SeaSquared Charters
April 22, 2012

SeaSquared Charters     Marathon Family Fishing     Marathon Shark Fishing     Marathon Tarpon Fishing


April continues with good and varied fishing aboard the SeaSquared!

We had the pleasure to host families and groups of friends for all sorts of fishing ... mangrove snapper, sea trout and sharks in Florida Bay, yellowtail snapper on the reef and tarpon at Bahia Honda.

Speaking of tarpon season, if you are thinking of catching the Silver King with us, we urge you to make your reservation soon.  Our calender is filling up, and we don't want anyone to be disappointed.

TripAdvisor has come to be a very important source of new customers for us.  Please take a minute to leave us a review.  While you're there, why not review the place you stayed as well as the restaurants and attractions you enjoyed while in Marathon.  We'll all appreciate it!

Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Capt. Chris and Christy Johnson
Marathon Florida Keys
What's Catching Aboard SeaSquared Charters

The Shepherd Group

Day two for this school group from NC delivered big time! We went back to the reef for more great yellowtail action and the guys put 52 snapper in the fish box.  It was nothing short of silly.  Just take a look at the yellow brick road behind our Yamaha motors ... Read the full report ... 

The Strasser Family

It was all about the kids today! Everyone caught fish.  Even 4-year-old Ethan. And 12-year-old Emily. Mom Kristen helps out too. The Strassers had read about how family friendly we are on the SeaSquared, so they decided to make the drive to Marathon from Ramrod Key.  We think they were quite pleased with their decision. Read the full report ... 

The Bernhard Family

Ron Bernhard wanted his grandsons to fall in love with fishing in the Florida Keys. We're pretty sure this shark fishing adventure did the trick! Everyone had their turn at bringing in the huge lemon sharks. At the end of the trip, there were plenty of big smiles and sore arms and 18 sharks were Read the full report ... 

Enjoy the video...
Marathon Florida Keys shark fishing pandemomiun, part 2,  April 12, 2012
Marathon Florida Keys shark fishing pandemomiun, part 2, April 12, 2012

Mark and Cindy Jarrell, day one

Excellent fishing in Florida Bay! They were thrilled to get the largest sea trout they'd ever caught.  

Mark and Cindy Jarrell, day two

Big 23-inch sea trout! Bonnethead sharks, ladyfish and blue fish added to the fun. Read the full report ... 

Tony and Wayne

After a great day of fishing with his son last week, Tony Troskoski brought his buddy, Wayne Barbee, back for another outing.  Read the full report ... 

Chris and Gregg

Hooked and lost three tarpon on today's trip. The first and third tarpon hooked up jumped and broke off almost immediately.  The second, on the other hand, never jumped but gave Chris quite a run for his money through the bridge pilings before getting cut off. The tarpon population is definitely thick at Bahia Honda Read the full report ...

The Foster Family

Just what Chantal ordered! The Foster family has fished with us since we started chartering back in 2006.  Chantal is a gourmet cook and loves to make fresh snapper dinner for her family while they vacation in Key Colony Beach from Connecticut every April. The crew brought in 18 nice size mangrove snapper to about three Read the full report ... 

The Holland Family

The Holland family (and friends) had a blast on their first Florida Keys vacation! They were interested in having the experience of being on the water and seeing the variety of fish we have here in Marathon.  They wanted to keep just enough good-eating fish for dinner at Porky's. We fished on a Bay bank Read the full report ... 


To those of you who have recently posted reviews ... THANK YOU! 


Friends ... If you have fished with us ... please leave a review on TripAdvisor! 


We are proud to say we've moved up the ranks to #2 of 33 tours in Marathon.  But, our goal is to be #1!  We can only get top ranking with the help of your five-star reviews. 


 Click here to read our reviews and write one of your own.


Thanks in advance!  


Capt. Chris and Christy

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           SeaSquared Charters
Family.  Friends.  Fishing.
Capt. Chris and Christy Johnson
7 Mile Marina <> Marathon <> Florida Keys

SeaSquared Charters     Marathon Family Fishing     Marathon Shark Fishing     Marathon Tarpon Fishing

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