Tobacco Prevention & Control Update

In This Issue
Webinar: Local Strategies to Address Point-of-Sale Tobacco Sales and Marketing
FDA: Population Assessment on Tobacco Health Study
Policy Statement Urges Increased Funding of Quitlines
ALA: Unsung Heroes' Award
U.S. Judge Strikes Down FDA Cigarette Label Warnings
The Roots of Health Inequity: A Web-Based Course for the Public Health Workforce
Seeking Stories from the Field
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Webinar: Local Strategies to Address Point-of-Sale Tobacco Sales and Marketing
Join leading experts from the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health and the Schroeder Institute for Tobacco Research and Policy Studies at the American Legacy Foundation as they share research and emerging issues related to tobacco sales and marketing at the point of sale. This NACCHO-sponsored webinar will detail the challenges and successes of local health departments and other organizations as they try to combat point-of-sale tactics of the tobacco industry. Speakers will highlight new research from the field, examples of effective policies and strategies, and current initiatives underway in the DC Department of Health and other localities. The webinar will be held March 27 from 1-2:30PM EDT. Register online.
FDA: Population Assessment on Tobacco Health Study 
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is launching the Population Assessment on Tobacco Health Study (PATH). This study aims to learn more about susceptibility to tobacco use; frequency of use, characteristics of smoking cessation and relapse; the effects of regulatory changes on perception of risk and other tobacco-related attitudes; and differences 
in attitudes, behaviors, and key health outcomes in racial-ethnic, gender, and age subgroups. Find out more about the study here. 

Policy Statement Urges Increased Funding of Quitlines  

The Society for Behavioral Medicine and the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco have published a new policy statement urging increased funding of quitlines and research to maximize the public health benefits of 1-800-QUIT-NOW on cigarette packs. Read the policy statement, and learn more about potential implications, here. 

ALA: Unsung Heroes' Award

The American Lung Association (ALA) is requesting nominations for the ALA and Koop Foundation, Inc. Unsung Heroes' Award. This annual award celebrates the unsung heroes who are working toward a tobacco-free future. Consider recognizing friends and colleagues in the tobacco control community by nominating them for this award. Nominations are due Friday, March 16. Contact Jennifer Singleterry with any questions.
U.S. Judge Strikes Down FDA Cigarette Label Warnings
A federal judge declared last week that an FDA requirement that tobacco companies prominently display graphic warning labels on cigarette packages was unconstitutional, on the grounds that it violates the tobacco companies' right to free speech. Read the decision here. 

The Roots of Health Inequity: A Web-Based Course for the Public Health Workforce 

The Roots of Health Inequity is an online learning collaborative and web-based course designed for the public health workforce. The site offers a starting place for those who want to address systemic differences in health and wellness that are actionable, unfair, and unjust. The course is an introduction to ground public health practitioners in concepts and strategies for taking action in everyday practice. For more information, please contact    

Seeking Stories from the Field: LHD Use of the Community Guide
Has your local health department (LHD) successfully implemented recommendations from The Guide to Community Preventive Services (Community Guide)? If so, NACCHO encourages you to share your experience with other LHDs by filling out a short form here. Read stories other LHDs have shared or search by topic here.