphole, 8.5 meter diameter small but very reliable iron producer, complete with PCI injection. The refractory choice should assure another long and trouble free campaign. |

GrafTech, HotPressed, ChillKote, C34, GR37, Grade D, NMA, NMD, RP4, SmartRam, UniGraf, RefractoryFlex, FlexLine, and FlexRepair are all trademarks of GrafTech International Holdings Inc. UCAR® is a registered trademark used under license by GrafTech International Holdings Inc. The information contained in or referred to in this newsletter is based on data believed to be reliable but GrafTech makes no warranties, express or implied, as to its accuracy and assumes no liability arising out of its use. GrafTech's liability to purchasers is expressly limited to the terms and conditions of sale. ©2012 GrafTech International Holdings Inc.