All Things Membership
Great Meetings ~ Engaged Members
Thoughtful Growth
New RI Membership Slogan |
"Each Rotarian: Reach One, Keep One"
The slogan emphasizes the need to focus on both recruitment and retention in membership efforts. |
Back to Basics |
 Don't shoot your membership plan in the foot from the gitgo with weak meetings and out-of-date club practices.
If you aren't having fun, then your guests won't have fun either.
Pull all your members into the prospective member identification process with the 25 minute survey found on page 19 of the new Club Assessment Guide. |
Engage Your Members and They Will Stay |
Rotarians, like most people, need to feel like they belong.
"We need to connect with members of our club within our meetings and at our projects, but also outside of Rotary," he says. "This involves having other members and their families over for dinner or going together to be a spectator at an event."
That is the No. 1 tip from Mike McGovern, 2009-10 chair of the RI Membership Development and Retention Committee and past RI vice president, on how to expand membership. | |
Ambassadorial Scholars at District Conference - Help! |
To hold down costs, the District is seeking lodging for the Ambassadorial Scholars at the Tahoe Conference Oct 2-4. If you have an empty cabin, or an empty bed in your double room that you are willing to share, PDG Candy Pierce would love to hear from you. This is a wonderful opportunity to visit with some great young scholars.
Red Bluff and Fairfield Expos |

Thanks to all who participated. For those who missed both sessions, two major highlights are
Rick Ernst went into detail on Concord Rotary's pragmatic, thoughtful, and well planned membership program that has resulted in steady growth from 69 to 90 in the last few years. Contact Rick for more details.
At Fairfield, PDG Don Kremer laid out a complete membership and retention strategy that is easily modified to fit the special needs of any club. Clubs building a new plan will find these documents very helpful.
A great thought on International visits |
Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it solely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime.
-Mark Twain
Publications Old and New |
The most recent Membership Minute describes a new Club Assessment Tool.. The 25 Minute Survey on pate 19 looks like a very good way to develop a list of prospective members.
New Club Formation |
Capay Valley (Brooks), Friday Noon, and Sunset Davis, Wednesday evening, are both about 2/3 of the way to their 25 member goal for charter. If your club is close by, and you have prospective members who cannot make your meeting time, send them on over.
Here's an interesting article about differences between staring clubs in urban and rural communities.
2009-2010 Presidential Citation - New Options |
A club must achieve a net increase of at least one member by 31 March. Clubs may also choose to complete another membership challenge designed to support the RI Strategic Plan 2007-10. Possibilities include having at least 20 percent of club members bring a prospective Rotarian to a club meeting, recruiting at least one Rotary International or Rotary Foundation program alumnus/alumna age 35 or younger, increasing club diversity by recruiting at least two new members who belong to a demographic group that's underrepresented in the club, or recruiting at least two new members with community, vocational, or international service experience.
Membership Blog |
Our intrepid membership support team at Zone 24/25 has set up a blog to send out information from time to time in lieu of a Zone newsletter. If you are interested, here's the signup link
District Membership Tools CD |
The CD contains everything downloadable from RI on the topic of membership, plus the District and RI directories, plus Rotary e-leaning materials for new members, plus CA demographic data, plus videos and powerpoints.
Every club should have received at least one copy at one of the four education sessions. The initial supply of 150 copies for 67 clubs is depleted. If for any reason your club does not have a copy, let us know and we will burn you a fresh copy.
The Retention Survey Takeaway -
Worth Repeating |
In 2007, RI did a retention survey of North America.
All the key points are in the Executive Summary.
The TOP REASON FOR RESIGNATION is: Unable to meet attendance requirements
If these former Rotary club members were to volunteer again, they would choose the following activities / organizations, in order:
- Single issue focused fundraiser < 1 day (ex. 5K Fun Run / Walk)
- Youth oriented activities (ex. scouting, sports leagues, school board)
- Community leadership (ex. city council, community boards)
The top three reasons for remaining in Rotary are:
- Club fellowship 80.2%
- Community service opportunities 64.4%
- Networking 34.5%
The takeaway: All of the above are club-controlled topics.
 The Future of Rotary is in Your Hands | |
The last word -
"Even in such technical lines as engineering, about 15% of one's financial success is due one's technical knowledge and about 85% is due to skill in human engineering, to personality and the ability to lead people." --- Dale Carnegie
Thank you for all that you do for Rotary
Vic G
Victor Georgiou Rotary D5160 Membership
925-838-8721 |