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Dear Newsletter Reader,
We are aware that your email inbox is, like ours, probably overflowing. We are therefore appreciative of the fact that you are spending a couple of minutes reading this material. We sincerely hope you will find at least some of it interesting and worth your effort. The feed-back we are getting from our readers is not only very useful in our effort to continuously improve, but so far, it has been very positive regarding the content of the Newsletters.
In this issue, you will read about two large metallurgical conferences that took place this summer, about AHMSA BF #6 - a new blast furnace in Mexico and the news about another large manganese furnaces to be built in China. Hope you enjoy it and as always we value your feedback and any suggestions you may have for material you would like to see covered in future issues! |
INFACON XII-A Success in Finland!

Even though the financial market for ferroalloys might not be as favorable as when the last Infacon was held in New Delhi, we were delighted to see a good number of delegates coming to sunny Helsinki and the Marina Congress Center in June. There were almost 400 delegates representing 120 organizations from more than 35 countries. As always, the Infacon atmosphere was great and we all had a chance to meet old friends and to be acquainted with new ones during technical sessions and an extensive social program. Many of the delegates also took part in the post-congress technical tours offered.

There were a total of 78 oral presentations and 19 posters in the program. UCAR® Refractory Systems presented one paper; "New Refractory Lining Direction at Jindal Stainless FeCr Furnace #1 and #2" and one poster; "Campaign Extensions for Ferroalloy Furnaces with improved Tap Hole Repair System". Both were presented by Colette Coetzee, GrafTech's Application Manager from South Africa, depicted in the above photo answering challenging questions from the audience. The conference proceedings includes these as well as all the other 95 papers in two volumes, totaling 955 pages. It will be available for public sale in December 2010.
INFACON XIII will be arranged in Almaty, Kazakhstan in 2013, and we look forward to another great congress. |
The AMM 2010
Kazakhstan International Conference-A Well Attended Event
As you saw above, the next Infacon will be held in The Republic of Kazakhstan 2013. Here is a report from another important conference that was held in this, the 9th largest country in the world, this summer. The conference was a new industry event covering the mineral resources and metallurgy sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RoK).
Ambitious objectives were stated to be:
Create in the city of Astana new format industry event based on latest advances of world exhibition business.
Contribute in attracting investments in the sector of mineral resources and metallurgy. Contribution in transition from raw appeal of the economy towards technological science-intensive services in the industry of RoK.
Enhance Astana's potential as a platform of interaction between governmental authorities and business structures.
Support for Kazakhstani producers and industry as a whole.
The list of speakers included former Prime Minister Mr. Tony Blair, the president of RoK Mr. Nazarbayen and Mr. Lakshmi Mittal.
Mr Eduard Goncharov, long time GrafTech business partner in the CIS, presented the paper, "New concept of refractory linings for blast furnace hearths in Russia and Ukraine", a paper he had written together with Messrs. Sylven, Murat and Kuznetsov. The paper described the UCAR® blast furnace lining concept and materials and why operators in both the Ukraine and Russia are planning to install UCAR® Refractory Systems' products in their furnace hearths.
The conference was very well attended and a great success and we congratulate the organizers and hope that this will be an annual event as planned by the committee. Please do not hesitate to contact us for a copy of the paper presented. |
AHMSA-First Blast Furnace in North America in over 30 years!
Altos Hornos de Mexico S.A. (AHMSA) recently completed the installation of the UCAR® Refractory System in their new blast furnace #6. The #6 furnace in Monclova, Coahuila, Mexico, is actually the first completely new blast furnace to be constructed in North America in 30 years. The last one was in Ontario, Canada, in 1980. For this new furnace, GrafTech supplied refractories for the hearth pad, wall, tuyere breast, bosh, belly and lower stack. On hand 24/7 during the installation were experienced GrafTech supervisors Mr. Marcie Lollini and Mr. Lou Bartolucci. The furnace is projected to be blown-in late 2010 and has a daily capacity of 4,000MT. The above photo shows Mr. Felipe Aldama Pérez, AHMSA's Refractory Superintendent, and Mr. Bill Cook, GrafTech Commercial Manager, discussing the installation of the hearth pad in early March 2010. |
CYMCO Largest SAF in China so Far
Yunnan Metallurgical Group (CYMCO) has presently two 30 MVA Ferro-manganese smelting furnaces under construction and several smaller FeMn furnaces in operation. They are now planning to build a 68 MVA furnace to boost their production capacity. This will be the largest FeMn furnace in China so far, but we believe that this is the start of a conversion from smaller to larger high productivity submerged arc furnaces and expect to see more constructed in the near future.
The order for the furnace refractory lining has been placed with GrafTech, based on excellent performance and extended lining life these refractories have proven to offer operators of large manganese furnaces around the world. GrafTech will work together with Metix on this project, one of the leading South African engineering companies. The lining material will ship this year and includes well known products such as NMA™ , NMD™, GradeD™ carbon and graphite products. Once installed in the 13,8 meter diameter furnace crucible, this will offer CYMCO a very reliable manganese smelting furnace for many years to come. |
GrafTech Opens Learning Center in Parma, Ohio To Promote Lean Principles to Employees Worldwide!
With a goal of training 100 percent of employees worldwide in Lean Manufacturing principles, GrafTech International, the world leader in advanced carbon and graphite materials, has opened a state-of-the-art Learning Center at its R&D facility and corporate headquarters in Parma, Ohio. Craig Shular, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President of GrafTech cut the ribbon at the official opening on June 23rd.
Remodeling more than 6,000 square-feet of space to accommodate the facility, GrafTech's Learning Center features the most advanced classroom concepts and latest in electronic tools. The Center is also equipped for remote conferencing capabilities that will enable GrafTech to have interactive meetings and seminars with its 11 manufacturing sites and approximately 2,200 employees on four continents. Seating is arranged in an unique star design allowing for dynamic learning and break-out areas for smaller group sessions. It also includes a 4,000 square-foot atrium with catering capabilities for hosting customers and employees.

"The primary goal of this training center is to educate employees around the world on Lean Principles that drive waste out of manufacturing and internal processes, enabling GrafTech to provide our customers the highest value products while growing both our Industrial Material and Engineered Solutions businesses," said Joseph Tucker, GrafTech's manager of organizational development. Lean Principles are part of GrafTech's commitment to continuous improvement. Lean Principles identify wastes, defined as costs that have no direct customer value, and continuously remove them from the system. Though rooted in manufacturing, Lean Principles are also applied to internal processes. As part of the Lean strategy, the company has conducted a high number of transactional Kaizens, that have driven significant improvement in Financial, Legal, Human Resource, and IT functions. The effort continues with increased intensity and each Kaizen consists of cross-functional teams that include operations employees as well as line, staff and business executives. "The end results will ultimately greatly benefit all our refractory customers around the world, " says Peter Sylvén, Marketing Director, UCAR® Refractory Systems. "By using Lean, we are creating more value for our customers." |

GrafTech, HotPressed, ChillKote, C34, GR37, Grade D, NMA, NMD, RP4, SmartRam, UniGraf, RefractoryFlex, FlexLine, and FlexRepair are all trademarks of GrafTech International Holdings Inc. UCAR® is a registered trademark used under license by GrafTech International Holdings Inc. The information contained in or referred to in this newsletter is based on data believed to be reliable but GrafTech makes no warranties, express or implied, as to its accuracy and assumes no liability arising out of its use. GrafTech's liability to purchasers is expressly limited to the terms and conditions of sale. ©2010 GrafTech International Holdings Inc. |