Rainy Day Books, Inc.

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Rainy Day Books
Rainy Day Books is located in
The Fairway Shops
2706 W 53rd Street
Fairway, Kansas 66205-1705
Phone: 913-384-3126

Store Hours:
Mon/Tue/Wed/Thu/Fri 10 to 6 and Saturdays 10 to 5
Sundays we are Home with our families and friends when we read and rest!

In This Newsletter
At a glance, our complete Author Events Calendar, watch for changes and updates!



8/22  Bruce DeSilva  


8/28  Tessa Gratton




9/12  Joe Posnanski


9/20  Gretchen Rubin


9/24  Paul Dorrell


9/27  Jeffrey Toobin


9/29  William Kent Krueger




10/2  Ayad Akhtar


10/9  Lauren Oliver


10/15  Gennifer Albin 


10/22  Matt Inman


10/24  Kate Morton 


10/29  Kate White


10/30  David Sedaris

The Fab FourAugust 18, 2012



The Fab Four: The Ultimate Tribute

to The Beatles


The Fab Four will appear on KCPT Public Television 19

During the PBS Membership Drive

Sunday, August 19, 2012 from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM

and from 10:00 PM to 12:00 AM, Midnight

Watch The Fab Four and Pledge to Support KCPT & PBS


The Fab Four will perform in Concert at The Midland

Saturday, September 29, 2012, 8:00 PM

Attend The Fab Four Concert at The Midland by AMC

KCPT and 94.9 KCMO Co-Sponsor The Fab Four


Win a Ticket to The Fab Four Concert

at The Midland by AMC!

Match the Names of The Fab Four with the Names of

The Beatles and the Instruments that each member plays:


       The Fab Four:  Ardy, Erik, Gavin and Ron

       The Beatles:  John, Paul, George and Ringo

       The Instruments:  Bass Guitar, Drums, Lead Guitar and                Rhythm Guitar


E-mail your Answer to Mailbox@RainyDayBooks.com


The first 12 Customers that match the Names and Instruments correctly will Win a Ticket to The Fab Four Concert

at The Midland by AMC!


Burke Doeren and Roger Doeren, a Son and Dad Team are pictured here in the center with The Fab Four and the Crew

at the completion of the PBS Special Concert Production.

The Fab Four with Burke and Roger Doeren 01062012
Burke Doeren Productions
Burke Doeren was the Assistant Director & Editor for MindFox Productions for The Fab Four PBS Special that appears on KCPT Public Television 19.  Now, Burke Doeren Productions
creates Cinematic and Photographic works for his own Clients.


The Fab Four at The Midland by AMC 08182012


Check Out the Events Calendar for other fantastic Concerts and Performances coming to The Midland by AMC!

Thank You for supporting Your Community Bookseller, Rainy Day Books

Since 1975, we have pursued our Legacy of Literacy: 37 years of helping match readers to great books, bringing famous and soon-to-be-famous names to Kansas City, and enjoying the excitement of sharing so many experiences.


Take the time to tell someone new about Rainy Day Books.  Each book that you purchase at Rainy Day Books makes Rainy Day Books a place authors ask to visit, a vibrant part of Kansas City's arts community, and a bookstore where people love books enough to talk about them all day long.  Please encourage your fellow readers to sign up for this E-Newsletter.  We have an exciting schedule of upcoming Author Events, and this is the first place to hear about them!  We also take Orders for Author Autographed Books, so your friends far and wide can share in the experience.


Rainy Day Books is located in The Fairway Shops, at the intersection of Shawnee Mission Parkway and Belinder Road.  Our address is 2706 W 53rd Street, Fairway, Kansas (KS) 66205.


Get directions to Rainy Day Books and our Event venues by clicking here. 


Store Hours:  Mon/Tue/Wed/Thu/Fri 10 AM to 6 PM, Sat 10 AM to 5 PM, and Sundays we read, rest and enjoy our families and friends.


When you shop at Rainy Day Books you're a part of our Legacy of Literacy for Kansas City.  We provide full service, knowledgeable recommendations and priceless Author Event experiences, all at a fair price.  To our customers, 

thank you for your support. 


We look forward to seeing you soon!


Vivien Jennings & Roger Doeren  

Vivien, Roger, and all of your friends at Rainy Day Books