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September 2011                                                                  Issue 18  

POSCO Kwangyang Installation in Korea
CYMCO Installation in China
AISTech 2011-Very well Attended
Pirson Refractories Providing Emergency Repairs
METEC #8-Largest in the World









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The 125th Challenge 

 Anniversary Image Horz

Our company challenged each of our sales and plant locations to come up with something community-based to celebrate and honor our 125th anniversary.  See below for a sampling of these events.

Monterrey, Mexico-The company doctor saw 125 medical appointments at the local community center.

Salvador, Brazil-Team donated 125 food baskets to a local food shelter.

St. Marys, Pennsylvania (USA)-Created 125 care packages for victims of abuse.

Pamplona, Spain-Team facilitated an event in May for 125 adults with disabilities.

Shanghai, China-Gave away 125 first aid bags to local residents.

Dear Customer,


This great Summer has passed in a blur and Fall is upon us already. GrafTech has enjoyed a very exciting year celebrating 125 years of business thanks to you, our valued customers, and we hope to be around 125 more years.  We have attended and participated in several conferences so far this year and you will read more about two of these events below.

In addition, you will read about the successful installations of Chillkote™ linings in Manganese furnaces in Korea and China.  We will also remind you of the emergency services and materials offered by Pirson. Later this month, we will present a paper at the IFAPA conference in India - read more about that event in our December Newsletter. 



The UCAR® Refractory Systems Team

POSCO Kwangyang Installation in Korea


POS Hi Metal Celebration

Team Celebrating Installation Progress

POS Himetal, a joint venture between POSCO and Dongbu Metal in Korea, has built a new submerged arc furnace and installed a ChillKote™ lining to produce manganese alloys. The GrafTech supervisors were present on site from April 20 to May 23 and the brick laying quality was next to flawless. The operators are expecting a long and trouble free campaign for this SiMn furnace, which is rated at 30 MVA and has a shell diameter of 11.1 meters. The UCAR® ChillKote™ system installed includes NMA™ and NMD™ HotPressed™ bricks for the wall, well proven GradeD™ carbon blocks for the bottom, and CJR™ graphite for the bottom, walls, and taphole components. The furnace, the first to utilize our freeze lining technology in Korea, was started on August 2nd.

CYMCO Installation China


Yunnan Metallurgical Group (CYMCO) has presently two 30 MVA Ferro-manganese smelting furnaces under construction and several smaller FeMn furnaces in operation. They have just built a state-of-the-art 68 MVA furnace to boost their production capacity. This is the largest FeMn furnace in China so far.

CYMKO Kunming

Above photo depicts the tap hole at the CYMCO manganese furnace utilizing the UCAR® design and materials.

The order for the furnace refractory lining was placed with GrafTech, based on excellent performance and extended lining life these refractories have proven to offer operators of large Submerged Arc Furnaces around the world.  GrafTech cooperated with Metix on this project, one of the leading South African engineering companies. The installation of the UCAR® ChillKote™ lining was supervised by GrafTech from April 9 to May 20, ensuring that this 13,8 meter diameter furnace will offer CYMCO a very reliable manganese smelting furnace for many years to come.

POS Himetal and CYMCO join a long list of premier ferroalloy producers around the world who are taking advantage of the ChillKote™ system, including: 


  • Assmang Cato Ridge, South Africa
  • Ferbasa, Brazil
  • Ferrometals Witbank, South Africa
  • Hernic Ferrochrome, South Africa
  • Minera Autlan, Mexico
  • BHP Billiton Metalloys, South Africa
  • SA Chrome, South Africa
  • Temco, Australia
  • Tubatse Ferrochrome, South Africa
  • XSTRATA, South Africa
  • Yiwang Ferroalloys, China
  • Jindal Stainless Ltd (JSL), India
  • VALE Manganese, France 
  • AISTech 2011 - A Very Well Attended Conference 


    In May, Indianapolis was the location for the AISTech conference this year. In the largest steel exposition in North America, hundreds of technical papers were presented. On the first day of the conference, Shougang Jingtang presented, together with Magneco/Metrel Inc, a paper titled; "Two World Class, Super-Sized, Modern Blast Furnaces Blow-in and Operation Results". It tells the story about two of the world's largest blast furnaces, Shougang Jingtang #1 and #2, with an effective inner volume of 5,500m³.  We would like to quote a short section from this excellent paper; "High quality refractories were selected scientifically and installed with great care and provided the important foundation to achieve a long campaign of the first generation".



    Picture shows Shougang Jingtang #2 under construction in September 2009

    The hearth wall lining included both NMA™ and NMD™ HotPressed™ bricks manufactured in our Lawrenceburg, Tennessee facility.


    It could be noted that in China UCAR® Refractory System hearths with the unique HotPressed™ Bricks are presently installed in eleven (11) blast furnaces larger than 4,000m³.  This could be compared to the total of four (4) furnaces in that size range utilizing imported carbon hearth materials  from other suppliers.  The conclusion:  Super sized blast furnaces in China rely on the performance of HotPressed™ bricks.  


    Thanks for visiting us in our exhibit and we hope to see you all again at the AISTech 2012 conference in Atlanta. 


    AIST Booth 2011

    Pirson Refractories Providing Emergency Repairs  

    Pirson Logo


    Pirson Refractories, the European installation experts, and GrafTech can provide all furnace operators a unique offer in case of lining disasters. With large carbon hearth wall blocks cracking like this, you just never know...  


    Carbon Block 

    • 1st assessment by Pirson within 24 hours after being contacted.
    • Solution planning starting within 24 hours.
    • Pirson repair scenario utilizing UCAR® Refractory Systems carbon and graphite material fully available within 48 hours!

    For further information and details about these services, call or email Pirson 24 hours a day, 365 days a year:


    tel:  +31 251 - 27 24 12

    fax: +31 251 - 27 44 59



    More info here.

    METEC #8 and ECIC #6 arranged in Germany this Summer


    Metec in Dusseldorf is the largest metallurgical trade fair in the world.  


    The best metallurgy minds in the world met at this the 8th International Metallurgical Technology Trade Fair held in Düsseldorf, 28 June - 02 July. During the five METEC fair days, almost 79,000 visitors met with the 1,958 exhibitors. GrafTech hosted a large number of visitors from around the globe, taking the opportunity to hold face-to-face meetings with several customers and potential customers.  


    Winner of Apple iPAD


    Mr. MUSTAFA BINGÜL, Meltshop Manager ÇOLAKOĞLU METALURJI A.Ş.  won the Apple iPAD featured in our booth during METEC after seeing the ArchiTech™ Furnace Optimization System demo.  You can also learn more about this GrafTech system, used by an increasing number of EAF steel makers here. 


    As for those of you that did not get the correct answers to our Metec Refractory Quiz at our exhibit, you can access the answers here.


    We are already looking forward to the next Metec trade fair, scheduled for the summer of 2015.

     METEC Booth


    Redefining Limits

    GrafTech, HotPressed, ChillKote, C34, GR37, Grade D, NMA, NMD, RP4, SmartRam, UniGraf, RefractoryFlex, FlexLine, and FlexRepair are all trademarks of GrafTech International Holdings Inc.  UCAR® is a registered trademark used under license by GrafTech International Holdings Inc.  The information contained in or referred to in this newsletter is based on data believed to be reliable but GrafTech makes no warranties, express or implied, as to its accuracy and assumes no liability arising out of its use.  GrafTech's liability to purchasers is expressly limited to the terms and conditions of sale.  ©2011 GrafTech International Holdings Inc.