Rainy Day Books, Inc.

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Rainy Day Books
Rainy Day Books is located in
The Fairway Shops
2706 W 53rd Street
Fairway, Kansas 66205-1705
Phone: 913-384-3126

Store Hours:
Mon/Tue/Wed/Thu/Fri  10 to 6
Saturdays                     10 to 5
Sundays we are away with our families and friends when we read and rest!

In This Newsletter
Open this Sunday 1-4 PM!
We picked our Best Books of 2011
At a glance, our complete Author Events Calendar, watch for changes and updates!


2012 details coming soon! 


Support your local Independent Bookseller; Shop for competitively priced E-Books for your E-Reader from Rainy Day Books.  Shop local, read mobile.
Rainy Day Books offers you E-Books through our partnership with Google eBooks. All our E-Books are competitively priced.

Volume 562December 12, 2011



Since 1975, we've been selling great Books in The Fairway Shops of Kansas City.  We've grown during those years and we are true to what we do best: matching enthusiastic readers with great Books.  Our Customers say that they have their best shopping experience at Rainy Day Books!  We're more than Independent Booksellers, we're a company of knowledgeable lifelong readers.  We thrive on talking with people about the Books that we know and sell, and we like to build faithful, loyal and lifelong relationships with our Customers, so that we can suggest new authors for them to read.  We want to keep our happy satisfied Customers coming back and we want to sell them the last Book that they buy.


We know that our Customers have choices about where Books are sold, and we thank you for shopping with us as often as possible.  We carefully select the best Books from the thousands that are published each year and we hope that the Books that you buy from us provide you with the edification, enlightenment and entertainment that you desire. 


We appreciate and are grateful for the gifts that we receive.  Our Customers and our Community are the best in the world and they are our greatest gifts.

When you shop at our Bookstore, say hello at some of our many Author Events, and tell someone new about Rainy Day Books, we feel profoundly happy and together, we keep the spirit of reading alive and well in our Community.  That is our "Legacy of Literacy."


On behalf of all of us at Rainy Day Books, thank you for making this year and particularly this holiday season joyful and rewarding.  May your holiday season be bright and wonderful as well!


Vivien Jennings & Roger Doeren

Special Open House Hours this Sunday from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM

This Sunday, December 18th, Rainy Day Books will be OPEN for your Shopping enjoyment from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM. 


Our helpful and knowledgeable Staff is always ready to handle all your shopping needs, including complimentary high quality gift wrapping.  Plus, there's still time for us to help you find those ideal gifts that keep on giving!  Remember, we Special Order Books every business day.  So, let us help you find those ideal Books for yourself and others, now and throughout the Happy New Year!

We picked the Best Books of 2011!

Last week, our well read Staff selected many of their favorite Books of 2011.  Check out our lists and see how many you've read!


From debut novels to keepsakes, in 2011 there were so many great Books it was hard to make a short list.

Thank You for supporting Your Community Bookseller, Rainy Day Books

We celebrated 35 years of bookselling on November 4, 2010.  It is a celebration of our Legacy of Literacy: 35 years of helping match readers to great books, bringing famous and soon-to-be-famous names to Kansas City, and enjoying the excitement of sharing so many experiences.


Take the time to tell someone new about Rainy Day Books.  Each book that you purchase at Rainy Day Books makes Rainy Day Books a place authors ask to visit, a vibrant part of Kansas City's arts community, and a bookstore where people love books enough to talk about them all day long.  Please encourage your fellow readers to sign up for this E-Newsletter.  We have an exciting schedule of upcoming Author Events, and this is the first place to hear about them!  We also take Orders for Author Autographed Books, so your friends far and wide can share in the experience.


Rainy Day Books is located in The Fairway Shops, at the intersection of Shawnee Mission Parkway and Belinder Road.  Our address is 2706 W 53rd Street, Fairway, Kansas (KS) 66205.


Get directions to Rainy Day Books and our Event venues by clicking here. 


Store Hours:  Mon/Tue/Wed/Thu/Fri 10 AM to 6 PM, Sat 10 AM to 5 PM, and Sundays we read, rest and enjoy our families and friends.


When you shop at Rainy Day Books you're a part of our Legacy of Literacy for Kansas City.  We provide full service, knowledgeable recommendations and priceless Author Event experiences, all at a fair price.  To our customers, 

thank you for your support. 


We look forward to seeing you soon!


Vivien Jennings & Roger Doeren  

Vivien, Roger, and all of your friends at Rainy Day Books