March 2010                                                                                    Issue 12

Norinco Representing GrafTech In India
Corus Queen Anne-A very productive furnace
INFACON XII in Helsinki this Summer
FERBASA-Outstanding Lining Performance
John Davidson to receive the 2010 Thomas L. Joseph Award
April 12-16, 2010
May 3-6, 2010 
Pittsburg, PA, USA
May 23-26, 2010
Sao Paulo, Brazil
June 6-9, 2010
Helsinki, Finland
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Dear Valued Customer: 
When we sent you our last Newsletter in December, the global economy was just beginning to pull out of a recession. It seems we are now slowly moving towards a sustainable recovery. Steel prices are still vulnerable but we see that furnaces are being started up again. Inventory levels remain low but further improvements in the commercial construction and automotive markets are expected. Growing economies are expected to thrive, even in a post-stimulus package environment. Iron makers and ferroalloy producers around the world are presently investing in the future of their companies, upgrading their plants and improving the economy in their production, long and short term. Many of the long term investments include the rebuilding and relining of furnaces. It is a matter of exiting the downturn 100% prepared to handle the upturn.
In this issue, you will read about our new representative in India as well as see examples of great performing refractory linings in both blast furnaces and ferroalloy furnaces. We will tell you more about the upcoming INFACON XII conference in June and our participation.
Norinco Representing GrafTech in India
Gateway of India
GrafTech is pleased to announce that Norinco isrepresenting our company in India. Norinco Private Limited is a multi-faceted company that represents suppliers of quality goods from all over the world and has a broad client base in India. The company has been in this business in India since 1942 and today has a team of over 110 employees spread out over 8 branches. For several years Norinco has very successfully assisted GrafTech in selling graphite electrodes to the Indian market.  
Please use the following contact info for refractory support:
Mr. Manoj Grover / Mr. Nandan Tavanandi

Norinco Private Ltd.

301-302, New Prabhadevi Road

Prabhadevi, Mumbai - 400025, India

 Norinco Logo

Phone:          +91 22 2438 9712 , 13

Mobile:         +91 9892140032


Big Things Come in Small Packages-a productive hearth lining that lasts!

Corus UK Queen Anne furnace at Scunthorpe works has completed 10 years of operation in 2010.  The Queen Anne furnace was relined in 2000 with GrafTech's HotPressed™ carbon bricks in the hearth wall.  The furnace has a hearth diameter of 9m, a working volume of 1629m3 and has produced over 12 million metric tonnes of hot metal over the 10-year record breaking campaign.  Since the start of the campaign Corus UK have increased coal injection rates to 200kg/thm and also increased production rates to c. 2.8thm/m3.  These levels of operation are still being sustained today with no significant wear to the carbon lining.

Corus Scunthorpe changed the carbon refractory lining design on their furnaces to GrafTech's HotPressed™ carbon bricks in the mid-1980's and since that time no hearth breakouts have occurred in any of the furnaces!


When asked why Corus Scunthorpe continues to use GrafTech HotPressed™ carbon bricks for the hearth walls of all four blast furnaces, Iron Works Manager Mr. Dave Collins stated:  "We use GrafTech HotPressed™ carbon bricks because they are tried and tested, suitable for the Scunthorpe operating philosophy and provide certainty throughout the campaign."


Corus Scunthorpe

INFACON XII - hope to see you in the land of midnight sun this summer! 


The INFACON Congresses, held since 1974, have brought together people from different areas of ferroalloys industrial and scientific community to discuss and to share information on latest innovations in the field.   Gustaf MannerheimIn Helsinki in June, it is the desire of the Organizing Committee to bring together experts from various fields of ferroalloys. Fundamentals, technological developments and industrial practices are essential for the construction of new production units and for improving existing plants, as well as for advanced operation and process control. Many of us met at INFACON XI in New Delhi 2007, where we presented the paper; "Application of UCAR® ChillKote™ Lining to Ilmenite Smelting".

(The equestrian statue of Marshal Gustaf Mannerheim has a central place in Helsinki )

In Helsinki this summer, we will present one paper; "New Refractory Lining Direction at Jindal Stainless FeCr Furnace #1 and #2" and present one poster:  "Campaign Extensions for Ferroalloy Furnaces with improved Tap Hole Repair System".


INFACON is the largest ferroalloy event on the planet and always well worth attending. We hope to see you in Finland in June!

Brazilian Ferrochrome Producer FERBASA Satisfied with all of their Six ChillKote™ Linings 

FERBASA (Companhia Ferro Ligas da Bahia SA) is the largest ferrochrome producer in Latin America. The company operates six medium size submerged arc furnaces and two small refining furnaces, with a total estimated capacity of 200,000 t/year of LC and HC FeCr. In addition, the company has its own chromium ore reserves, located some 400 km from their smelting operation in Pojuca, State of Bahia, Brazil.


FERBASA has always strived for continuous improvement and in 1998 they decided to evaluate the advantages of the GrafTech ChillKote™ lining over the old insulated lining. The recorded superior performance of the GrafTech system as compared to their old lining technology triggered a plan for the complete conversion of all furnaces.  This 100% conversion was finalized in 2007.



Quoting Mr. Carlos Temporal, Production Manager FeCr:  "The GrafTech ChillKote™ Linings have made it possible to safely operate all furnaces at high productivity, thus creating a very positive impact on FERBASA's profitability".

John Davidson to receive the 2010 Thomas L. Joseph Award at the AISTech in May


Well known UK-based ironmaker John Davidson,

Lincs Ironmasters Ltd., will be awarded the 2010 Thomas L. Joseph Award. This award was established in 1965 to honor a devoted teacher and scientist, Thomas L. Joseph, who contributed much in the fundamental studies of blast furnace reactions. 

AIST Banner-Vertical

This award is conferred for distinguished contributions in the fields of ironmaking and ore agglomeration technology, including improvements in methods of selection and preparation of ore for use in the manufacture of iron.  These developments have lead to greater efficiency in the use of raw materials in ironmaking, and improvements in the design, operation and productivity of the Blast Furnace.  AIST will present this award to Mr. Davidson at the AIST Ironmaking Technology Committee meeting at AISTech 2010 in May. Earlier recipients of this prestigious award include Luc Bonte, Wolfgang Kowalski, Fred Rorick, Joe Poveromo, Jacobus van Laar and Frank Fisher Sr.
We would love to hear from you and receive feedback on how we are doing!
If you have suggestions for articles or information that you would like to see, please feel free to contact us! Also, if you know of someone who would value this information, please feel free to forward it to them.
GrafTech Refractory Team
GrafTech, HotPressed, ChillKote, C34, GR37, Grade D, NMA, NMD, RP4, SmartRam, UniGraf, RefractoryFlex, FlexLine, and FlexRepair are all trademarks of GrafTech International Holdings Inc.  UCAR® is a registered trademark used under license by GrafTech International Holdings Inc.  The information contained in or referred to in this newsletter is based on data believed to be reliable but GrafTech makes no warranties, express or implied, as to its accuracy and assumes no liability arising out of its use.  GrafTech's liability to purchasers is expressly limited to the terms and conditions of sale.  ©2010 GrafTech International Holdings Inc.