Rainy Day Books, Inc.

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Rainy Day Books
Rainy Day Books is located in
The Fairway Shops
2706 W 53rd Street
Fairway, Kansas 66205-1705
Phone: 913-384-3126

Store Hours:
Mon/Tue/Wed/Fri      10-6
Thursday                   10-7
Saturday                    10-5
Sunday we rest and read! 

In This Newsletter
Coming up Monday June 6: Francisco Goldman
Coming up Tuesday June 7: Tessa Gratton
Just added: Discover The Gift, discussion and film preview
Just added: Tom Wilson appears for the 40th Anniversary of Ziggy
The Pleasures of Reading in An Age of Distraction
A Mountain of Crumbs
Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter
Best Busy Year Ever
Relic Master: The Dark City
At a glance, our complete author events schedule, watch for changes and updates!


Francisco Goldman, author of Say Her Name, appears on Monday, June 6, 2011 at 7:00 PM at Rainy Day Books.

Tessa Gratton, author of Blood Magic, appears on Tuesday, June 7, 2011 at 7:00 PM at Rainy Day Books.

Jeff Guinn, author of The Last Gunfight, appears on Thursday, June 16, 2011 at 7:00 PM at Johnson County Central Resource Branch.

Discover The Gift, a special evening with Demian Lichtenstein and Shajen Joy Aziz on Friday, June 17, 2011 at 7:00 PM at Unity Temple on The Plaza. 

Tom Wilson appears to celebrate the 40th Annniversary of the comic strip Ziggy on Tuesday, June 28, 2011 at 6:30 PM at Kansas City Public Library, Plaza Branch. 


Georgette Jones, author of The Three of Us, appears on Thursday, July 7, 2011 at 7:00 PM at Unity Temple on The Plaza.

Sapphire, author of The Kid, appears on Thursday, July 14, 2011 at 7:00 PM at Unity Temple on The Plaza. 

Jennifer Weiner, author of Then Came You, appears on Friday, July 15, 2011 at 7:00 PM at Unity Temple on The Plaza.

Jim Butcher, author of Ghost Storyappears on Tuesday, July 26, 2011 at 7:00 PM at Unity Temple on The Plaza.

Maggie Stiefvater, author of Forever, appears on Wednesday, July 27, 2011 at 7:00 PM at Unity Temple on The Plaza.


Julie Garwood, author of The Ideal Man, appears on Tuesday, August 9, 2011.


And watch for details soon on Calvin Trillin, Martha Stewart, and more!

Support your local independent bookseller: Shop for competitively priced E-Books for your e-reader from Rainy Day Books. Shop local, read mobile.
Rainy Day Books offers you e-books through our partnership with Google eBooks. All our e-books are competitively priced. 
Living In The Village
Living In The Village
Art Of Community
The Art Of Community
Reluctant Capitalists
Reluctant Capitalists

Volume 533May 23, 2011



Rainy Day Books will be closed this Saturday 5/28, Sunday 5/29, and Monday 5/30 so our staff can celebrate the Memorial Day Holiday with friends and family. www.RainyDayBooks.com is open 24 hours a day. Check out our new mobile-compatible web site on your mobile device. Browse books, browse and purchase Google E-Books, check our events calendar and more! 


UPDATE: We've received word that a patron is matching all donations to our Book Drive for Head Start of Shawnee Mission !   Please spread the word about this generous offer! 

The public is encouraged to purchase books that will be donated to Head Start of Shawnee Mission children and families.  Rainy Day Books will provide a collection bin in the store at 2706 W 53rd Street in Fairway, Kansas.  Very gently used infant/toddler/preschool books will be accepted.  Patrons may purchase a favorite book for a Head Start child by calling our Bookstore at 913-384-3126 or going online at www.RainyDayBooks.com/HeadStart 


Watch our Weekly E-Newsletters and our Website for the latest updates. 


Coming up next! 

Monday June 6: Francisco Goldman 


Francisco Goldman,  discusses his new book Say Her Name.


"Passionate and moving....beautifully written... the truth that emerges in this book has less to do with the mystery of [Aura's] death...than with the miracle of the astonishing, spirited, deeply original young woman Goldman so adored....So remarkable is this resurrection that at times I felt the book itself had a pulse."-Robin Romm, The New York Times Book Review (Front cover)


"Say Her Name brings something new to the rime of the grieving survivor: fresh supplies of imagination, ruthlessness and over-the-edge crazy love. ...The intensity, tenderness and heat of this love is extraordinary; how many of us have ever been loved so well? Or would recognize such love, were it not laid out with such intelligence and precision?"-Marion Winik, Newsday


This Event is Monday, June 6, at 7:00 PM at Rainy Day Books.


Complete details at www.RainyDayBooks.com/FranciscoGoldman 

Tessa Gratton 

Coming up next! 

Tuesday June 7: Tessa Gratton 


Kansas City native Tessa Gratton will discuss her debut novel Blood Magic.


This page-turning debut novel will entice fans who like their paranormal romances dark and disturbing. It's a natural next-read for fans of Stephanie Meyer, Carrie Jones, and Becca Fitzpatrick. But instead of mythical creatures, blood magic has everything to do with primal human desires like power, wealth, and immortality. Everywhere Silla Kennicott turns she sees blood. She can't stop thinking about her parents alleged murder-suicide. She is consumed by a book filled with spells that arrives mysteriously in the mail. The spells share one common ingredient: blood, and Silla is more than willing to cast a few. What's a little spilled blood if she can uncover the truth? And then there's Nick-the new guy at school who makes her pulse race. He has a few secrets of his own and is all too familiar with the lure of blood magic. Drawn together by a combination of fate and chemistry, Silla and Nick must find out who else in their small Missouri town knows their secret and will do anything to take the book and magic from Silla.  

This Event is Tuesday, June 7, at 7:00 PM at Rainy Day Books.


Complete details at www.RainyDayBooks.com/TessaGratton 


Discover The Gift 

JUST ADDED: Discover The Gift  


Rainy Day Books & Cornerstone Foundation invite you to preview the movie Discover The Gift and hear creators Demian Lichtenstein and Shajen Jones Aziz discuss their book to film project and sign the Discover The Gift book.

This Event is Friday, June 17, 2011 at 7:00 PM at Unity Temple on The Plaza. Admission is complimentary, all are welcome.


Complete details at www.RainyDayBooks.com/DiscoverTheGift 


Tom WIlson 

JUST ADDED: Tom Wilson 


Tom Wilson appears to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the comic strip Ziggy, and the the release of a new book commemorating the occasion.

This Event is Tuesday, June 28, 2011 at 6:30 PM at Kansas City Public Library, Plaza Branch.


Preorder signed books now at www.RainyDayBooks.com/TomWilson 




Pleasures Of Reading
The Pleasures of Reading In An Age Of Distraction

The Pleasures of Reading in an Age of Distraction

by Alan Jacobs 

Oxford University Press 


In recent years, cultural commentators have sounded the alarm about the dire state of reading in America. Americans are not reading enough, they say, or reading the right books, in the right way.
In this book, Alan Jacobs argues that, contrary to the doomsayers, reading is alive and well in America. There are millions of devoted readers supporting hundreds of enormous bookstores and online booksellers. Oprah's Book Club is hugely influential, and a recent NEA survey reveals an actual uptick in the reading of literary fiction. Jacobs's interactions with his students and the readers of his own books, however, suggest that many readers lack confidence; they wonder whether they are reading well, with proper focus and attentiveness, with due discretion and discernment. Many have absorbed the puritanical message that reading is, first and foremost, good for you--the intellectual equivalent of eating your Brussels sprouts. For such people, indeed for all readers, Jacobs offers some simple, powerful, and much needed advice: read at whim, read what gives you delight, and do so without shame, whether it be Stephen King or the King James Version of the Bible. In contrast to the more methodical approach of Mortimer Adler's classic How to Read a Book (1940), Jacobs offers an insightful, accessible, and playfully irreverent guide for aspiring readers. Each chapter focuses on one aspect of approaching literary fiction, poetry, or nonfiction, and the book explores everything from the invention of silent reading, reading responsively, rereading, and reading on electronic devices.
Invitingly written, with equal measures of wit and erudition, The Pleasures of Reading in an Age of Distraction will appeal to all readers, whether they be novices looking for direction or old hands seeking to recapture the pleasures of reading they first experienced as children.



What?: Are These the 20 Most Important Questions in Human History--Or is This a Game of 20 Questions?

by Mark Kurlansky 

Walker and Company   


What is What? Could it be that noted author Mark Kurlansky has written a very short, terrifically witty, deeply thought-provoking book entirely in the form of questions? A book that draws on philosophy, religion, literature, policy-indeed, all of civilization-to ask what may well be the twenty most important questions in human history? Or has he given us a really smart, impossibly amusing game of twenty questions? Kurlansky considers the work of Confucius, Plato, Gertrude Stein, Shakespeare, Descartes, Nietzsche, Freud, Hemingway, Emily Dickinson, the Talmud, Charles de Gaulle, Virginia Woolf, and others, distilling the deep questions of life to their sparkling essence. What? supplies endless fodder for thoughtful conversation but also endless opportunity to ponder and be challenged by-and entertained by-these questions in refreshingly original ways. As Kurlansky says, In a world that seems devoid of absolute certainties, how can we make declarative statements? Without asking the questions, how will we ever get to the answers? "Why are we here? Why is all of this here? Why do we die? What is death? What does it mean that outer space is infinite and what is after infinity? What is the significance of birdflight, why does matter decay, and how is our life different from that of a mosquito? Is there an end to these questions or is questioning as infinite as space?" With his striking black-and-white woodcut illustrations throughout, this handsome volume is a tour de force that packs a tremendous wallop in a deliciously compact package.





by Karl Marlantes  

Grove Press 


An incredible publishing story--written over the course of 30 years by a highly decorated Vietnam veteran, a "New York Times" bestseller for 16 weeks, a National Indie Next and a "USA TODAY" bestseller--"Matterhorn" is the timeless story of a young Marine lieutenant, Waino Mellas, and his comrades in Bravo Company, who are dropped into the mountain jungle of Vietnam as boys and forced to fight their way into manhood.


Mountain of Crumbs
A Mountain of Crumbs


A Mountain Of Crumbs

by Elena Gorokhova   

Simon & Schuster 


Elena Gorokhova's A Mountain of Crumbs is the moving story of a Soviet girl who discovers the truths adults are hiding from her and the lies her homeland lives by. Elena's country is no longer the majestic Russia of literature or the tsars, but a nation struggling to retain its power and its pride. Born with a desire to explore the world beyond her borders, Elena finds her passion in the complexity of the English language-but in the Soviet Union of the 1960s such a passion verges on the subversive. Elena is controlled by the state the same way she is controlled by her mother, a mirror image of her motherland: overbearing, protective, difficult to leave. In the battle between a strong-willed daughter and her authoritarian mother, the daughter, in the end, must break free and leave in order to survive.

Through Elena's captivating voice, we learn not only the stories of Russian family life in the second half of the twentieth century, but also the story of one rebellious citizen whose curiosity and determination finally transport her to a new world. It is an elegy to the lost country of childhood, where those who leave can never return.

Crooked Letter
Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter


Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter

by Tom Franklin 

Harper Perennial


In the 1970s, Larry Ott and Silas "32" Jones were boyhood pals in a small town in rural Mississippi. Their worlds were as different as night and day: Larry was the child of lower-middle-class white parents, and Silas, the son of a poor, black single mother. But then Larry took a girl to a drive-in movie and she was never seen or heard from again. He never confessed . . . and was never charged.

More than twenty years have passed. Larry lives a solitary, shunned existence, never able to rise above the whispers of suspicion. Silas has become the town constable. And now another girl has disappeared, forcing two men who once called each other "friend" to confront a past they've buried for decades.

Best Busy Year Ever
Best Busy Year Ever

Best Busy Year Ever

by Richard Scarry  



A classic Richard Scarry Busytown picture book-back in print!
Scarry captures all the hustle and bustle of Busytown through a series of delightful, brightly illustrated stories. Flossie, Big Hilda, Mother Cat, Squeaky Mouse, and a cast of Scarry's popular characters are off to pick spring flowers, watch fireworks at the Pig family picnic, help the mail carrier deliver letters, and celebrate holidays, family, and friends. It's the best busy year ever!  


Relic Master: The Dark City
Relic Master: The Dark City

Relic Master: The Dark City

by Catherine Fisher

Dial Press


Welcome to Anara, a world mysteriously crumbling to devastation, where nothing is what it seems: Ancient relics emit technologically advanced powers, members of the old Order are hunted by the governing Watch yet revered by the people, and the great energy that connects all seems to also be destroying all. The only hope for the world lies in Galen, a man of the old Order and a Keeper of relics, and his sixteen-year-old apprentice, Raffi. They know of a secret relic with great power that has been hidden for centuries. As they search for it, they will be tested beyond their limits. For there are monsters-some human, some not-that also want the relic's power and will stop at nothing to get it.


Thank You for supporting Your Community Bookseller, Rainy Day Books

We celebrated 35 years of bookselling on November 4, 2010.  It is a celebration of our Legacy of Literacy: 35 years of helping match readers to great books, bringing famous and soon-to-be-famous names to Kansas City, and enjoying the excitement of sharing so many experiences.

Take the time to tell someone new about Rainy Day Books.  Each book that you purchase at Rainy Day Books makes Rainy Day Books a place authors ask to visit, a vibrant part of Kansas City's arts community, and a bookstore where people love books enough to talk about them all day long.  Please encourage your fellow readers to sign up for this E-Newsletter.  We have an exciting schedule of upcoming Author Events, and this is the first place to hear about them!  We also take Orders for Author Autographed Books, so your friends far and wide can share in the experience.


Rainy Day Books is located in The Fairway Shops, at the intersection of Shawnee Mission Parkway and Belinder Road.  Our address is 2706 W 53rd Street, Fairway, Kansas (KS) 66205.


Get directions to Rainy Day Books and our Event venues by clicking here. 


Store Hours: Mon/Tue/Wed/Fri 10 AM to 6 PM, Thu 10 AM to 7 PM, Sat 10 AM to 5 PM, and Sundays we rest and read.


When you shop at Rainy Day Books you're a part of our Legacy of Literacy for Kansas City.  We provide full service, knowledgeable recommendations and priceless Author Event experiences, all at a fair price.  To our customers, thank you for your support. 
We look forward to seeing you soon!

Vivien Jennings & Roger Doeren  

Vivien, Roger, and all of your friends at Rainy Day Books