Octane Flame

Volume 3March 2011
INDUSTRY NEWS  - Swipe Fee Reform Delay? No Way!

Swipe Card


Debit cards are the No. 1 form of payment in the United States, accounting for nearly 35% of all pay transactions. Whenever a customer uses a debit or credit card, the business pays a fee to the bank called "interchange" to process the transaction.


 In December of 2010, the Federal Government announced the Durbin Amendment to the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.  The bill would essentially "cap" all debit interchange fees at 12 cents per transaction; a near 70% cut from the current average of 44 cents per transaction.  The bill was originally set to be finalized in April and would take effect in July offering much needed financial relief for merchants who accept debit cards issued by Visa or MasterCard as a form of payment.


As you would guess, the bill has caused quite an uproar with many financial firms.  Banks and debit card issuers oppose the bill, arguing retailers benefit from the debit and credit processing infrastructure that banks set up, and that the cost of maintaining this system is far more than 12 cents per debit transaction, especially when factoring in fraud and security costs.

In support of the opposition, a pair of bills called the Debit Interchange-Fee Study Act was introduced into the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives requesting that the U.S. Treasury conduct a study to determine how debit interchange regulation will affect consumers and small financial institutions.  If it passes it could lead to a 2 year delay on the swipe-fee reform! 

However, a letter dated March 29 from U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernanke, stated that although the reserve would not be able to meet the April deadline for issuing the rules, they still have plans to have the rules issued by July 21, which is when they would go into effect.


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Option 2

March Madness

According to a recent Lundburg Survey of approximately 2,500 U.S. gas stations, on March 4th the average price per gallon of retail grade gasoline averaged $3.5062 - this was up .3270 cents from February 16, making it the second-greatest rise in the history of the gasoline market!


A Supreme Employee

In 1984, Becki answered an ad for a data entry clerk for a local oil company.  Little did she know, it would be the beginning of her career in the Petroleum iIndustry. Starting from the bottom, Becki began educating herself in every aspect of the industry. After working for several of the local petroleum companies, Becki was invited to join the Supreme Oil Co . team in 1995.


Becki brought to Supreme Oil the most important skill she had learned; providing excellent customer service. She learned to really listen to her customers needs, respond with honest answers and offer the best solutions to problems.  Currently, Becki works in our Fleet Department as a Fleet Sales Representative.  Becki has enjoyed getting to know her customers, and looks forward to another 20+ years of providing outstanding customer service!


C-Store Safety & Security - What you can Robberdo

Robberies and violent crimes at C-stores are all too common.  It's important that you operate your store where your employees and customers feel safe and that you take whatever measures possible to help deter crimes from occurring in the first place.

Using some preventative measures and implementing an efficient and well-planned security program in your store will help tremendously!


  • Have your employees attend a class on what to do before, during, and after a dangerous situation.


  • Keep your windows free from clutter. Employees should have a clear view of their surroundings.  The inside of the store should be visible to those outside. 
  • Keep your aisles low to avoid potential "hiding" places.
  • Use mirrors to aid with floor visibility. 


  • Always maintain adequate lighting inside and outside of the store, including paths to restrooms, and the fuel island areas.


  • Define your property with fencing, landscaping and signs.
  • Remove graffiti immediately. Remember to take a picture of it and report it to the police. 
  • Keep your store and parking lot clean and free from trash and litter. 
  • Do not allow loitering.  



  • Always keep as little cash as possible in your register at all times. 
  • Post decals and signage stating how cash on hand is limited.
  • Use a drop safe.


  • Use cameras inside and outside of the store.
  • Record and archive all video footage.
  • Consider hiring private security if your store is in an area with high crime rates. 

BE SAFE.  We care about you!









As an added convenience, we now have two phones lines to better serve you.

(619) 501-3300

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Suite 200

San Diego, CA 92101


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