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166 North Bascom


San Jose, CA



Tel: (408) 297-1152
FAX: (408) 293-3661

[email protected]

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Our team offers experience and

attention. With

more than 50 years combined experience our

goal is to have

you, the business

owner, obtain the knowledge you

need to grow your business and avoid

some of the problems

that can cause





It was so great to have the opportunity to speak with you at Lisa's Speak to Sell event in Las Vegas. I don't know about you but it was so up lifting to be around so many people that are making worldwide changes with their blessings.


When we spoke you asked me to let you know about the services we provide. In order to zero in on your needs I have a form that we call the Bookkeeping Services Questionnaire for you to fill out and send back to me. Please click on this link to print out the form then fill out the form and email it to me or fax to me at (408) 293-3661. 


Questionnaire Form

Remember to print it, fill out and send back to me at [email protected].


Once we receive your filled out form we will schedule a time with you where we can chat about your specific needs.


We look forward to speaking with you!




 Bookkeeping Services & We Train U-2   

         166 N. Bascom Ave., Suite B

         San Jose, CA 95128

         408-297-1152 Phone

         408-293-3661 Fax

[email protected]
