GSA Network News
Table of Contents
In this issue of GSA Network News you'll find:

GSA Network Highlight
GSA Network & GSAs Work to Defeat Prop 8

Call the Governor!  Tell him to Sign the Harvey Milk Bill!

GSA Network Announcements
1. Youth In Motion offers free DVDs for LGBT History Month and Election Day!
2. Re-Register your GSA today - get new resources & keep informed!!
3. Apply for GSA Network Youth Council!
4. Liberation Ink Posters are Available and Free for GSAs in CA!!!
5. Site Visits! Want someone from GSA Network to come visit your GSA?
6. School is Starting Soon and You Need Something to Wear! Buy a GSA Power T-shirt!
7. GSA Members Your Voice Counts! REGISTER to VOTE!
Nor Cal
8. Save the Date-YES 2008 is Coming!
GSA Network Presents the 2008 Youth Empowerment Summit!
9. Calling all Bay Area LGBT youth!
10. Southbay GSA Summit
11. Be on the Youth Empowerment Summit (YES) Steering Committee!
Southern California
12. So. Cal GSA Leadership Trainings and Summits!

Other Announcements
13. Comprehensive national survey on transgender discrimination launched by National Center for Transgender Equality and National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
Nor Cal
14. Queer Youth Dance: Flashing Lights - Dangerous & Sexy Glamour! (S.F.)
15. Transgender Film and Discussion Workshops - for teachers, counselors and health professionals
Central Valley
16. Fresno Trans Focus Group! Save the Date!
17. Stanislaus PRIDE Day 2008! (Modesto)
So Cal
18. So.Cal Youth Calendars Online
19. Models of Pride Nov. 1st!
20. Cyber Turkey - a multicultural pre-Thanksgiving social for LGBTQ youth and their allies
21. Free Video Making Classes (L.A.)
22. LGBTQ Youth: It's time to Sound Off !

Jobs and Scholarships
23. The California Hall of Fame Dreamers Challenge: $5,000 Scholarship

24. NEWS: Want to get involved? Join the club! Organizations can lead to better campus connection

Read GSA Network News online: www.gsanetwork.org/news/networknews.html

highlight GSA Network Highlight

GSA Network & GSAs Work to Defeat Prop 8

Proposition 8 would remove the right of same-sex couples to get married by amending the California constitution to read: "marriage is between one man and one woman."

GSA Network has been working hard to help defeat Prop 8.  We have been working diligently to get GSAs involved in the campaign by phone banking and volunteering for the campaign.  You might be thinking, "Wait, I'm not getting married! Why should I care?" But the freedom to marry is an important issue for youth in the LGBTQ community, even though youth may not be getting married anytime soon. Here are a few reasons why it matters:
�    Many LGBTQ youth may one day want to be able to marry the person they love.
�    Youth with LGBTQ parents may not have many protections if their parents can't have full legal parenting rights and responsibilities as a married couple.
�    As long as there is any form of discrimination against LGBTQ people in any institution in our society, it means we are not treated equally and fairly.

Regardless of your individual views on the institution of marriage - the freedom to marry is a monumentally important step towards eliminating discrimination and validating same-sex couples.

For these reasons, GSA Network interns have been calling up leaders of GSAs around the state and asking them to help defeat Prop 8.

One of our interns, Geoffrey Espino-Nguyen, says: "A lot of people I call are enthusiastic. Even though they've donated money they are still willing to go out and phone bank. GSA youth are really committed to defeating Prop 8!  It's inspiring.  At first, it was a little nerve-racking to call people. But then I realized that they are students just like me, and now I feel pretty comfortable. It's great to hear all the success stories of the people who have phone banked."

Like Geoffrey, people around the state are volunteering with No on 8 and adopting phone banks as a way to help make the campaign successful.  No on 8 is working hard to identify voters who are with us, and to contact those people who are unsure about how they are going to vote to help provide them with facts about how this vote will impact fundamental freedoms for Californians.

If you want to learn more, be sure to <check out the new ad for No on 8> that is already airing on TV.  

Also, check out the video made for youth about Prop 8.  http://www.noonprop8.com/idecide

What can you do to help defeat No on 8?
There are a number of ways you can help out.  Here are the top 6 things you can do.

Give. The fight to defeat Prop 8 is going to be hard-won. It's going to take passion, commitment, time, and MONEY! Please Donate.

Volunteer. This effort takes committed individuals working hard at the grassroots level. Be part of the historic campaign to stand up for EQUALITY. With only 40 days until the election, time is running out!
�   Volunteer with the NO on 8 campaign!
�   Have your GSA Club officially endorse the NO on 8 campaign!
�   Get your entire GSA involved, even if you're located in a more rural or outlying area.  If you're interested in phone banking to call undecided voters and persuade them to vote NO, please email: [email protected] to learn how you can phone bank from your own home.
�    To find out what campaign events are going on in your area check out the No on 8 Website: http://noonprop8.com/events/

Talk. Talk to your friends, family, coworkers, fellow church-goers, neighbors, classmates -- anyone and everyone -- about Voting No on Prop 8. You have a wide circle of influence, use it! By simply talking to people, you increase awareness about the issue in your community and can help influence public opinion.

Write. One of the most effective ways to create change and influence people is by telling your personal story. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper, or submit an article to a newsletter or blog and tell your community why Prop 8 is so harmful to you and those you love.

Register. It all comes down to this. Make your voice count and get engaged. Register to vote NOW if you are 18 or will be 18 by November 4th and get your friends and family to register too. And make sure to show up at the polls on November 4.  Register here.  [GEOFFREY - INCLUDE THE LINK THAT WE'VE BEEN USING.]

Organize. To organize on your college campus in California, find the campus organizers who are mobilizing right now.  

Call the Governor!  Tell him to Sign the Harvey Milk Bill!

Tell him to sign the Harvey Milk Bill.
The right wing has turned up the heat, flooding Gov. Schwarzenegger's office with an overwhelming number of calls opposing our bill that would honor LGBT hero Harvey Milk with a special day of remembrance.

We need to match their calls NOW if we want the bill to be signed.

Press 1 for English
(or 2 for Spanish)
Press 2
Press 1 for AB 2567
Press 1 again to voice support.

AB 2567 would have no fiscal impact to the state and would honor an important figure in the civil rights movement, in the same way that we honor other great leaders with state days of special significance.  
+++++++++++++ GSAannounce GSA NETWORK ANNOUNCEMENTS +++++++++++++
1. Youth In Motion offers free DVDs for LGBT History Month and Election Day!YIM logo

Youth In Motion is an exciting new partnership between Frameline and GSA Network that offers free LGBT themed movies to high schools throughout California!  Our goal is to give student activists and teachers new tools to educate their peers about LGBT issues (and have fun doing it).

>> We're kicking off the project by donating a free DVD to the first 150 GSAs that register for Youth in Motion !

And, if you register by National Coming Out Day (October 11), we'll mail your DVD that week so you can plan a film screening for the end of LGBT History Month -- or to build momentum in the fight against Prop 8!

YIM GlobalCheck out our first four Youth In Motion releases that hit on hot topics like marriage equality and TV shows with a social justice message - things your teachers probably aren't talking about!  Plus, each DVD comes with curriculum and action guides to help you maximize their impact in your school and community!

>> Visionaries & Victories: Early Leaders in the LGBT Movement

>> In the Family: Marriage Equality and LGBT Families

>> Gender Matters: Expression and Identities Beyond the Binary

>> Global Currents: Broadcasting Change in Latin America

YIM Family GraphicWe plan to expand the project this spring with a website that will let people across the country donate DVDs to your school (so we can keep the free movies coming).

Click here to learn more about Youth In Motion, our first release of DVDs, and to register your GSA for this project!

2. Re-Register your GSA today - get new resources & keep informed!!

Before you plan any events for your GSA, remember to register or re-register your group with the GSA Network. Do it NOW to make sure you receive our student resource sheets, FREE posters, other resources, and notifications of future GSA Network or LGBT-related events. (Mailings will go out only to California GSAs in middle and high schools.)

Register online at http://www.gsanetwork.org/register/index.php

If you have any questions or concerns contact:
[email protected]
3. Apply for GSA Network Youth Council!

GSA Network is accepting applications for new Youth Council members. Please contact the appropriate contact person for an application.

The GSA Network Youth Council is a diverse group of youth leaders from GSAs all over California. As a member of the Youth Council you will learn skills to become a stronger activist and work towards creating a safer climate at your school for LGBTQ youth and straight allies. You will get support around mounting a campaign, event planning or starting a GSA club on your campus. In addition Youth Council members are responsible for giving input and helping guide the programs of the GSA Network. Moreover, under the guidance and mentorship of a region-specific Program Coordinator, Youth Council members are also required to launch one of GSA Network's (or one of their own) campaigns on their campuses.

These campaigns are:
* Take It Back: A Manual for Fighting Slurs on Campus
* Beyond the Binary: A Toolkit for Gender Identity Activism in Schools
* The "Make It Real" AB537 campaign.
* SB 71 Campaign for LGBTQ inclusive sex-ed
* LGBTQ Inclusive Curriculum Campaign

Finally, Youth Council members will represent the needs of GSAs and youth activists from their geographic region as well as plan events and lead peer to peer workshops, leadership trainings, advocacy trainings and activist camps.

As a member of the youth council you will have monthly opportunities to
1. Network with youth from throughout your region.
2. Get peer and staff support and feedback on your ongoing campaign, action or event.
3. Give input on GSA Networks programs, policies and curriculum development.

In addition you may have an opportunity to
1. Help plan and run a youth led conference or present workshops at local conferences.
2. Plan and participate in GSA Network social activities like Pride.
3. Apply to become a peer-to-peer youth trainer.
4. Discuss emerging trends in the LGBTQ and greater social justice movement.
5. Provide occasional technical assistance to other GSAs.

1. Willing to commit to serve on the Youth Council for one year.
2. Committed to creating change for LGBTQ youth and fighting homophobia and transphobia in schools.
3. Interested in developing and suggesting ideas to strengthen the GSA Network.
4. A commitment to launching at least one campaign on your campus during the 2008-2009 school year.
5. A student in a public or private middle or high school in California.

Southern California
For more info contact [email protected] or call 213-482-4021

Central Valley
For more info contact [email protected] or call 559-268-2780

Northern California
For more info contact [email protected] or call 415-552-4229
4. Liberation Ink Posters are Available and Free for GSAs in CA!!!

Five poster designs are available for GSAs, organizations, and individuals by building a presence of youth voices for justice, peace, and youth empowerment and against hatred, harassment, and discrimination of all kinds. Every GSA in California can receive 30 FREE posters to use at your school. You can order more than 30 for $1 each. From community organizations and individuals, we request a donation of $5 each for 1-10 posters, $4 each for 11-30 posters, and large quantity discounts are available.

You can view the designs and order posters on the Liberation Ink website: www.gsanetwork.org/freezone/liberation. You must order them in order to recieve them!

* Attach information about your GSA to the posters to advertise and recruit members;
* Encourage teachers to hang the posters in their classrooms;
* Have GSA members lead discussions and activities related to the posters;
* Use the posters as part of an anti-slur campaign;
* Put the posters up in the courtyard with easels and/or use while you're tabling;
* Get the posters printed in your school or community newspaper with an article or announcement about your GSA;
* Create an agreement for teachers to sign and give them posters to symbolize their support;
* Display the whole Liberation Ink series in one place or fill a whole wall with posters in a grid;
* Use the posters in conjunction with Day of Silence (April), Transgender Day of Remembrance (November), LGBT History Month (October), LGBT Pride Month (June), Coming Out Day (October 11), or Diversity Day or Week at your school.

Liberation Ink was a collaborative project of GSA Network, LYRIC, and Mission Grafica at the Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts in San Francisco. It was supported by the Youth Initiatives Program of the Open Society Institute, the San Francisco Arts Commission, and the Walter and Elise Haas Fund.

5. Site Visits! Want someone from GSA Network to come visit your GSA?

Is your GSA running out of ideas for meetings?  Is it lacking members?  Does your GSA want a peer-led training on pretty much anything GSA related? Or do you just want someone cool and totally fun to come and sit in on your meeting and share resources?

Well then time to contact the GSA Network!  

Here at the GSA Network there are 3 Program Coordinators for every region of CA (Kiely, Daniel, and Robin) that would love to come and visit your GSA and provide resources, feedback, or your own personalized mini training!

Due to budget and time restraints, program coordinators can only travel a certain distance.  However, if we can't make it to your school because it's too far, we're more than happy to answer any questions by phone or email.  We love talking with GSA members!

And our mini trainings are freakin' awesome! These trainings are youth led, so what's better than learning about GSA organizing from another experienced GSA member?

So if you want to be like all the cool youth who are doing it, be sure to contact your local GSA Network Program Coordinator today!

Northern California
For more info contact [email protected] or call 415-552-4229
Central Valley
For more info contact [email protected] or call 559-268-2780
Southern California
For more info contact [email protected] or call 213-482-4021

6. School is Starting Soon and You Need Something to Wear! Buy a GSA Power T-shirt!

Another GSA Network T-shirt hot off the press... Cafepress that is. Hella Heart GSA t-shirt

Do you just love our GSA Power postcard? Well, now it's a shirt. Buy it today and help support GSA Network!

Order one of our three New T-shirts and help support GSA Network
* GSA Power
* A is for Ally
* Activist
* Male, Female, Other / Neither / All of the above

Also in stock
* I heart GSA
* and our classic GSA Organizing Shirt

These designs can ONLY be purchased at our online store. For every item you buy GSA Network gets a small donation ($3-5) to keep doing all the good work we do!!!

So, help support GSAs and look cool doing it.

To Buy Today: http://www.cafepress.com/gsanetwork

7. GSA Members Your Voice Counts! REGISTER to VOTE!

This is a critical election with LGBT rights being challenged on the ballot in the November election. Your vote COUNTS.
You may register to vote in California if:
�    You are a United States citizen
�    a resident of California, and
�    you are at least 18 years of age (or will be by the date of the next election). In order to be eligible to vote in the statewide election on November 4th, your registration must be postmarked no later than October 20, 2008.

Here are some sites you can go to to register:

Rock the Vote:

Voter Registration & Participation:

Make sure to tell all of your friends and GSA members to register to vote!

Northern California
8. Save the Date-YES 2008 is Coming!

GSA Network Presents the 2008 Youth Empowerment Summit!

Saturday, December 6 - San Francisco, CA

YES is a FREE conference for LGBTQQI youth activists and their allies who are dedicated to defeating homophobia and transphobia, and creating safe supportive schools for everyone. The target audience is high school and middle school students, teachers, GSA advisors and the community. The YES conference is a chance for LGBTQQI and straight ally youth to network and enjoy free workshops on activism and topics related to queer life.

Registration will be available on-line soon. For presenter and community table faire info, please contact Kiely Hosmon at [email protected] or call 415-552-4229.

Who: LGBTQQI youth activists and their allies
Where: Everett Middle School, 450 Church Street, San Francisco,CA
When: Saturday, December 6, 2007 - 9:00 am-5:00 pm
Cost: FREE, including breakfast and lunch!
What else: The after-YES dance, 5-8pm!!

More info coming soon!

9. Calling all Bay Area LGBT youth!

Do you want to help other lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth and their families?

Do you want to help families understand the importance of accepting their LGBT family members?


The Family Acceptance Project at San Francisco State University wants to talk with parents, grandparents, foster parents, and guardians of LGBT youth to get their feedback on new family education materials we're developing for families of LGBT young people. All family members we meet with will be paid $50.00 for participating in a 90 minute session with project staff.  All youth who refer a qualifying family member who participates in a session with staff will be paid  $25.00 referral stipend.

Call us to find out more and how you can get involved.
Call 415-522-8564 or 1-888-354-4222

The Family Acceptance Project is a research and education project of the C�sar E. Ch�vez Institute at San Francisco State University developed in 2002 to help increase family support for LGBT young people.


Jorge S�nchez
C�sar E. Ch�vez Institute
San Francisco State University 3004 16th Street, Suite 301 San Francisco, CA 94103 415.522.8564
415.522.5899 (fax)
[email protected]
10. Southbay GSA Summit
DeFrank GSA Summit @ the Billy DeFrank LGBT Community Center
Thursday September 25th 5-8pm
938 The Alameda San Jose Ca, 95126

Come to meet other activists and learn new tools to strengthen you GSA. This Summit will feature a workshop on "Campaigns and Days of Action" by GSA Network. GSA Summits are for all middle and high school GSA members and advisors. Dinner is provided for all attendees.
Questions? Contact Cassie: [email protected] (408) 293-3040 ext.111.

11. Be on the Youth Empowerment Summit (YES) Steering Committee!

Ever wondered what it would be like to help organize a huge one-day LGBTQA youth conference?  Think you have a fabulous idea for a workshop or keynote speaker?  Did you attend last year and wonder why you weren't put in charge of the dance decorations?

If you answered YES (haha, get it?  GET IT?) to any of these questions, then you should be a member of the YES Steering Committee!

What the heck is the YES conference you ask?  Good question, here's the answer-

The Youth Empowerment Summit (YES) will be held December 6, 2008 from 9 am-5 pm at Everett Middle School in San Francisco, followed by a youth-only dance from 5 pm-8  pm. YES is a FREE conference for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer, questioning, and straight ally youth dedicated to fostering safe schools and youth activism.  YES is structured to focus on giving youth organizers the tools to combat homophobia and transphobia in schools.

The aim of YES is to provide a safe space in which students may come together to explore the multiple oppressions faced by youth, help teachers become advocates and form partnerships with LGBTQQI youth, and become armed with the tools needed to change the world!  As a YES participant, you will make new friends, be exposed to a wealth of valuable resources, feel empowered and supported, and have fun!

Those who are interested in becoming members of the YES steering committee should be able to
1) attend monthly meetings (and at least twice a month when the conference is a month away)
2) be dedicated and dependable and show up consistently to meetings
3) follow through on responsibilities, be ready to engage in a fun and educational planning process
4) walk and chew bubble gum at the same time.  : )

If you're interested, please contact Kiely, the NorCal Program Coordinator, at 415.552.4229 or [email protected].
Southern California

12. So. Cal GSA Leadership Trainings and Summits!

As part of our mission to support the growth and development of GSAs, we organize trainings for youth interested or already involved in GSA activism. Our goal this year is to have trainings in each of the 9 counties we work in SoCal. Some local trainings coming up this year:

October 11th - Coachella Valley/Desert Cities GSA Summit @ College of the Desert, Palm Desert
10am - 5pm

October 25th - South Bay/Long Beach Leadership Training @ The Center, Long Beach
10am - 4pm

November 1st - Models of Pride @ Occidental College, Los Angeles
 8:30am - 8:30pm

November 15th - 2nd Annual IGSBY Pride and Education Conference @ Christopher Wahl Youth Center Whittier
9am - 6pm

November 21st - 23rd - First Annual Inland Empire Q Camp @ Camp De Benneville Pines in Angelus Oaks. Applications available online at http://www.RPYA.org.

For more info on these trainings, please go to: http://www.myspace.com/socalgsanetwork or contact Daniel @ [email protected]

++++++++++++++++ Other OTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS ++++++++++++++++
GSA Network News is a publication of Gay-Straight Alliance Network. Events, resources, and news items listed under "Other Announcements" are not sponsored or written by GSA Network, and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of GSA Network.
13. Comprehensive national survey on transgender discrimination launched by National Center for Transgender Equality and National Gay and Lesbian Task Force

Respond to the survey online at

"This is an absolutely critical national effort. We urge all transgender and gender non-conforming people to take the survey to help guide us in making better laws and policies that will improve the quality of life for all transgender people. We need everyone's voice in this, everyone's participation."
- Mara Keisling, Executive Director, National Center for Transgender Equality

In the wake of one of the most violent years on record of assaults on transgender people, the National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force have teamed up on a comprehensive national survey to collect data on discrimination against transgender people in housing, employment, public accommodations, healthcare, education, family life and criminal justice.

To date, in 2008, several young gender non-conforming people of color have been murdered, including California junior high school student Lawrence King, who was shot in public during the school day. King's murder, and the murders of Simmie Williams in South Carolina and Angie Zapata in Greeley, Colorado come in a year in which we are still working to include transgender provisions in a federal bill to protect lesbian, gay and bisexual workers from discrimination in employment.

Hate crimes against transgender people suggest multiple points of vulnerability, which can compound each other: discrimination in employment may lead to unstable housing situations that in turn can leave transgender people at the mercy of public programs and public officials who may not respond respectfully or appropriately to them. These stressors add burdens in a healthcare system that is often unprepared for transgender people's needs. The list goes on. "We know that transgender people face discrimination on multiple fronts," said Mara Keisling, executive director of NCTE. "This data will help us sort out the combination of forces that leave transgender people vulnerable to unemployment, homelessness and violence."

Jaime Grant, director of the Task Force Policy Institute, noted, "There is so little concrete data on the needs and risks associated with the widespread discrimination we see in the lives of the transgender people we know. This data will help point the way to an appropriate policy agenda to ensure that transgender people have a fair chance to contribute their talents in the workplace, in our educational systems and in our communities."

NCTE and the Task Force have partnered with Pennsylvania State University's Center for the Study of Higher Education to collect and analyze the data. Applying rigorous academic standards to the investigation will strengthen any case made to legislators, policy makers, healthcare providers and others whose decisions impact the lives of transgender people. A national team of experts in survey research and transgender issues developed the questionnaire, which can be completed online at https://online.survey.psu.edu/endtransdiscrim.

Keisling notes: "This is an absolutely critical national effort. We urge all transgender and gender non-conforming people to take the survey to help guide us in making better laws and policies that will improve the quality of life for all transgender people. We need everyone's voice in this, everyone's participation."

Northern California
14. Queer Youth Dance: Flashing Lights - Dangerous & Sexy Glamour!

SATURDAY, 10/18/08
Flashing Lights - Dangerous & Sexy Glamour!
This FREE event is not to be missed! Dress to impress and win a prize!
who: All queer youth and allies 24 & under
when: Saturday, October 18, 2008, 9 p.m. - 12 a.m.
where: Women's Building (look for the MURAL!)
3543 18th St, San Francisco, between Guerrero St. & Valencia St.
BART Station: 16th St. MUNI Lines: 33, 26, 14, 49
why: To celebrate 20 years of serving queer youth!
For more information call or email Derrick
(415) 703-6150 ext. 15. or [email protected]
15. Transgender Film and Discussion Workshops - for teachers, counselors and health professionals
This NEW monthly Film and Discussion Workshop Series has been very popular -come join us!  It's a fun way to learn, and EVERYONE is welcome.  Enjoy unique, informative films, especially chosen to educate you about the diversity of experiences in the transgender community. Take advantage of the opportunity to ask questions of an expert in a safe environment and talk about the issues involved.  Each month has a different focus.  The themes will repeat in 2009, but with different videos, so you can come to all of them, and learn something new each time!  Feel free to forward this announcement.

Get your tickets now for the third in the series on September 28th.  This month's topic is Other Genders.  Are you curious what that means?  Come find out what exists in the gender spectrum besides male and female.

Transgender Night at the Movies
4th Sundays of the month (except December)
6:00 - 9:00 pm
Popcorn included!
Pre-registration required
Scent-free site near El Cerrito Plaza BART station
Exact address and directions sent upon registration

The series schedule:
Other Genders: September 28, 2008; March 22, 2009
Transgender Youth: October 26, 2008; April 26, 2009
Transgender Families: November 23, 2008
FTM Stories (Female to Male): January 25, 2009
MTF Stories (Male to Female): February 22, 2009

About the facilitator, Valerie Igl, MFT:
I specialize in working with transgender people, and provide trainings for therapists and other professionals on these issues. I used to run a Transgender Support Group, and up to 40% of my clients are transgender or intersex, ranging in age from 12 to 65 years old.

Fee: $20 each, or $50 each with CEU's
Series discounts available:
3 workshops for just $55, or $140 with CEU's
5 workshops for just $90, or $230 with CEU's

Admission fees are not refundable, but can be shared, so bring a friend! Space is limited, and seating is first come, first on the comfy couch, so RSVP for each workshop date to reserve your spot, then come early to claim the best seating.  You can contact me for more information at [email protected] or 510-527-5662 x3.

Each workshop meets the qualifications for 3 hours of continuing education credit for MFT's and LCSW's as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences.  CEU's are provided by my colleague Jeanne Courtney, MFT, CE provider #PCE3107.  We offer many seminars on different topics throughout the year.  Complete listings of our courses can be found online at http://www.FeministTherapyAssociates.com/CEUcalendar.html.  I am also available for custom workshops, agency inservices, and one-on-one trainings, including CEUs, tailored to your specific needs.

Registration Options:
- ONLINE:    Go to https://www.FeministTherapyAssociates.com/TransFilms.html
- VIA EMAIL:  Reply with completed registration form below, and pay via www.PayPal.com to [email protected]
-  POSTAL MAIL (if registering at least 10 days before workshop) Mail check and completed registration form below to:
Valerie Igl, MFT
PO Box 453
El Cerrito CA 94530

When your complete registration info and payment are received, you will be contacted with confirmation, and the exact address and directions will be emailed to you.
Central Valley
16. Fresno Trans Focus Group! Save the Date!
September 26th, 2008
Planned Parenthood Education Department
633 N. Van Ness, Fresno, CA., 93728

Sponsor writes:
My name is Michael Gerald and I am a Health Educator at Planned Parenthood Mar Monte. We are currently in the process of becoming a clinic that can provide services for the transgender community. Before beginning this transition, however, we are arranging a Focus Group that will take place here at Planned Parenthood Mar Monte in the hopes that individuals from the transgender community can help to identify different needs within the community. Eventually Planned Parenthood Mar Monte will be able to take those needs and match them with services we can actually provide. Thank you again for your consideration.

Contact: Michael Gerald-- [email protected]; Phone: (559) 488-4908

17. Stanislaus PRIDE Day 2008! (Modesto)

Modesto, CA
Stanislaus PRIDE Day 2008 will be held on Saturday, September 27, 2008,
from 11am to 7pm at Graceada Park, in Modesto, CA . This year's theme is
"Live. Love. Be."  For more information, please visit

Southern California
18. So.Cal Youth Calendars Online

LA area and San Diego area LGBT youth organizations are coming together to provide up to date info of events for LGBT and ally youth.

Check these websites out for events, trainings, and other fun things to do!

Los Angeles Youth

San Diego Youth

19. Models of Pride Nov. 1st!

The annual Models of Pride conference (MOP) is a free one-day event, Saturday, November 1, 2008, for young people, ages 14 to 23. The focus of the conference is on LGBTQ issues and will be held at Occidental College in Los Angeles. Over 600 youth are expected to attend.
ONLINE REGISTRATION IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR YOUTH, ages 14 to 23 and their adult chaperones. Go to Registration to sign up.
An adult workshop, facilitated by Dr. Judy Chiasson, will be offered to adults who work with LGBT youth in school and community settings. CEUs and all materials will be offered for a $25 fee (participants must stay for the entire workshop). Click on Adult Workshop for more information and to download a registration form. Pre-registration is required as space will be limited.

Volunteer applications are being accepted through October 1, 2008. Click on Volunteers to submit an online application (no walk-on volunteers are allowed).
We are inviting you to be  sponsor for the conference. Visit the Resource Faire page for more information. The deadline for sponsorships is September 20, 2008.
Media kits are available. Contact [email protected] or
[email protected] for more information. You may also call 626.577.4553.

20. Cyber Turkey - a multicultural pre-Thanksgiving social for LGBTQ youth and their allies

"CYBER TURKEY" is our annual pre-Thanksgiving social for LGBTQ Youth & their allies (14-24).

Date: Saturday, November 22, 2008
Location: West Hollywood Park Auditorium
Address: 647 N. San Vicente
Time: 6:00pm-9:00pm
Flyer: Attached
Alcohol & tobacco-free event
21. Free Video Making Classes (L.A.)
Barrio Action Youth is looking for youth who are interested in Music and
making their own videos.

"Pass it On" is an 8 week FREE after school program where professional
film makers "pass on" their skills by acting as mentors and teachers
to at-risk youth who learn to create, edit and perform in your own
music videos!

During this program youth will:
- Shoot and edit the videos
- Use professional media equipment
- Express yourself!

Classes are from OCTOBER 1 - NOVEMBER 22
Class dates: Wednesdays 4:00p.m. - 6:00p.m.
Saturdays 10:00a.m.-12:45p.m.

To register or for more information contact:

Ari Ruiz-Reyes
Barrio Action Youth & Family Center
Office: (323) 221 - 0779
Fax: (323) 223 - 8417
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.barrioaction.org
22. LGBTQ Youth: It's time to Sound Off !

Sound Off and Help amplify the multicultural voices of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning (LGBTQ) youth!

We are asking your help in educating others about the experience of LGBTQ youth from multicultural communities. Our goal is to build more support for LGBTQ youth throughout California. So what are we asking you for?

We want to learn from LGBTQ youth:  "How does your race, ethnicity or culture affect your identity as LGBTQ?"

There is no one way to share this information...each person may express their experience differently.

Each person may feel differently about how they are supported, celebrated or challenged by family or community for all of who they are.

Every person's voice is important; every person's voice will make a difference!

Speak Up by emailing statements reflecting youth "voice" to:  Donna Matthews at CA Institute for Mental Health. Email: [email protected]   We'd love to know your first name, age, the city you live in and however you identify (i.e. race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or culture).

Thanks!!! We are so grateful for your help. Together we will build a more respectful world!

Statements will be included in an upcoming chapter about LGBTQ youth in the CA Mental Health Directors Association's Transition-Age Youth (TAY) On-Line Resource Guide at www.cmhda.org/committees/com_csoc_tay_rsc.html

Donna Matthews, MSW
California Institute for Mental Health
2125 19th Street, 2nd floor
Sacramento, CA 95818
916-556-3480, x 153

+++++++++++++ Jobs JOBS AND SCHOLARSHIPS +++++++++++++
23. The California Hall of Fame Dreamers Challenge: $5,000 Scholarship

Submissions Now Accepted

What Would You Do to Change the World?
The California Museum, home of the California Hall of Fame has partnered with Comcast and the California State Fair to present a challenge to high school seniors: Tell us how your dream will leave a lasting mark on the state, nation and the world.
The scholarship challenge is inspired by the California Hall of Fame, an honor and an institution which serves to inspire visitors by exhibiting the amazing stories of trailblazers, leaders and legends who have called California home.

Unlike other scholarship contests, the California Dreamers Challenge hopes to provide opportunities for future Walt Disneys, John Steinbecks and Rita Morenos by opening up entries to submissions beyond the standard essay. The California Hall of Fame inductees became legends for thinking outside the box, and so The California Museum challenges high school seniors to produce a video, music, artwork, or an essay that can be submitted digitally on CD or DVD, that will display the creative abilities of each individual.

One grand prize winner will be selected for a $5,000 cash scholarship, airfare and accommodations for student and one adult to Sacramento to accept award at the 9am California Hall of Fame preview event on December 15, 2008. They will also get VIP placement during the red carpet event before the official ceremony that evening.

"So think for a moment what you would have to do to stand out in a state of 37 million people. You'd have to go out and do what your heart and mind ordered you to do."
-- Maria Shriver
The California Museum, 2006 California Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony

Scholarship Timeline
September 8 - Submissions accepted
October 10 - Last day for submissions
October 11 - Judging starts
November 31 - Judging ends
December 1 - Winners are notified
December 15 - Grand prize winner is recognized at the Museum

For further information and to download the entry form, go to www.CaliforniaMuseum.org


(916) 654-5688 or [email protected]

News+++++++++++++++++ NEWS +++++++++++++++++
24. NEWS: Want to get involved? Join the club! Organizations can lead to better campus connection

By Tara Cuslidge
Stockton Record
September 15, 2008

TRACY - "Rock step, triple step, triple step," instructs Bruce Powell.

Inside the dance room at Merrill F. West High School, the sound of feet hitting the ground echoes. It's not good to hear that sound, Powell tells the students. Try again, this time on the balls of their feet.

"Rock step, triple step, triple step," Powell says again.

So begins the Swing Dance club's first lesson of the year.

"People think it's just spinning in circles," said Nick Callanta, a 15-year-old sophomore. "It's much more complex than that."

Clubs are an important part of campus life for students across San Joaquin County. The extracurricular activities offer ways for students to take on leadership roles, volunteer in the community, learn new things and grow overall.

Jose Cardenas, head counselor at Stockton's Cesar Chavez High School and co-adviser for the campus club Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztl�n, or MEChA, said he's seen grades and attitudes improve from participation.

"Students get more involved in fundraising and community service activities," Cardenas said. "Because they are around positive people, they start doing better in school and their attendance starts to improve."

At the newly opened Lathrop High School, Principal David Chamberlain set a goal of 30 clubs for the school's inaugural year.

To read the full story, visit: this article on recordnet.com

GSA Network
empowering youth activists to fight homophobia and transphobia

Gay-Straight Alliance Network
1550 Bryant Street, Suite 800
San Francisco, CA 94103
415.552.4229 (Phone)
415.552.4729 (Fax)
[email protected]
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