with Rebecca Crowell
What's ahead in 2012?
Greetings, everyone! I'm excited to share a diverse and exciting 
line-up of workshops that are scheduled for Spring and Summer 
of 2012... I hope you will find one you'd like to attend. 
In the months ahead, I'm offering 3-day introductory level Oil and 
Wax Workshops at several locations, including my studio in 
Wisconsin, plus a couple of Level Two workshops for more 
advanced work
New this year is a two-day Critique Workshop, in April, aimed 
at sharpening self-critique skills and gaining the most from other 
people's input (this class is open to any 2-D artist.) Also new is a 
week-long Oil and Wax Workshop in July. This longer class will 
suit new students as well as more experienced oil and wax painters 
who seek an intensive week of instruction and interaction.   
Please see below for detailed descriptions of the classes I am 
offering, and their locations. The calendar to the right lists 
dates, registration/contact information and venue websites. I hope to 
meet and work with many of you in the coming year!
ireland #1


Which class should I choose?


Oil and Wax Workshop (Introductory level)Discover the versatility and beauty of cold wax medium used with oil paint, pigment sticks and powdered pigment. There will be plenty of working time and opportunity for experimentation. Presentations about abstraction are also included in the workshop. (Prior painting experience is desirable.) There are options this year for 3 day and 5 day intro level classes.


Oil and Wax Workshop (Level Two): Share with others who are experienced with cold wax medium, learn about new techniques, materials and approaches, and refresh your memory on anything that did not "take" the first time. This class places emphasis on developing personal style and expression, and includes an optional private critique session. There are options this year for a 3 or 4 day class.
Please note: advanced students may choose to re-take the Introductory class but Level Two classes are exclusively for those who have had an intro class. 


Critique Class: Critique skills, and getting the most out of discussions of your work, are extremely valuable for anyone who is serious about improving and growing in the studio.  Using basic principles of visual thinking, this class will give artists practice with evaluating their own work--as well as the work of others-- in a supportive and non-threatening atmosphere.This class is open to artists working in any 2-D media. 
Workshop Locations:


Studio Workshops, Osseo, WI:  My studio is located in beautiful rural west-central Wisconsin, accessible by air travel to Minneapolis/St. Paul. Enjoy the full resources on hand in my space, and the small group interaction (classes are limited to 6 students per session.) 


Shake Rag Alley, Mineral Point, WI:  A charming, restored historic mining village with an active arts community, Mineral Point is located in south eastern Wisconsin. Lodging is available on the grounds. Click here for more information about Shake Rag Alley and here for more information about Mineral Point.

Yreka, CASiskiyou county is in the far northernmost part of California and Yreka is its county seat (40 miles south of Ashland Oregon and north of Mt. Shasta.) Because of the substantial natural beauty, outdoor recreation opportunities, and Gold Rush era history, it is an important tourist destination within the state. For more about Siskiyou County, click here. Class will be held in a spacious high school cafeteria.


Cullowhee Mountain Arts, Cullowhee, NC: My workshop will be part of a new program to be held on the campus of Western Carolina University, about 50 miles west of Asheville, NC. Enjoy a week long community of artists, participating in various programs offered beyond regular workshop hours. Campus housing is an option. Click here for more information. 
Dallas, Texas: To be held in a well equipped workshop location conveniently located in North Dallas. This class, though just added to the roster a few days ago, has already attracted quite a few exciting artists, and promises to be a very dynamic three days. (Please note: the workshop space is on the second floor, no elevator access.)
Ah Haa School for the Arts, Telluride, CO: A truly gorgeous mountain location, with hiking trails nearby, free gondola service up the mountain and all the amenities of a popular ski resort--restaurants, galleries, and shops. Click here for information about the Ah Haa School and here for more about Telluride. 
Testimonials from workshop students: 

"Rebecca is a natural when it comes to teaching. In her workshop, one doesn't feel "being taught" at all, but rather being directed on a step by step journey of discovery - discovery of techniques, of philosophy, of resources, of "self". Unlike many workshops, the journey continues after the event, and, for a very long time in the future, it will have a positive impact on how I approach my work in sculpture, monotype, and clay printing, in addition to painting. Rebecca reaffirmed my belief in the connection between the intuitive process and the intellectual decision-making when creating artwork." --Barb Chappelle, Ontario, Canada 

"Thanks to Rebecca's organizational skills, versatile teaching style, clear and professional demos, interesting powerpoint presentations, and the conversational give and take we had during our hands-on time with the materials, I can honestly say this was the best workshop I have ever attended. Thank you so much!"-- Phyllis Lasche, Livermore, CA

"Last year, painting was quite a new world to me, and I was looking for some guidance. When I found Rebecca's video on You Tube, I knew I just had to go to her studio workshop. It was so far away from Sweden but I took the trip to attend! ...Wonderful days! Wonderful students! and a wonderful, generous teacher! I enjoyed working with the wax. Rebecca showed us so clearly how to use it...I will return again in spring 2012 to learn even more. I am looking forward so much to attend!"
--Katarina Westman, Sweden

2012 Workshop Calendar
These are my currently 
scheduled workshops for Spring and Summer 2012.
Depending upon demand, additional classes may be added.

To arrange private and 
semi-private classes, 
please email  me.

Materials list available upon request for any class.

         cost $370 + materials
(includes lunch.) 
email me

MARCH 23-25 (Level 2)
       (only 2 places left)
APRIL 13-15
MAY 4-6


(Please register 3 weeks ahead for these classes.)


 Shake Rag Alley, Mineral Point, WI
APRIL 27-28
cost $190
phone: 608-987-3292

Siskiyou County, Yreka, CA
JUNE 8-10
cost $380 +materials
email Stephanie LaFortune
Please register by 5/18.


Cullowhee, NC
JULY 16-20
(reception for incoming students/faculty on JULY 15)
Cullowhee Mountain Arts 
cost $580 +materials and lab fee; 10% discount for early registration

Dallas, TX
          AUG 2-4
          cost $380+materials
          email Doris Vasek
(this class is filling quickly)


(Level 2) Telluride, CO
Pre-requisite: intro level class
AUGUST 13-16
Ah Haa School for the Arts
cost $500 +materials 
phone: 970-728-3886 
please register by July 20
Workshops may be canceled 
due to low enrollment or emergency situations. Contact individual venues for specific refund and registration
Most venues require a deposit
that is non-refundable unless 
the venue itself cancels the 
Please do not purchase non-refundable travel tickets until 
your workshop is confirmed.
For more information about working with cold wax medium, and to see the work of former workshop students and other artists using this medium, please join this site
With close to 1000 members,this site shows clearly the growing popularity of cold wax medium.
My Bio:
I'm a practicing professional artist with galleries that handle my work in Santa Fe, Telluride, Milwaukee, Toronto and Dublin, Ireland. I work almost every day in my studio in Wisconsin, with time out for travel and teaching. 

About eight years ago I began using cold wax medium mixed with my oils and discovered how beautifully it enhances texture, depth of color and paint handling. I developed a number of techniques for cold wax that I  share in my classes and use in my own painting.  I've been teaching workshops around the country and in my studio since 2009. To visit my website, please click here. and for my blog click here.  

For more information about using cold wax medium click here for a discussion and sharing site that you are welcome to join. 

Many thanks to all who have attended workshops in the past! It has been an exciting three years and I've met many, many wonderful artists and new friends. It has been a great pleasure to work with you and I look forward to all that awaits in 2012. 

With best wishes for all your painting days ahead,