From the Mayor's Desk...

April 22 is the official Earth Day across the world. But here in Palmetto Bay, we celebrate Earth Day every day -- especially at our LEED-certified Village Hall, home of one of the South Florida's largest solar arrays. The scene (above) on our rooftop is absolutely awe-inspiring. We think our new bicycle-storage bay (left) is pretty nifty, too, with its own set of solar panels and an electric-car charging station.
These solar panels are hard at work saving energy every day at our new municipal complex -- a shining example of how easily clean, green technology can be integrated into new and rehab construction in the Sunshine State. Whether it's harnessing the sun's energy, re-using 60,000 gallons of stored rainwater at our new facility, or being designated a Tree City USA for four years in a row, Palmetto Bay wears its green proudly.
This week, we take our message into the community by celebrating Earth Week 2012. Of course, the ever-popular lady bug events are back, as students across the Village help us release more than 70,000 of these little critters into our school yards and parks. Lady bugs are totally harmless to humans, but they're voracious killers of white flies, aphids, and other pests that decimate garden plants. We have many earth-friendly programs taking place this week. Please read on for details regarding all the family-fun events during Earth Week in Palmetto Bay and visit our Village Facebook for up-to-date photo coverage.
~ Mayor Shelley Stanczyk
"Magical Musical Litter Bus Tour..." If you were out and about Tuesday and heard a chorus of This Land is Your Land somewhere in the distance, it wasn't Woody Guthrie. Rather, it was a group of environmentally conscious kids enjoying the Village's annual "Magical Musical Litter Bus Tour." This unique clean-up program was the kick-off event for Palmetto Bay's 4th Annual Earth Week Celebration. Once again Alexander Montessori School Headmaster James McGhee provided the folk music, while dozens of students provided the backup vocals -- and good community spirit! The event was also attended by Mayor Shelley Stanczyk and Councilmembers Patrick Fiore, Joan Lindsay, and Howard Tendrich who worked side-by-side with the 4th- and 5th-grade students of Alexander Montessori and Palmer Trinity's 6th graders. See our photo gallery. |
Upcoming Earth Week Events... 
LADY BUG RELEASES on April 19 - 20 The ever-popular Lady Bug Releases are taking place at several local schools and in Village parks, April 19-20, as students, parents, and public officials join forces to set free more than 70,000 lady bugs -- nature's own "pesticide." View our photo gallery for images captured this morning at the Winhold Montessori event. Thursday, April 19: 10 am - Winhold Montessori 11 am - Alexander Montessori (17800 Old Cutler Road) 12 pm - Westminster Elementary 1 pm - Coral Reef Elementary Friday, April 20:
9 am - Perrine Elementary 10 am - Christ Fellowship 11 am - Palmetto Bay Branch Library 12 pm - Howard Drive Elementary FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT on April 20 The celebration continues Friday night at Coral Reef Park where Villagers will gather, just prior to Family Movie Night, for the final lady bug release of the season at the Ken Robinson Meditation Garden at 7 p.m. Then starting at 7:45 p.m., spread out your blanket and sit back under the stars for a special eco-themed showing of "We Bought a Zoo" on the east side of Coral Reef Park. Respond now, if you wish, to our event invitation. (Coral Reef Park: 7895 SW 152 St., Palmetto Bay, FL 33157) NATURE WALK & BIKE RIDE on April 21 You are invited to walk with us or ride with us -- or do both -- as we celebrate the natural beauty of our Village! A nature walk will commence at 8 a.m. at Ludovici Park and along the hidden pathways of Palmetto Bay Village Center to explore our protected mangroves along Biscayne Bay. Host Eric Tulberg then invites you to register for a low-stress bike-ride at 8:30 a.m.; following a quick and informational safety talk, riders will push off at 9 a.m. for a 5.5-mile trip. Respond now, if you wish, to our event invitation. (Ludovici Park: 17641 Old Cutler Rd, Palmetto Bay, FL 33157) OTHER COMMUNITY EVENTS: 30th ANNUAL BAYNANZA on April 21 Also on Saturday, April 21, residents who love Biscayne Bay and wish to protect it will join forces for Miami-Dade County's 30th Annual Baynanza. Volunteer now by registering to clean one of our most precious natural resources, Biscayne Bay, and its surroundings. Boaters can also participate. Read more.
CORAL REEF HIGH SCREENING OF "THE BIG FIX" on April 24 Students and the general public are invited to a special screening of the highly acclaimed documentary The Big Fix, April 24, in the school auditorium at 3 p.m. The event is sponsored by the school's IDEAS Club. An official 2011 Cannes Film Festival selection, the film highlights the controversies surrounding the BP Oil spill of two years ago in the Gulf of Mexico. Tickets ($3) may be purchased at the door. Click here for more information on the film or contact IDEAS Club sponsor Ms. de Tuya. |
9705 E. Hibiscus St.
Palmetto Bay, FL 33157
Auditors Laud Village's Financial Reporting
Our recently released Financial Statements contain excellent news: The auditors reported Palmetto Bay's statements were not only free of any material misstatement, but noted the Village "maintains the highest standards of professionalism in the management of the its finances." See the report in its entirety online.
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New Video Features Police Outreach
A video short has been produced by the Palmetto Bay Communications Office that provides an quick overview of the Community Outreach Programs coordinated by our Village Policing Unit, a division of Miami-Dade Police Department.
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Pre-Register for Police Blood Drive, April 27
For a more efficient donation experience, register for the Village Policing Unit Blood Drive in advance, or just visit Village Hall, April 27, 1-3 pm, to donate at that time. Contact Officer Pete Judge for details.
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Interested in a Volunteer Position with Parks?
If you've got extra time and energy, please consider volunteering at one of our many Village Parks. Contact Parks & Recreation Director Fanny Carmona for available opportunities, and screening and application information.
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April Programming in "The Village of Parks"
Take a look at our April programming calendar -- you'll be happy you did.
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Leave the Driving to Us -- on the Village IBus
View our most recent and updated Village Bus Service brochure on the IBus webpage. Also please note,
the bus makes regular stops at Publix -- four times a day, Mon-Fri, between 10:20 am and 1:30 pm. (except holidays). See more.
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Celebrate Youth Arts Festival at Thalatta
The Village Mayor and Council attended the recent "Celebrate Youth Arts Festival," at the Thalatta Estate, sponsored by Palmetto Bay-based Learning Tree of Arts. The program was developed to "embrace, encourage, and inspire the talented youth of our community."
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