GSA Network
GSA Network News
November 19, 2008

In This Issue
1. Transgender Day of Remembrance
2. Youth Empowerment Summit
3. First Inland Empire Q Camp
4. 2008 School Harassment Survey
5. Volunteer for YES
6. Youth In Motion!
7. GSA Site Visits
8. Tru Loved in Theaters
9. Rides from Sac to YES
10. Re-Register Your GSA!
11. National Student Protests Dec. 3
12. One Voice: Health Summit
13. Did a GSA Change Your Life?
14. Nominate LGBT Figures
15. Day of Pink
16. Queer Musical
17. Students of Color Organizing Weekend
18. MTV Casting New Series
19. March on Sacramento!
20. Black LGBT Testimonials
21. Prop 8 & Race (S.F.)
22. LYRIC Youth Create
23. Other Side of the Closet
24. Youth Worker Brown Bag
25. Youth Alliance Meetings
26. GSA Advisor Retreat
27. Free Movie Screening
28. Cyber Turkey
29. LGBT Youth Calendars
30. SAFE Schools/GSA Scholarships
31. Point Foundation Scholarship
32. Music Scholarships
33. Education and Mentoring Scholarships
34. NEWS: Paly Students React to Prop. 8
Featured Article
Youth Empowerment Summit:
 Dec 6th 2008
YES 2008 logo

YES is a FREE conference for LGBTQQI youth activists and their allies who are dedicated to defeating homophobia and transphobia, and creating safe supportive schools for everyone.

November 20th! is Transgender Day of Remembrance!

GSAs can find Resources for TDOR here!

GSA Resource Sheet

GSA Resource: TDOR

Transgender DOR

Dear GSA Activist,

In this issue of GSA Network News we reflect on our successful 10th Anniversary Celebration!  Thank you to all involved!

We also reflect on those that have fallen, as we honor Transgender Day of Remembrance, November 20th, 2008.
This Network News also contains information on the YES Conference and scholarships opportunities for Queer Youth.

In solidarity,
GSA Network
GSA Network Highlight: 10th Anniversary

10th Anniv. group shotGSA Network celebrated 10 years of Gay-Straight Alliance organizing on Thursday, November 13th. Over 175 people gathered at the Hilton in San Francisco for an evening of inspiring speeches, award presentations, and the chance to meet civil rights and entertainment legend, Nichelle Nichols.

The event showcased GSA Network's accomplishments over the last decade and honored middle & high school students who stand up to homophobia and transphobia in their schools. Two GSA Network student activists moved the crowd to tears with their powerful stories.

Nik Castillo, a student fr
om San Bernardino, talked about the harassment and alienation he faced as a transgender student, until attended Queer Youth Advocacy Day. "I learned that I wasn't the only one like me. I learned that I had rights.  And I learned how to tell my story to school administrators, so they would actually listen - and then change the policies in my school." 

Lea Gee-Tong, a senior from the East Bay, talked about building bridges between the LGBT community, the Asian community and other communities of color. "Since all forms of oppression such as racism, sexism, classism, and homophobia are interconnected, I view LBGTQ activism as part of the overarching social justice movement that strives for respect and equality for all people. Earlier this week we had a joint meeting with the Latino Student Organization club to discuss what divides us-and-what ultimately unites us. Though at times it can be isolating, I am unwavering in my determination to remain visible."

Evan Kuluk, who graduated from Bishop O'Dowd High School in 2000 and was one of GSA Network's first youth leaders, received GSA Network's 2008 Inspiring Alumni Award for bringing the social justice knowledge he gained as a GSA activist into his work as a public defender.

10th Anniv. Leno AwardGSA Network's Founder & Executive Director, Carolyn Laub, received a special award from Assemblyman Mark Leno - and a very long, standing ovation from the crowd! Carolyn shared her excitement over GSA Network's growth, from 40 GSAs in 1998 to 681 GSAs today! And she filled everyone who was down about Prop 8 with hope as she discussed the changes that will soon be possible when all of GSA Network's student activists become voters and change-makers!

Nichelle Nichols brought down the house with her captivating closing speech. Nichelle, who plays the grandmother of a gay student in the movie Tru Loved, has always been a role model for those who challenge the status quo. She was the first African-American woman to play a non-stereotypical role on television when she joined Star Trek in the 1960s. Nichelle spoke of growing up in an era when racism and homophobia were the norm and challenged everyone to continue working together to advance the civil rights of all people.
10th Anniv. Nichelle
GSA Network's 10th Anniversary was a successful and inspiring event that raised tens of thousands of dollars to support our important programs, including the YES Conference, Queer Youth Advocacy Day, and GSA Leadership Trainings.

Here's to another decade of spreading the GSA movement and changing the world!

More Photos of the Event
A special thanks to Brenda Earnst for the photos!

1. Transgender Day of Remembrance Nov.20th! 

Transgender Day of Remembrance will take place on November 20, 2008 and we want to help you get ready to hold a successful event at your school! Below you'll find some ideas and resources to get you started.

According to the Transgender Day of Remembrance website, this day commemorates all those who have been killed due to anti-transgender hatred or prejudice. Initially started in 1998 as a memorial for the slain Rita Hester, many activists and organizers have used this day to commemorate victims (and survivors) of gender-based brutality. Transgender Day of Remembrance is also used to recognize the ongoing violence that gender non-conforming people face in their everyday life.

The Transgender Day of Remembrance serves several purposes. It raises public awareness of hate crimes against transgender people, an action that current media doesn't perform. Day of Remembrance publicly mourns and honors the lives of transgender and gender non-conforming people who might otherwise be forgotten. Through the vigil, we express love and respect in the face of national indifference and hatred. Day of Remembrance gives transgender people and their allies a chance to step forward and stand in vigil, memorializing those who've died by anti-transgender violence. Putting on the Day of Remembrance in schools can also be used as a way to educate students, teachers, and administrators about transgender issues, so we can try to prevent anti-transgender hatred and violence from continuing.

In California, 55 people have been murdered because of anti-transgender hatred. This is by far the largest number of any state in the United States. From January to November 18th 2008, 16 people were murdered in the United states, 11 people internationally, so 27 people total. And those are only the people that were reported or that we know about. That is an average of 2 transgender people a month being murdered.

In Remembrance:

Lawrence King (Oxnard, California). Larry King was shot to death by a classmate because he liked to wear girls clothes including sparkly boots, and asked his classmate to be his Valentine. Larry was 15 years old and was murdered on February 12, 2008.

Ruby Molina (Sacramento, California) Ruby's body was found floating in the American river in Sacramento. Many community members knew who she was and were concerned when she was not seen for several days. She was 22 years old and hear death has been ruled suspicious. Date of Death: September 21, 2008

Duanna Johnson was found shot to death in North Memphis just before midnight on Sunday, Nov. 9. Last year Duanna had been the victim of police assault after being arrested and detained. Her assaulter, a Memphis police officer attacked her after he called her slurs. This was all caught on video tape, she sued the city of Memphis and won. However, only 8 months later she was found shot to death "assassination style". Police have "no leads" in the case but claim they are investigating.

Gwen Araujo, 17, (Newark, California) chose the name, Gwen, after her favorite star, Gwen Stefani, from the group No Doubt. Before her untimely death, her skirt was lifted up for people to see that she was born biologically male before she was beaten and buried in a shallow grave.

A full list of this years names is available at

Taking Action!

These guiding principles have been developed by the organizers of the Day of Remembrance. You can use these words to help frame your message and tone for the day.

* "Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it." (Santayana)

* All who die due to anti-transgender violence are to be remembered

* It is up to us to remember these people, since their killers, law enforcement, and the media often seek to erase their existence.

* Transgender lives are affirmed as valuable.

* We can make a difference by being visible, speaking out, educating and organizing around anti-transgender violence, which can effect change.

Here are some ideas of things you can do:

* Candlelight Vigils / Marches

* Discussion forums with local activists, politicians, or school officials

* Performance Actions

* Poetry or spoken word art readings

* Visual representation of the number of deaths with:

* Cardboard Tomb Stones of Remembered People

* Paper Cutouts of Remembered People

* Body Outline Chalkings of Remembered People

* Teach-Ins and Speakers Bureaus

* Art / Photography Displays

* Movie screenings (such as "Boys Don't Cry")

* Trans 101 trainings for staff or any interested people

* Anything else that reflects the grounding principles of the day that you can imagine

Gender Identity Resources

* "About a Boy Who Isn't" (article) by Benoit Denizet-Lewis. The New York Times Magazine, May 26, 2002.

* Call Me Kate: The Story of Katherine Marlowe, a Transsexual (paperback) written by Nelson, edited by Eugenia Jackson. Writers Club Press (2000).

* My Gender Workbook (paperback) by Kate Bornstein. New York: Routledge (1997).

* "One Chromosome Too Many?" (article) by Cheryl L. Cole. The Olympics at the Millennium: Power, Politics, and the Games, edited by Kay Schaffer & Sidonie Smith. Rutgers University Press (2000).

* Revolutionary Voices: Multicultural Queer Youth Anthology (paperback) edited by Amy Sonnie. Los Angeles: Alyson Press (2000).

* Girl Like Me: The Gwen Araujo Story (DVD) directed by Agnieszka Holland (2006). This Life�time original movie tells the story of Gwen Araujo, a Newark, CA teenager murdered in October 2002.

* Ma Vie En Rose (VHS/DVD) directed by Alain Berliner (1997). About young person who wants to be loved regardless of his gender expression.

* Soldier's Girl (DVD) directed by Frank Pierson (2003). A soldier falls in love with a striking MTF lounge singer.

2. 17 Days Until the Youth Empowerment Summit! Register Now!
**Featuring Special Guest DJ B-Somebody from SF's The Crib**

Saturday, December 6 - San Francisco, CA

YES 2008 logoYES is a FREE conference for LGBTQQI youth activists and their allies who are dedicated to defeating homophobia and transphobia, and creating safe supportive schools for everyone. The target audience is high school and middle school students, teachers, GSA advisors and the community. The YES conference is a chance for LGBTQQI and straight ally youth to network and enjoy free workshops on activism and topics related to queer life.

Register Now! For presenter and community table faire info, please contact Kiely Hosmon at [email protected] or call 415-552-4229.

Who: LGBTQQI youth activists and their allies
Where: Everett Middle School, 450 Church Street, San Francisco,CA
When: Saturday, December 6, 2007 - 9:00 am-5:00 pm
Cost: FREE, including breakfast and lunch!
What else: The after-YES dance, 5-8pm!!
3. So. Cal GSAs have First Annual Inland Empire Q Camp

As part of our mission to support the growth and development of GSAs, we organize trainings for youth interested or already involved in GSA activism. Our goal this year is to have trainings in each of the 9 counties we work in SoCal. Some local traini
ngs coming up this year:

November 21st - 23rd - First Annual Inland Empire Q Camp @ Camp De Benneville Pines in Angelus Oaks. Applications available online at

For more info on these trainings, please go to: or contact Daniel @ [email protected]
4. 2008 Prevent School Harrassment Survey

Take the 2008 Preventing School Harassment Survey

We need your help! You can make a difference in only 20 minutes by improving our understanding of safety and discrimination in our schools.

If you are a student, you can help by filling out the survey yourself and promoting participation among your friends, classmates, and student groups. Take the survey online now!   

In partnership with the Gay-Straight Alliance Network, the California Safe Schools Coalition is surveying high school and middle school students across California -- with a focus on LGBT students -- to learn more about safety, discrimination, and harassment in schools. The 2008 Preventing School Harassment Survey is a vital tool for local and statewide efforts to make schools safer for all students by ending discrimination and harassment based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Please take the survey online today -

For this effort to be successful, we need hundreds of participants from schools all across California. You can help by getting your friends, classmates, GSA and other student groups to participate. It only takes about 20 minutes to complete the survey.

Go to to take the survey online or download a hard copy of the survey. If you have any questions, please contact us at (415) 552-4229 or [email protected].
5. Volunteer for the YES Conference!

The Youth Empowerment Summit (YES) is fast approaching and the conference needs your help!

We're expecting over 400+ students, community members, teachers, and GSA advisors to attend the YES conference which means we need volunteers to help out.

If you'd like to volunteer some of your time, please contact Kiely at [email protected] for a volunteer registration form.

We have multiple shifts so start thinking about which one works best for you:
7-10 am    9 am-noon     noon-3 pm.      3-6 pm     

Adults 21 & over may chaperone the dance:  5-8 pm.    8-9 pm

Volunteers will get free breakfast, lunch, and dinner!!

So come out and help your community and volunteer a portion of your time.

Contact Kiely at [email protected] or at 415.552.4229.
6. Youth In Motion! Still chances to get free DVDs! 

yim reg graphicEarlier this week, over 100 GSAs in California received FREE LGBT movies through Youth In Motion, an exciting partnership between Frameline and GSA Network!

There's still time to earn more free DVDs!

>> If you haven't already, register your GSA for Youth In Motion by November 17, and we'll send you a free DVD!

>> If you've already registered and received a DVD, let us know how you're using it (in classroom presentations, in assemblies, in your GSA?) by December 1st, and we'll send you another free DVD!

Check out our first four Youth In Motion releases that all come with curriculum and action guides to help you maximize the films' impact in your school and community!

Click here to learn more about Youth In Motion and to register your GSA!

YIM Visions Skew>> Visionaries & Victories: Early Leaders in the LGBT Movement

Yim Family Skew

In the Family: Marriage Equality and LGBT Families

YIM Gender Skew
>> Gender Matters: Expression and Identities Beyond the Binary

YIM Global Skew

>> Global Currents: Broadcasting Change in Latin America

7. GSA Site Visits! GSA Network Staff can visit your GSA

Is your GSA running out of ideas for meetings?  Is it lacking members?  Does your GSA want a peer-led training on pretty much anything GSA related? Or do you just want someone cool and totally fun to come and sit in on your meeting and share resources?

Well then time to contact the GSA Network!  

Here at the GSA Network there are 3 Program Coordinators for every region of CA (Kiely, Daniel, and Robin) that would love to come and visit your GSA and provide resources, feedback, or your own personalized mini training!

Due to budget and time restraints, program coordinators can only travel a certain distance.  However, if we can't make it to your school because it's too far, we're more than happy to answer any questions by phone or email.  We love talking with GSA members!

And our mini trainings are freakin' awesome! These trainings are youth led, so what's better than learning about GSA organizing from another experienced GSA member?

So if you want to be like all the cool youth who are doing it, be sure to contact your local GSA Network Program Coordinator today!

Northern California
For more info contact [email protected] or call 415-552-4229
Central Valley
For more info contact [email protected] or call 559-268-2780
Southern California
For more info contact [email protected] or call 213-482-4021
8. Tru Loved, film about GSAs now in theaters!
Box t-shirt
Tru Loved, the first film ever made about a Gay-Straight Alliance is now open in select theaters. 

GSA Network is proud to support TRU LOVED.
About the movie: Sixteen-year-old Tru is uprooted by her lesbian moms from her comfortable gay-friendly home in San Francisco and moved to a conservative, suburban community in Southern California. Tru's only friend is a closeted football player, and even that friendship is jeopardized when she starts the school's first Gay-Straight Alliance.

Tru Loved Coming to Select  Theatres Now!


Learn more at

Click on "Tru Loved release dates and cities" to find the nearest theater to you!
9. FREE ride to YES for Sac Students!

The Sacramento Gay and Lesbian Center have acquired a large bus and want YOU to fill the seats.  This bus will be transporting Sacramento students to the Youth Empowerment Summit in San Francisco.

For more information about time and location please contact Enrique at 916.442.0185 or at [email protected].  They need to fill 30 bus seats so start calling and emailing Enrique!

And don't forget to REGISTER!  Please do that here:

10. Re-Register your GSA!
Keep your club registered!  Get new resources & keep informed!!

Before you plan any events for your GSA, remember to register or re-register your group with the GSA Network. Do it NOW to make sure you receive our student resource sheets, FREE posters, other resources, and notifications of future GSA Network or LGBT-related events. (Mailings will go out only to California GSAs in middle and high schools.)

Register online at

If you have any questions or concerns contact:
[email protected]

GSA Network News is a publication of Gay-Straight Alliance Network. Events, resources, and news items listed under "Other Announcements" are not sponsored or written by GSA Network, and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of GSA Network.

11. National Student Protest Dec. 3rd.

Organized on Facebook:
On December 3rd there will be a NATIONWIDE student protest against Prop 8.

Spread the word to Gay/Straight Alliance groups so that they are aware of it!
Go to the following facebook page for more info:
12. One Voice: Reproductive Health and Population Summit
One Voice: Reproductive Health and Population Summit
Win a trip to Washington, D.C. to participate in the fourth annual
One Voice: Reproductive Health and Population Summit

Enter an essay contest for youth advocates co-sponsored by Advocates for Youth, Feminist Majority Foundation, SIECUS, and the Sierra Club!

If you are interested in sexual and reproductive health and rights and in uniting local-to-global advocacy efforts around issues like international family planning, comprehensive sexuality education, gender equity and environmental protection, then the One Voice Summit is for you. With the upcoming shift of power in the Whitehouse, find out what YOU can do to take real action for the issues you care about!

There is a direct connection between our health and the health of the planet. Today, more than one billion adolescents- the largest number ever- are entering their reproductive years. At the same time, we face an increasing lack of access to reproductive health information and services and pressing global challenges like water scarcity, global warming, and poverty. The choices this generation makes will have an impact on our world for years to come.

We invite advocates ages 16-24 to tell us in an essay of no more than 500 words about the potential roles youth can play in advocating for a more just and sustainable world, where all people have access to sexual and reproductive health services and a healthy environment. Tell us how, if chosen to participate, you would use your experience from the One Voice Summit to create a year-long action plan that will make a difference on these issues in your school and/or community.

To qualify, contestants must be between the ages of 16 and 24, currently reside in the United States, and demonstrate a passion to work on issues of sexual and reproductive health and rights and the environment. One reference is also required.

The organizers will fly the winning contestants to Washington, D.C. for the One Voice Summit taking place February 6- 9, 2009. Accommodations and meals will also be covered.

MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2008 at 5pm EST.

For more information about the One Voice Summit or essay contest, please e-mail [email protected]

To submit your contest entry, please email the following completed form and the text of your essay to: [email protected].

13. Did a GSA Change Your Life?
You could lend your voice to LGBTQ history and let the world know how your GSA has affected your life.

If you are a current high school or junior high student that is non-heterosexual and you have gone to at least one GSA meeting at your school, your experiences are invaluable to a graduate school study.  You could lend your voice to LGBTQ history and let the world know how your GSA has affected your life.
The study is an anonymous Internet survey that takes about 20 minutes to complete.  You can take the survey without parental permission and no one will ever contact you from the study.  You can fill-in the survey by using this link: GSA Survey

If you have any questions about the survey, would like to receive a flyer advertising the study or want to receive the results once the study is complete, please feel free to email Nicole Hermann at the following address: [email protected]
And don't forget to spread the word at your next GSA meeting!
14. Nominate LGBT History Figures!

How well do you know your GLBT history?

October was National GLBT History Month, and many GSAs used it for education and visibility on their school campuses.  

Equality Forum wants to hear from YOU, and is now soliciting nominations for Icons for GLBT History Month 2009. For criteria to nominate someone, go to:

To see the LGBT individuals honored in 2008, visit
15. Day of Pink
The first Day of Pink was 'born' in 2007 when a gay youth in Nova Scotia
was bullied for wearing a pink shirt to school. Hundreds of his
classmates stood up to the discrimination by wearing pink shirts to

Working with millions of youth across the world, Day of Pink
( ) promotes this international day of action (February 19, 2009), and includes FREE RESOURCES (posters, guidebooks, stickers...) and support for students, teachers, and administrators to get involved and make a difference.

All you need to do is this:
*         Wear pink on February 19, 2009; and getting others to do the same
*         Go to; download or order free posters, stickers and buttons to advertise the event.
*         Register your school at to enter to win cool prizes.
*         Find out how you can organize other diversity activities to make your Day of Pink POP.
*         Donate to Day of Pink to support this international day of action

WOW: By getting involved you are also entered to win cool prizes like a
trip to Iceland or the Caribbean, and Sony digital cameras.
Should you have any questions, please contact Jeremy at:
877.868.8292 x6486
16. Queer Musical: "Were the World Mine" now in Theaters

If you had a love-potion, who would you make fall madly in love with you?

After an award-winning turn on the film festival circuit, WERE THE WORLD MINE kicks up its heels in movie theaters across the country.


A musical dream come true

Timothy escapes his dismal high school reality through dazzling musical daydreams.  But when his eccentric teacher casts him as Puck in A Midsummer Night's Dream, he stumbles upon a recipe hidden in the script and creates a truly magical purple love-pansy. Armed with the enchanted flower, Timothy imposes a new reality by turning much of his narrow-minded town gay -- beginning with the rugby-jock of his dreams...  Ensnaring family, friends and enemies in this heart-wrenching chaos, Timothy forces them to walk a mile in his musical shoes.

Trailer & Complete Theater Listings available at:

Opening Friday, November 21st:
San Francisco, CA - Opera Plaza Cinema (601 Van Ness Avenue)
Berkeley, CA - Shattuck Cinemas (2230 Shattuck Avenue)
New York, NY - Cinema Village (22 East 12th Street)
Opening  Friday, December 5th:
Boston, MA - Kendall Square Cinema (One Kendall Square)
San Diego, CA - Ken Cinema (4061 Adams Avenue)

Opening Friday, December 12th:
Los Angeles, CA - Laemmle's Sunset 5 (8000 Sunset Boulevard)
Washington, D.C. - E Street Cinema (555 11th Street NW)
Chicago, IL - Music Box Theatre (3733 N. Southport Avenue)

17. Students of Color Organizing Weekend

GLSEN, the Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network, is pleased to
announce its sixth Student of Color Organizing weekend to be held on
January 16 - 19, 2009 in Atlanta, GA.

The Students of Color Organizing (SOCO) weekend will gather Middle and High School students of color from all over the country during the Martin Luther King Jr. Weekend. The mission of this weekend is to empower young people of color to organize and become engaged in safer schools work.

You can apply online or use the downloadable application form for this powerful conference. GLSEN will cover all transportation, lodging and meals throughout the entire weekend. Students will be selected based on their community involvement, safe schools work, organizing background and their commitment to social change. High or Middle school students who would like to be considered to attend the summit should submit an application to us no later than November 17, 2008.

A complete application must include:

# A completed application form OR apply ONLINE.
# A letter of reference/recommendation
# Registration on
# Availability during the weekend of January 16 - 19, 2009

We have a limited number of spaces available, so please apply soon!

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at 646-388-8071
or email at [email protected]
18. LGBT Youth: MTV is casting a New Series


We are casting a new television series for MTV that will bring a group of people to New York City to work directly with a world-renowned fashion designer.  This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be intimately involved in the fashion business, to meet and work with a team of fashion experts, and to participate in the creation of a fashion line.

WHO WE ARE LOOKING FOR: We are looking for creative, outgoing, self-confident, and TALENTED people who don't yet have on-the job experience but who are PASSIONATE about fashion, design, sewing, sketching, graphic art, or any other aspect of the fashion business.  We're not just looking for fashionistas or trendspotters; we are also looking for creative thinkers who know how to market, merchandise, and sell the line.

At the end of our series, one lucky person will be rewarded with the opportunity of a lifetime.


If you want to learn more, or if you know anyone who would be perfect for this show, please email us at [email protected]


19. March on Sacramento for LGBT Rights
On Saturday, November 22, equal-minded citizens from across the state and country will take part in Take it to Sacramento, a massive protest against this bigoted and hateful measure on the steps of our State Capitol.  With an estimated attendance of 30,000 - 40,000 people, this event promises to be the single largest gay rights demonstration to ever take place in history of the United States, sending a clear message to the state and the nation that civil rights are inalienable among all its citizens.  Los Angeles-based California Outreach and Sacramento-based Equality Action Now have teamed up to organize this historic event, and the outpouring of support has already been incredible.  Many state and local politicians have displayed interest in coming to the event, including San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom; a number of corporate sponsors have committed their support; members of the religious community will be in attendance; many booths and vendors are being set up as you read this; and even a few celebrities have confirmed their appearance.  With all of us standing together to fight this hateful measure, we will be unparalleled force fighting for equality and justice.  This is nothing less than history in the making!

Of course, the efficacy of our message and the magnitude of our voice are wholly dependent on how many people we get out there, in the streets, making their voices heard.  So come and get out the message of love and equality!  Fight for your civil rights, and be sure to tell everyone you know to do the same!  Send this to your all of your members, email distribution lists, friends and family.  With the entire gay community and its allies standing in solidarity against this hateful measure, there is absolutely no way that our state government will turn a deaf ear as they have before!  Second-class citizens no more!

And there is no better or more urgent time than now for this to happen.  With the State Supreme Court debating to take the case to overturn the proposition - and the State Senate and Assembly on the fence, teetering between supporting what is right and what a slim majority of the constituents in California voted for - it is absolutely crucial that we get out there as a community and show our unified strength and unwavering commitment to civil rights.  Together we will be heard, together we will fight, and together we will win!

For more information about this event and updates as they become available, please go to  Attached to this email is out flyer, which we encourage you to print and distribute as much as you can.  If you have any questions or would like to know how you can partner with us become part of this historic movement, you can go to our website or contact me directly with the information listed below.

Are you ready to create change?  Are you ready to be heard?  Are you ready to make history?

Then stand up for civil rights at this historic event on Saturday, November 22 at the State Capitol!  We will see you there.

Best regards,

Matthew J. Merrill
California Outreach, in conjunction with Equality Action Now
[email protected]
20. Black LGBT Testimonials Sought
With heightened tensions between the black and LGBT communities over
Proposition 8, it's vital for people who are members of both communities to speak out.  I'm seeking fellow black, openly LGBT volunteers (6 women, 6 men) for a short video to be posted online (Youtube, Myspace, etc.) as a response to Proposition 8.  I'm also seeking LGBT families with black children willing to be featured in the video.

more info:
Tommy Roddy
[email protected]


21. Prop 8 and Race: What's Next? (S.F.)
A Community Forum

What can we do as individuals to further unity in the LGBT community?
How can better bridges be built between the LGBT community and communities of color?
How can LGBT people of all races work with straight people to better communicate our relationships?

Wednesday November 19, 2008
7pm - 9pm

SF LGBT Community Center
1800 Market Street at Octavia

Bevan Dufty, San Francisco City Supervisor
Rev. Amos Brown, San Francisco's Third Baptist Church
Andrea Shorter, And Marriage for All
Eva Paterson, Equal Justice Society

Facilitator: Kyriell Noon, Executive Director, STOP AIDS Project

Sponsored by: STOP AIDS Project, And Castro For All, And Marriage for All, and the Bayard Rustin LGBT Coalition

for more info visit
22. LYRIC Youth Create: Art as Activism (S.F.)

who:        Open to all ages - youth, friends, family, and adult allies
when:      Friday, November 21, 2008, 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
where:     Eureka Valley Recreation Center - Auditorium
              (across the street from LYRIC)
              127 Collingwood Street, San Francisco in the Castro, at 18th Street
why:        To celebrate 20 years of LYRIC youth expression and activism!

Free event!   Light refreshments!    ADA accessible
For more information call or email Tonilyn at 415.703.6150 x 12 or  [email protected]
23. The Other Side of the Closet 

The Other Side of the Closet -
A Safe Schools Program for Teens

By Ed Roy & Directed by Sara Staley

Touring Northern California from October 27th - December 11th  2008
The following tour dates are still available for the 2008 tour:
Mon 11/10, Tues 11/11, Tues 11/18, Wed 12/3, Mon 12/8, Tues 12/9, Wed 12/10 or Thurs 12/11

Harassment based on actual or perceived sexual orientation remains persistent in schools all over the country. The Other Side of the Closet by Ed Roy is a drama for teens that is produced by the New Conservatory Theatre Center's YouthAware Educational Theatre program, based in San Francisco. This program has been touring to Northern California middle and high schools every fall, since 2000, to educate young people about homophobia, diversity, discrimination, hate crimes, verbal & physical harassment, and about the California School Safety Act (AB-537).

The Other Side of the Closet supports a safe school curriculum where students, teachers and parents can learn about acceptance and respect in an innovative and engaging format. This is a great program for your GSA or other diversity based club to sponsor on campus.  We are also available to present community performances of this program on Monday and Tuesday evenings during the run of the tour. Each performance includes a facilitated discussion with the cast and handouts are provided for teachers to continue discussion in the classroom
You may download a preview copy of the script at
Email today to reserve a date for your school before the 2008 tour is booked up!
Sara Staley
YouthAware Program Director
New Conservatory Theatre Center
25 Van Ness Ave. (@ Market St.)
San Francisco, CA  94102
(415) 694-6149  (415) 861-6988 (fax)
24. Youth Worker Brown Bag (S.F.)

Monday November 24th (and the last Monday of every month, except December)
10am to 12pm
Sports Basement 1590 Bryant Street San Francisco, CA (near 15th Street)

Last months Peace Brown Bag was great.  Join us this month when the theme will be ACTIVITIES.

ACTIVITIES is broad but it will include curricula, lessons, and... well, stand alone activities that you do with your youth.  This is an opportunity to learn new ice breakers, get tips on where you can learn about new lesson and curriculum ideas, and share what you know.

The more you come with the more you will get.  As always the Brown Bag is an opportunity to explore specific topics that affect your work and your youth as well as provide you with networking, personal, and professional development.  We need to support each other in our very important work.

Please register at

I have created a website where you can start answering some of the guiding questions for this next Brown Bag.  We hope this will be a helpful resource for you.  If you are on the fence about attending or know you can't, check out the site and post a response.  Your participation in ALL forms is needed.

Thank you


Finally please forward this to your friend and colleagues in youth development!

Central Valley

25. Youth Alliance Meetings Fridays (Fresno)

Meets Every Friday Evening
7:30pm -9:00pm

Fresno's GLBTQ Youth group's weekly meeting is every Friday evening.

1584 N. Van Ness Ave. Map to event

More info :
So Cal

26. GSA Advisor Retreat (Inland Empire)

Rainbow Pride Youth Alliance and GSA Network are co-hosting a 3 day
intensive camp for LGBT and ally youth in the Inland Empire.

In conjunction with this weekend's QCamp, there will be a 1 day GSA
Advisors Retreat.

Location: Camp de Benneville Pines, Angeles Oaks
web site:  Driving directions are on the website
as well as current weather conditions.

Time:  10am-3pm.  Snacks & lunch included in the day.

What to Bring or think about prior to the meeting:
 a.. Samples of the work of your GSA (flyers, activity ideas, strategies
for campus organizing)
 b.. What are your successes?
 c.. What are your your school, in your community, in
our region
 d.. Ideas as to how we can share resources better among Inland Empire GSAs
This will be an informal gathering, a time to meet other GSAs advisors
in region and share ideas and strategies.  Please dress comfortably and
bring layers.   We will be ending prior to sunset so that you may get
down the mountain before nightfall.  Advisors are welcome to stay for
dinner at the camp.

If you have questions, please call Maggie Hawkins at: 951.833-1329
27. Free Movie Screening (Santa Monica)

Free Movie Screening at Crossroads School!
As part of the queer film series at Crossroads, sponsored by FLAG (our gay/straight alliance), we will be having our next movie screening of the year on Wednesday, Nov. 19th, from 6:00 - 9:00 p.m.  We invite you to join us for a great event!
We'll be screening a film called Watercolors, a hot and heartbreaking gay teen romance that was featured at many queer film festivals this year.  We'll also be showing the funny, lesbian musical short film called How Do I Say This? I'm Gay!
Special bonus!-the Directors and both Stars of Watercolors will be with us!
Students and advisors from Gay/Straight alliances are welcome.   It's a great way to meet new friends, or see old ones.  We expect students from many gsa's will be attending--come meet them!   
The movie is FREE and free pizza and drinks will be provided!  But please reply and let us know if you might come, so we have an idea of how much pizza to get.
       **When you reply, make sure to include your name and the school (if any) you are from, as well as how many people you are bringing-this helps a great deal.
Directions are below.  Please email us at:
 [email protected] or [email protected]
If you have any more questions, please feel free to e-mail and ask.  Hope to see you there.
28. Cyber Turkey (L.A.)
Cyber Turkey - a multicultural pre-Thanksgiving social for LGBTQ youth and their allies

"CYBER TURKEY" is our annual pre-Thanksgiving social for LGBTQ Youth & their allies (14-24).

Date: Saturday, November 22, 2008
Location: West Hollywood Park Auditorium
Address: 647 N. San Vicente
Time: 6:00pm-9:00pm
Flyer: Attached
Alcohol & tobacco-free event
29. LGBT Youth Calendars (L.A. and San Diego)

Check out these new calendars for LGBT Youth!
Los Angeles Youth

San Diego Youth

 30. Scholarships for Safe Schools and GSAs
California Teachers Association GLBT Safety in Schools
Grant and Scholarship Program

The grant and scholarship program was created to promote human and civil rights by making our public schools safe for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender persons.  

The grants will support projects and presentations that promote understanding and respect for GLBT persons.

The scholarships will support members enrolled in a teacher/counseling credential program who are pursuing a career in public education and who understand the importance of GLBT educators as role models in our public schools.

See or contact the Human Rights Dept. at 650-552-5446 for more information.

Eligibility Criteria
Applicants must be:

�    CTA/SCTA members, or
�    Public school student(s) nominated by a CTA or SCTA member, or
�    Public school district(s) nominated by a CTA or SCTA member

Award Programs
Up to twelve (12) grants/scholarships of up to $2,000 will be made available annually to awardees.

A.    Grant Program
Grant Categories

�    Programs in Public Schools

1.    Students in public schools, community colleges or four-year universities who implement GLBT projects and/or presentations.
2.    CTA members who implement a GLBT project/presentation at a public school for students and/or employees.
3.    Public school districts that implement a project/presentation which promotes a safe public school environment conducive to learning and teaching for GLBT persons.
4.    Special consideration will be given to projects that recognize, promote and celebrate ethnic diversity among GLBT youth.

�    Gay Straight Alliance (GSA)

1.    GSA's will be eligible for project activities and/or presentations that promote a safe public school environment for all GLBT persons.
2.    Seed money to establish a GSA.
3.    Special consideration will be given to projects that recognize, promote and celebrate ethnic diversity among GLBT youth.

 B.   Scholarship Program
The scholarship program will support members enrolled in a teacher/counseling credential program who are pursuing a career in public education and who understand the importance of GLBT educators as role models in our public schools.

Scholarship Criteria
-Proof that you are currently enrolled or that you will be enrolled in a teacher/counseling credential program.
-An essay up to two pages (8� x 11, double space) on the importance of GLBT educators as role models in our public schools.  
�    Applications that do not meet all specifications will not be considered.
�    Applicants must submit a complete, typed or legibly printed application.  See or contact the Human Rights Dept. at 650-552-5446 for additional forms.
�    Deadline Extended: Applications must be postmarked by December 1, 2008 in order to be considered.

Grant and scholarship applicants are notified by letter in January.

�    Grant and scholarship awardees will be requested to supply a status report.

Send applications to:     
        CTA GLBT Safety in Schools Grant and Scholarship Program
        Human Rights Department
        1705 Murchison Drive
        Burlingame, CA 94010
31. Point Foundation Scholarships for 2009-2010

The Point Foundation is truly a great organization and is making a
difference in the lives of 90 scholars this year!  Point Foundation is
the nation's largest scholarship granting organization for LGBT students
of merit.  Point provides support through multi-year scholarships,
leadership training, mentoring and hope to LGBT students who are
marginalized because of their sexual orientation, gender identity or
gender expression.

Applications for the 2009-2010 school year become available at
December 12th, 2008 with a February 9th, 2009 deadline. 
32. Key Change - Music Scholarships
Doing something noteworthy with music in your community?

FOCUS: Using MUSIC to make a difference
AMOUNTS: 20 $500 grants
5 $3000 grants + a paid trip to the GRAMMY� Awards
DEADLINE : December 15
ELGIBILITY: US or Canadian citizens 19 and under

For more information and to apply, visit
POWERED BY the GRAMMY Foundation�
33. Eduacation and Mentoring Scholarships
Do you want to improve education in your community?

 FOCUS: Education and Mentoring
AMOUNT: 10 $500 grants
DEADLINE: December 15
ELGIBILITY: US or Canadian citizens 25 and under

For more information and to apply, visit


34. NEWS: Paly Students and Staff Ract to approval of Prop. 8

Nov. 5, 2008
By Anna Bastidas and Patricia Ho
The Paly Voice

Many Paly students wore red clothing or ribbons to school today in protest of the passing of California's Proposition 8 on Nov. 4, 2008.

Prop. 8 amends the California constitution to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry and states that only a marriage between a man and a woman is valid in California, according to the Official Voter Information Guide for the California General Election.

Many protests against the passage of Prop. 8 have been organized through events on Facebook. One of these events is titled "I Will Wear Red 11/5/08 if Prop. 8 Passes."

"I decided to wear red ribbons today because I think discriminating against sexual orientation is just plain wrong," senior Lynn Chang said. "I think red was chosen because it's a symbol of love and shows the importance of being able to love whoever you want. Even though we lost today, it is a start of a new battle, which I think we can win because it is unconstitutional to eliminate the rights of a certain group of people."

To read the full story, visit:
GSA Network
empowering youth activists to fight homophobia and transphobia

Gay-Straight Alliance Network
1550 Bryant Street, Suite 800
San Francisco, CA 94103
415.552.4229 (Phone)
415.552.4729 (Fax)
[email protected]