Tuesday, November 23

"How many Calories you will eat on Thanksgiving?"
turkey dinnerHappy Thanksgiving!  The holidays are such a great time of year!  As clich� as it sounds, I am truly thankful for my family and those special friends that are just like family!

I have to laugh because the recurring theme in the gym seems to be - I need to work really hard so I can eat a ton of food on Thanksgiving!  And I totally agree - I love Thanksgiving dinner!  I decided to do some research to find out just how many calories are in my favorite Thanksgiving dishes!  Here's what I found out:  remember these are approximations, the actual calorie count is determined by how the food is prepared.

6 oz of turkey - 450 calories (dark meat contains 2 times the fat as white meat)
1 cup of stuffing - 400 calories
1 cup of mashed potatoes - 350 calories ... continue reading

Be Fit! Be Healthy! Be Happy!

Coming Next Week
 "One More Reason to Take the Stairs"
by: Dr. Helise Bichefsky & Ageless Health

"Exercise of the Week"Muscleman - Obliques
Oblique Crunch w/ 1 foot up

"No More Belly Bulge!"

Oblique crunches are a great way to work the sides of your waist. Lifting one leg up adds variety and challenge - be sure to keep your extended leg as straight as possible. Make these crunches more challenging by resting your leg on a stability388 - Oblique Crunches ball instead of the bench! To really work your abs and lose the belly bulge do 10 to 15 of these crunches in between each exercise in your next workout. Always contract your abs before you begin each crunch and exhale as you crunch up! CLICK HERE for all the details!

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"20 Minutes: Cardio Challenge"

High Intensity Treadmill Intervals

This is a great 'High Intensity' cardio circuit to do if you are short on time or after a strength training session and it is the perfect time saver for the holiday season. Because it's only 20 minutes you can even squeeze it in on your lunch break! This Cardio Challenge takes you from EZ Intensity to Moderate Intensity to Make it a Challenge Intensity! Give it a try on your next cardio day and if you are not pressed for time do it twice for a 40 minute workout! Remember to drink plenty of water and work up to the suggested speed Rate of Perceived Exertion!

Click Here to download your FREE copy of the 20 Minutes Cardio Challenge Circuit and then be sure to print it out for your next workout!


56% of women blame special events and parties for cheating on their diets.

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In This Issue
How Many Calories will You Eat on Thanksgiving?
Exercise of the Week
20 Minutes: Cardio Challenge
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with this age group
Improve the Relationship
with Your Teen TODAY
Terri Ritchie

"Prostate Disorders"

 This week on "Mission: Nutrition" we will be discussing the three main prostate disorders that middle aged men can experience ...  Continue reading


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  • Calorie burning, cardio programs - to compliment your fitness goals
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  • Unlimited access to 'Target Zone" body sculpting, heart pumping & calorie burning "mini circuits"
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