fallcolorleaves Triple Oaks Nursery & Herb Garden
Triple Oaks Friends 

This newsletter is all about fall and also has a few reminders of  future events  . Tomorrow night, September 27 Lorraine will be signing her book at the Franklin Twp library at 7 pm at  a meet the author event. If you can't make this remember we have the books in the shop. 

Please take a look at all the wonderful classes between now and the holidays. Always be sure that you click on display images so you can see our awesome photos . Please note you can like us on Facebook or click on your favorite social media.

Always page down to see our sale or discount value coupon, if you can't print it out, just tell us newsletter special.  

Mark the date for the Master Gardeners/ PHS day on October 21.

Another reminder, The Herb Society of America will host a meeting on historic herbs here at Triple Oaks on October 14 at 1:30. This meeting and program is  free and open to the public. Also , on November 18 this same group will host a program on Italian culinary herbs. This event is a fund raiser that includes dinner/ see flyer further down in this newsletter.

See you all soon! 

Pgarlic lk3 book pr Upcoming events and Classes phs m g day pumpkin and spice
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WinterBB Winter berry holly

A deciduous holly, like the winter berry (ilex verticillata) loses its leaves to reveal outrageously beautiful red berries. The most handsome stand of winterberry is across the creek and only accessible by canoe, so now we planted   them   along this side of the stream. (For years when our sons were growing up they would take turns on wintry days paddling a canoe over so I could precariously lean over into the shrubs and cut branches! Luckily we never capsized!) These are one of my favorite winter plants as the colorful berries last long into late winter, giving beautiful color to the garden.

Most hollies are dioecious, which means that that the male and female flowers are born on separate plants. Thus you will need at least one male for every five female plants for a good show of berries 


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hsa dinner 
best time to plant a tree

For years I have marveled at all the people who rush to plant in the spring and then forget the plants while they picnic and vacation over the summer. We often  replace more spring planted plants than fall planted plants because of inconsistent watering and hot weather over the summer.   The American Nursery Association has long had the logo 'Fall is for Planting'. 


 Many municipalities and nurserymen plant in fall because they know there are many factors that insure success with  autumn planted plants. 

In the fall, the warm soil encourages root growth with continued   growth through the winter until the ground freezes, around the first of   the year.    During mild winters, roots may continue to grow all year . By the time it is early spring, roots are strong and established and continue to develop at a faster rate, until top growth begins. While the same plant planted in spring gets a slow start due to cool soils.  When summer finally arrives, the fall-planted plant is far better equipped to deal with heat and drought, largely due to its well-established root system.


There are other good reasons to plant in the fall. There is usually dependable rainfall in late fall and of course cooler weather and fewer pest and disease problems.   There is no new growth on leaves or stems so all the energy of the plant goes into the all important root growth. 


I am a firm believer in color all seasons of the year. For this reason I like to plants lots of evergreen plants with berries and colorful branches with pods or cones.  There are also many perennials that are in bloom now or will be in bloom soon. Fall asters, toad lily, mums, various types of daisies, hellebores  and one of my favorites, monk's hood. Aconitum napellus. 


I think everyone should plant some wonderful raspberry, blueberry, cranberry,  strawberry, and grape plants now. Many are even in fruit in pots in the nursery. These plants are such fun to grow. I have been picking raspberries  and black berries  even from plants in pots. The birds like them too.  Plant them now so they get a good start and make strong roots. You will be rewarded with wonderful fruit all next summer and fall too. All are easy to grow and take little or now care. Simply plant them with a little compost , water them in and they are good to go.   


'Easy and green all year'   denotes the Japanese holly or illex group of hardy evergreen plants. There are short ones, tall skinny ones, short fat ones, the list goes on and on because they come in many sizes and shapes.   Although called a holly they do not have sharp leaves at all. They have small, shiny green leaves much like boxwood. I do not think there is an easier shrub to plant. Choose a variety that remains small and you never even have to prune them! Shiny and green, easy to grow, what more can you want? This popular, versatile shrub can be planted to accent your home, either in rows for a narrow hedge, or alone as an ornamental. However you use it, expect little maintenance.


For another easy to grow every green plant the arborvitae or tree of life.  They smell good and look beautiful. The green giant variety grows the quickest of all

I enjoyed working outside in the mornings this week as it was cool. I have a thing about pulling weeds out before they can go to seed. It is sort of like 'a stitch in time saves nine' as the old wives' tale goes.  

We have many great buys on giant shade trees. Talk to Joe now about having a few planted in your yard for years of enjoyment.  Add a dogwood for spring beauty as well as a great wildlife tree.

So fill in those blank spots now with shrubs and perennials that give you fall and winter color.  There are many more . Remember fall is for planting.  Email Lorraine  at [email protected]  if oyu would like some help to plan for some great fall planting..


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rose sale
Roses ! 
 We cut our roses back in August, fed them and treated them with natural copper and fungus. They are BEAUTIFUL. tonight i showed my class fragrant cloud and firefighter and made sure everyone smelled these awesome fragrant roses.  I suggested that everyone find a sunny spot where the roses would not be sprinkled with overhead  water and plant aone now.I love roses, I love to pick them for my table. 
 If  you water well once or twice a week during hot, dry spells, fed and take care with some sulfur every so often you too will have beautiful roses. Come get some now, they are at their peak. Buy 5 and get the 6 one free.
 I promise  you a rose garden! ! ! 
Buy Now
Both Red Knock Out and Sunny Knock Out are disease resistant and bloom constantly wtih little or no care! Add them to your garden today! Both at Triple Oaks now.


Lorraine Kiefer
Triple Oaks Nursery & Herb Garden
Buy 5 roses and  get 6 one free
Buy 5 fruit trees and get all 50 %
Buy 5 herbs and get 50 % 
Buy 5 shrubs of same price and get 6th one free.
Offer Expires:  October 7, 2012