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Ability Axis - Employment Expo
Newsletter - August 21, 2012
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Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter. This newsletter highlights the Ability Axis Employment Expo as well as local events and information that might interest you.  


Ability Axis LogoWe'd Love to Hear From You!

Reminder image for the 2012 Expo survey  

Did you attend the 2012 Employment Expo?

For those who fill out our 2012 Expo survey by Friday, Sept 7, 2012, we are giving away three gift cards to Earl's Restaurants (2 - $25 & 1 - $50). We hope to hear back from you about your experience. The online survey is now available. Go to our homepage to give us "your two cents". You can also find a link to the survey on every page of our  website at the top of the right-hand column.


Whether you were there as a Student, a Job Seeker, a Support Person, a family member of a Job Seeker, a volunteer member of "The Crew", an Expo Partner, an Expo Exhibitor or an Expo Sponsor, we appreciated you being part of the 2012 Ability Axis Employment Expo!

Ability Axis LogoBeyond Traditional Job Development
presented by Denise Bissonnette

Reminder image for the 2012 Expo survey Strategies and Tools to Empower Those Charged with Helping Others to Find Work


Diversity World is pleased to announce that we will be holding a full two-day seminar on Beyond Traditional Job Development with Denise Bissonnette. It all happens on October 17 & 18, 2012 in Winnipeg, MB!


This is an outstanding professional development opportunity for anyone engaged in helping people with employment barriers to enter or re-enter the workforce.


Don't miss it! 


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Our Favourite Online Videos
We often like to spread the word about great videos that we come across, that we think might be of interest to you.

Check out our Video Page for our newest favourite videos, "Look at My Ability" and "Job Development vs Job Placement". Have you seen them yet?

Each new video is added to the top of the page, but check all the way to the bottom to make sure you didn't miss one along the way.


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Important Dates


If you have an event that will be of interest to people in Manitoba's Employment and Disability Community, email it to info@abilityaxis.com to be included in this newsletter and on the Ability Axis website


Sept 21/12 - MSEN Meeting 10 AM to 12 noon at Community Living MB, 6 - 120 Maryland St. Teleconferencing will be available and an agenda sent in advance.   

Oct 10 & 11/12 - Check out the ART + BODY event hosted by the Arts & Disability Network Manitoba at the WAG.   

Oct 17 & 18/12 - Beyond Traditional Job Development presented by Denise Bissonnette, at the Canad Inns, 1824 Pembina Hwy.  


View our Events Calendar page for these and many more events.


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Great Reading
Be sure to check out this great article about hiring people with disabilities. This story tells about a better retention rate and zero sick time used in 2011.

Make sure you read this article about the benefits of hiring people with disabilities and great resources for finding those employees.


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Social Networking

Have you liked us on Facebook yet? Are you following us on Twitter? If not, what are you waiting for?


Make sure you don't miss any announcements we have, by getting involved with us on Social Networks. 


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Beyond Traditional Job Development

Beyond Traditional Job Development book cover There is good reason that this book is affectionately referred to as the job developer's Bible. Whether they be seasoned workforce professionals or newly-hired placement staff, this book is a goldmine of insights and tools for all readers. More than just a "how to" book, it is written in a spirit of respect and celebration for the job seeker, the job developer and the employer alike.


Here are a few words taken from the preface:


"Today the challenges and opportunities of the job developer are greater than ever, and the need for our services is felt more acutely than ever by those we serve. Never has there been a greater need for job developers to take an intelligent, business-minded, proactive and revolutionary approach to creating employment opportunities in our local communities... This book is as much for the rebel and the dreamer as it is for the goal-oriented pragmatist...Take what you like, add your own perspective, and continue shaping the work that you do as time and experience unfolds."


Author - Denise Bissonnette
Softcover, 256 pages and 1-hour audio CD 


This title is included in the cost of regular registration for the Beyond Traditional Job Development two-day event presented by author, Denise Bissonnette, in Winnipeg, MB, Canada on October 17 & 18, 2012.  


This publication is regularly available for $29.00 USD, plus applicable tax and shipping. To select this or any of the available products, go to the Diversity World Store.


Watch this space as we feature other products available through the Diversity World Store.


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Please share this email with your friends and associates - people with disabilities, employment service providers and others who might be interested in participating in next year's Expo!
