GSA Network News
Table of Contents
In this issue of GSA Network News you'll find:

GSA Network Highlight
Welcome Back to School!

GSA Network Announcements
1. Youth In Motion - When's the last time you learned about LGBT people in school?

2. Re-Register your GSA today - get new resources & keep informed!!
3. GSA Network is Seeking Awesome Activists!
4. Apply for GSA Network Youth Council!
5. Liberation Ink Posters are Available and Free for GSAs in CA!!!
6. School is Starting Soon and You Need Something to Wear! Buy a GSA Power T-shirt!
Nor Cal
7. Save the Date-YES 2008 is Coming!
GSA Network Presents the 2008 Youth Empowerment Summit!
8. Southbay GSA Summit
9. Be on the Youth Empowerment Summit (YES) Steering Committee!
Central Valley
10. Fresno's Reel Pride Gay and Lesbian Film Festival
11. GSA Network National Update

Other Announcements
Nor Cal
13. Queer Youth Dance! Saturday, 10/18/08 (S.F.)
Central Valley
14. Fresno Trans Focus Group! Save the Date!
So Cal
15. Gay Days at Disneyland!
16. Riverside Pride
17. San Gabriel Valley Pride - Sun 9/14 12pm
18. OUT on the Mountain
19. LGBTQ Youth: It's time to Sound Off !

Jobs and Scholarships
20. The California Hall of Fame Dreamers Challenge: $5,000 Scholarship

21. NEWS: School board rejects resolution on same-sex marriage
22. NEWS: Filipino Teen Activist Running for CA District Assembly

Read GSA Network News online: www.gsanetwork.org/news/networknews.html

highlight GSA Network Highlight
Welcome Back to School!

Ninth grade students are nervous, seniors are super excited, sophomores and juniors are dreading their overloaded class schedules-but it's that time again, BACK TO SCHOOL! As students all over California go back to school, GSA Network is also kicking off in back-to-school mode.

Just as many of you may be returning to school and excitedly preparing for your GSA meetings, we are just as excited! Kiely Hosmon, our Northern California Program Coordinator says, "One main thing I'm looking forward to is increasing my site visits. This allows me to connect with individual GSAs and offer myself as a resource while getting to know what kind of obstacles they're facing on their campuses-- and even thought it's only the beginning of September, this year is already promising to be amazing!"

This school year is a very exhilarating one--elections will decide a new president, Californians will decide the fate of many propositions such as Proposition 8, and once again the education  of migrant students is being discussed with the debate for the California Dream Act.

GSA Network is excited to be a part of this new wave of activism. For all of you registered GSA clubs, look for a package coming to your advisors' mailboxes soon, as it will include information on how to get involved with the different campaigns and propositions that GSA Network has endorsed.  For more questions, please contact t. aaron hans, our Advocacy Program Manager, at [email protected]

In the next two weeks, registered GSAs will also receive the annual back-to-school mailing with updated resources and new cool resources to create schools safer for everyone. Some of the resources cover topics such as transitioning your leaders, combating apathy on campus, and ensuring your GSA is inclusive for youth with LGBTQ parents.

If you have not already heard, GSA Network and Frameline are excited to announce Youth in Motion, a new project that will provide schools in California with free LGBTQ movies that can be shown in classrooms or as part of your GSA's activities.  We hope the power of film will supplement existing curricula and youth activism to help reduce homophobia and transphobia in your schools.  See the announcement below to learn more and get involved!

With all these things happening all over California, GSAs can be supported with the fabulous GSA Network staff. If you would like help on how to build an even better GSA club contact our three regional coordinators.
Northern California-Kiely at [email protected]
Central Valley-Robin at [email protected]
Southern California-Daniel at [email protected]

We can visit your GSA, hold a training with your GSA members, help you develop  a campaign specifically for your school, help with any legal questions you may have, and give you the essential tools for you to become fearless activists!
Don't believe we can help? Just look at what Jon, the president of the GSA at his school in Northern California, had to say, "GSA Network has already helped a great deal. Being able to go to GSA Activist Camp this summer helped give me the drive I needed to make a change in myself, and help start the burning desire for change in others. Also, having an awesome team at the GSA Network offices to back me up on crucial decisions is always comforting."

Of course, the best way to get involved and stay involved is to join a regional Youth Council!! The Southern California had their first Youth Council meeting and it was great success. Daniel Solis, the Southern California Regional Coordinator, is most excited for this year's Youth Council. "I cannot wait to work more with such a racially and geographically diverse group of young, bright, and devoted activists. They are the reason why I work for GSA Network-to help them grow, and to let them be the voice of change."

To join the Youth Council near you, apply here: http://www.gsanetwork.org/about/ycapp.html

This is definitely a year of change! We're ready to empower young activists! But are you ready to change your schools and communities?  Get involved, teach, and change!

+++++++++++++ GSAannounce GSA NETWORK ANNOUNCEMENTS +++++++++++++
1. Youth In Motion
When's the last time you learned about LGBT people in school?
(If you're like most students in California, the answer's probably NEVER.)
Even though many LGBT youth are finding the courage to come out in middle or high school, we know that our schools aren't always the safest places.  Though we've achieved great victories like the passage of AB 537 (the California Student Safety and Violence Prevention AcYIM logot), we still have a long way to go in ending ignorance and violence.  At the same time, even though we may have movies like Brokeback Mountain or shows like Queer Eye, we don't usually get to see the diversity of our experiences represented on the big or small screens.  And we usually don't learn about our identities, histories, and cultures in school. Youth In Motion is an exciting new partnership between Frameline and Gay-Straight Alliance Network that offers free LGBT themed movies to high schools throughout California!  Our goal is to give student activists and teachers new tools to educate their peers about LGBT issues (and have fun doing it).

We're kicking off the project by donating free DVDs to the first 150 GSAs that register for Youth In Motion !

And, if you register by Coming Out Day (October 11), we'll mail your DVD that week so you can plan a film screening for the end of LGBT History Month!

We plan to expand the project this spring with a website that will let people across the country pick a school to donate a DVD to (so we can keep the free movies coming).

Click here to learn more about Youth In Motion, our first release of DVDs, and to register your GSA for this project!

2. Re-Register your GSA today - get new resources & keep informed!!

Before you plan any events for your GSA, remember to register or re-register your group with the GSA Network. Do it NOW to make sure you receive our student resource sheets, FREE posters, other resources, and notifications of future GSA Network or LGBT-related events. (Mailings will go out only to California GSAs in middle and high schools.)

Register online at http://www.gsanetwork.org/register/index.php

If you have any questions or concerns contact:
[email protected]
3. GSA Network is Seeking Awesome Activists!

GAYLA (GSA Advocacy & Youth Leadership Academy) is a three-day intensive training in policy advocacy & other important related skills. GAYLA will take place in Sacramento from October 4th - October 6th, 2008.

GSA Network is now accepting applications from young people who are interested in impacting the education system and working to implement the legislation that we've already attained. Youth (age 18 and under) in California high school and middle school Gay-Straight Alliance clubs who are strongly interested in making policy change at their schools and across the state should apply.

If you are an activist who is interested in learning more about policy advocacy, ensuring the education system implements gender identity non-discrimination laws in California schools, and developing community organizing skills - we strongly encourage you to apply. This training will lead to meetings with school administrators at the California Department of Education, California School Boards Association and other education agencies. After attending GAYLA, you will participate in a year-long campaign. You don't want to miss out on this opportunity! 

To apply for GAYLA, check out our website or email [email protected] for more information or an application.
4. Apply for GSA Network Youth Council!

GSA Network is accepting applications for new Youth Council members. Please contact the appropriate contact person for an application.

The GSA Network Youth Council is a diverse group of youth leaders from GSAs all over California. As a member of the Youth Council you will learn skills to become a stronger activist and work towards creating a safer climate at your school for LGBTQ youth and straight allies. You will get support around mounting a campaign, event planning or starting a GSA club on your campus. In addition Youth Council members are responsible for giving input and helping guide the programs of the GSA Network. Moreover, under the guidance and mentorship of a region-specific Program Coordinator, Youth Council members are also required to launch one of GSA Network's (or one of their own) campaigns on their campuses.

These campaigns are:
* Take It Back: A Manual for Fighting Slurs on Campus
* Beyond the Binary: A Toolkit for Gender Identity Activism in Schools
* The "Make It Real" AB537 campaign.
* SB 71 Campaign for LGBTQ inclusive sex-ed
* LGBTQ Inclusive Curriculum Campaign

Finally, Youth Council members will represent the needs of GSAs and youth activists from their geographic region as well as plan events and lead peer to peer workshops, leadership trainings, advocacy trainings and activist camps.

As a member of the youth council you will have monthly opportunities to
1. Network with youth from throughout your region.
2. Get peer and staff support and feedback on your ongoing campaign, action or event.
3. Give input on GSA Networks programs, policies and curriculum development.

In addition you may have an opportunity to
1. Help plan and run a youth led conference or present workshops at local conferences.
2. Plan and participate in GSA Network social activities like Pride.
3. Apply to become a peer-to-peer youth trainer.
4. Discuss emerging trends in the LGBTQ and greater social justice movement.
5. Provide occasional technical assistance to other GSAs.

1. Willing to commit to serve on the Youth Council for one year.
2. Committed to creating change for LGBTQ youth and fighting homophobia and transphobia in schools.
3. Interested in developing and suggesting ideas to strengthen the GSA Network.
4. A commitment to launching at least one campaign on your campus during the 2008-2009 school year.
5. A student in a public or private middle or high school in California.

Southern California
For more info contact [email protected] or call 213-482-4021

Central Valley
For more info contact [email protected] or call 559-268-2780

Northern California
For more info contact [email protected] or call 415-552-4229
5. Liberation Ink Posters are Available and Free for GSAs in CA!!!

Five poster designs are available for GSAs, organizations, and individuals by building a presence of youth voices for justice, peace, and youth empowerment and against hatred, harassment, and discrimination of all kinds. Every GSA in California can receive 30 FREE posters to use at your school. You can order more than 30 for $1 each. From community organizations and individuals, we request a donation of $5 each for 1-10 posters, $4 each for 11-30 posters, and large quantity discounts are available.

You can view the designs and order posters on the Liberation Ink website: www.gsanetwork.org/freezone/liberation. You must order them in order to recieve them!

* Attach information about your GSA to the posters to advertise and recruit members;
* Encourage teachers to hang the posters in their classrooms;
* Have GSA members lead discussions and activities related to the posters;
* Use the posters as part of an anti-slur campaign;
* Put the posters up in the courtyard with easels and/or use while you're tabling;
* Get the posters printed in your school or community newspaper with an article or announcement about your GSA;
* Create an agreement for teachers to sign and give them posters to symbolize their support;
* Display the whole Liberation Ink series in one place or fill a whole wall with posters in a grid;
* Use the posters in conjunction with Day of Silence (April), Transgender Day of Remembrance (November), LGBT History Month (October), LGBT Pride Month (June), Coming Out Day (October 11), or Diversity Day or Week at your school.

Liberation Ink was a collaborative project of GSA Network, LYRIC, and Mission Grafica at the Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts in San Francisco. It was supported by the Youth Initiatives Program of the Open Society Institute, the San Francisco Arts Commission, and the Walter and Elise Haas Fund.

6. School is Starting Soon and You Need Something to Wear! Buy a GSA Power T-shirt!

Another GSA Network T-shirt hot off the press... Cafepress that is. Hella Heart GSA t-shirt

Do you just love our GSA Power postcard? Well, now it's a shirt. Buy it today and help support GSA Network!

Order one of our three New T-shirts and help support GSA Network
* GSA Power
* A is for Ally
* Activist
* Male, Female, Other / Neither / All of the above

Also in stock
* I heart GSA
* and our classic GSA Organizing Shirt

These designs can ONLY be purchased at our online store. For every item you buy GSA Network gets a small donation ($3-5) to keep doing all the good work we do!!!

So, help support GSAs and look cool doing it.

To Buy Today: http://www.cafepress.com/gsanetwork

Northern California
7. Save the Date-YES 2008 is Coming!

GSA Network Presents the 2008 Youth Empowerment Summit!

Saturday, December 6 - San Francisco, CA

YES is a FREE conference for LGBTQQI youth activists and their allies who are dedicated to defeating homophobia and transphobia, and creating safe supportive schools for everyone. The target audience is high school and middle school students, teachers, GSA advisors and the community. The YES conference is a chance for LGBTQQI and straight ally youth to network and enjoy free workshops on activism and topics related to queer life.

Registration will be available on-line soon. For presenter and community table faire info, please contact Kiely Hosmon at [email protected] or call 415-552-4229.

Who: LGBTQQI youth activists and their allies
Where: Everett Middle School, 450 Church Street, San Francisco,CA
When: Saturday, December 6, 2007 - 9:00 am-5:00 pm
Cost: FREE, including breakfast and lunch!
What else: The after-YES dance, 5-8pm!!

More info coming soon!

8. Southbay GSA Summit
DeFrank GSA Summit @ the Billy DeFrank LGBT Community Center
Thursday September 25th 5-8pm
938 The Alameda San Jose Ca, 95126

Come to meet other activists and learn new tools to strengthen you GSA. This Summit will feature a workshop on "Campaigns and Days of Action" by GSA Network. GSA Summits are for all middle and high school GSA members and advisors. Dinner is provided for all attendees.
Questions? Contact Cassie: [email protected] (408) 293-3040 ext.111.

9. Be on the Youth Empowerment Summit (YES) Steering Committee!

Ever wondered what it would be like to help organize a huge one-day LGBTQA youth conference?  Think you have a fabulous idea for a workshop or keynote speaker?  Did you attend last year and wonder why you weren't put in charge of the dance decorations?

If you answered YES (haha, get it?  GET IT?) to any of these questions, then you should be a member of the YES Steering Committee!

What the heck is the YES conference you ask?  Good question, here's the answer-

The Youth Empowerment Summit (YES) will be held December 6, 2008 from 9 am-5 pm at Everett Middle School in San Francisco, followed by a youth-only dance from 5 pm-8  pm. YES is a FREE conference for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer, questioning, and straight ally youth dedicated to fostering safe schools and youth activism.  YES is structured to focus on giving youth organizers the tools to combat homophobia and transphobia in schools.

The aim of YES is to provide a safe space in which students may come together to explore the multiple oppressions faced by youth, help teachers become advocates and form partnerships with LGBTQQI youth, and become armed with the tools needed to change the world!  As a YES participant, you will make new friends, be exposed to a wealth of valuable resources, feel empowered and supported, and have fun!

Those who are interested in becoming members of the YES steering committee should be able to
1) attend monthly meetings (and at least twice a month when the conference is a month away)
2) be dedicated and dependable and show up consistently to meetings
3) follow through on responsibilities, be ready to engage in a fun and educational planning process
4) walk and chew bubble gum at the same time.  : )

If you're interested, please contact Kiely, the NorCal Program Coordinator, at 415.552.4229 or [email protected].
Central Valley
10. Fresno's Reel Pride Gay and Lesbian Film Festival

Come join the fun!!!  The Central Valley GSA Network will be hosting
the concession stand at Fresno's Reel Pride Gay and Lesbian Film
Festival on Wednesday, September 17 through Sunday, September 21.  You
will be given a pass to the movies and when you are not working at the
concession stand, you can enjoy some LGBT films.  If you are someone
you know is interested in helping sell popcorn, sodas, and extra
goodies, please email Robin McGehee, CV Program Coordinator, at
[email protected] or call 559-268-2780.

11. GSA Network National Update

Things have been busy here at the National Program.  We recently returned from
our Annual Gathering of GSA Networks in Chicago where over 14 states attended.
Since then our work has focused on increasing participation by national association
members in new sub-committees and conference calls.  We are still working with
the Texas GSA Network as we continue our replication work (replicating what is
being done here in California with the folks in Texas).  Other exciting stuff includes
exploring new opportunities for replication with a few states, and some networking
trips to meet folks in the North East and find out more about what is going on with GSAs in that part of the country!  Very exciting work!  To find out more, email [email protected]
++++++++++++++++ Other OTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS ++++++++++++++++
GSA Network News is a publication of Gay-Straight Alliance Network. Events, resources, and news items listed under "Other Announcements" are not sponsored or written by GSA Network, and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of GSA Network.
150 Malls. 42 States. 6 Weeks. 1 Voice.

As the 2008 presidential election approaches, all eyes are on the candidates and how voters will respond.  Would the outcome be the same if teens under 18 had the chance to voice their opinions?  At malls from California to New York till September 21st, teens have their chance to have their voice heard as they vote on relevant issues and their choice for the next president of the United States.

And if making their voice heard isn't enough, teens have a chance to win great prizes, save with deals at their favorite stores at the mall, win prizes from the SoBe instant win prize wheel and be entered to win the national sweepstakes with prizes such as a $5,000 Back to School shopping spree, entertainment system, and more!

For more information or to find an event near you, go to: www.urvotescount.com.

Northern California
13. Queer Youth Dance! Saturday, 10/18/08 (S.F.)
All queer youth 24 & under
Saturday, October 18, 2008, 9 p.m. - 12 a.m.

Women's Building (look for the MURAL!)
3543 18th St, San Francisco, between Guerrero St. & Valencia St.
BART Station: 16th St. MUNI Lines: 33, 26, 14, 49
To celebrate 20 years of serving queer youth!
For more information call or email Derrick
(415) 703-6150 ext. 15. or [email protected]
Central Valley
14. Fresno Trans Focus Group! Save the Date!
September 26th, 2008
Planned Parenthood Education Department
633 N. Van Ness, Fresno, CA., 93728

Sponsor writes:
My name is Michael Gerald and I am a Health Educator at Planned Parenthood Mar Monte. We are currently in the process of becoming a clinic that can provide services for the transgender community. Before beginning this transition, however, we are arranging a Focus Group that will take place here at Planned Parenthood Mar Monte in the hopes that individuals from the transgender community can help to identify different needs within the community. Eventually Planned Parenthood Mar Monte will be able to take those needs and match them with services we can actually provide. Thank you again for your consideration.

Contact: Michael Gerald-- [email protected]; Phone: (559) 488-4908

Southern California
15. Gay Days at Disneyland!

Years ago, Disneyland used to have a private party one night of the year for gays and lesbians. When the event was canceled in 1998, Gay Day Anaheim was created.

Visit the official Gay Days Anaheim webpage by visiting www.gaydaysanaheim.com for more information. This year's Gay Days will be October 3-5, 2008.

Gay Days Anaheim is a "mix in" meaning LGBT people and straight people mingle together; the park is open to the general public. We wear RED shirts to identify one another and show our numbers.

The first Gay Days Anaheim in 1998 attracted about 2,500 people. In 2005, we had about 30,000! Pretty amazing. What was once a small one - day gathering has become a full weekend event with parties, gatherings, group photos, scavenger hunts, private meals, and much more!

Project Trevor Presents
for more info on Trevor project and Gay Days visit: http://www.thetrevorproject.org/gaydays08.aspx

1. Youth Scavenger Hunt
11:00am, Plaza Gardens (just to the left of the Castle), FREE!
Scour the park and win prizes! This hunt is for youth ages 21 and under only.
(park admission required)

2. Youth Lunch
12:30pm, Festival Arena (behind Big Thunder Mountain), FREE!
Feeling famished? Wanna hang with some other LGBTQ youth? Enjoy free pizza and drinks. For youth ages 21 and under only.
(park admission required)

3. Trevor Teen Dance Party
7:00ˆ10:00pm, Garden Room, Wonder Tower (formerly Bonita Tower),
Disneyland Hotel, FREE!
KayCee Stroh of Disney's "High School Musical" hosts & TigerHeat DJ
Ray Rhodes takes to the turntables at our dance for LGBTQ youth! This
event is for youth ages 20 years and under only.
(park admission NOT required)

Remember, this event isn't sponsored by Disney (hence why it's "unofficial") so if you call Disneyland asking for information about Gay Day, they will tell you that this is not a Disney event.
16. Riverside Pride
Jeffrey Owens Community Center presents:
Be Proud
Be Bold
Be You
Riverside Lesbian and Gay Pride
Saturday, September 13 10 a.m-9 p.m.
White Park in Downtown Riverside
For more info:
www.jocc.org or www.myspace.com/riversidepride08
17. San Gabriel Valley Pride - Sun 9/14 12pm

SGV Pride 2008!
Pride: YOU Count!

Sunday, Sept. 14
Noon - 6:00 pm

Memorial Park
85 E. Holly St.
Pasadena, CA

San Gabriel Valley Pride began in 2001 with a small group of volunteers eager to unite the GLBT community in the San Gabriel Valley and surrounding areas. We began as a small picnic in the park and have since grown into an official non-profit charitable organization.

We offer a different type of opportunity to celebrate your Pride no matter what generation of the family you're from. San Gabriel Valley Pride is very different from the larger urban Pride celebrations.

    *     Our event is FREE and we are committed to it always being FREE to the public.
    *     Our event is a combination of a family reunion mixed with a Lifestyle and Business Expo mixed with a Personal Improvement conference.
    *     We offer the opportunity to learn more about your community and yourself in a more intimate setting.

More info available at:  www.sgvpride.org

18. OUT on the Mountain
Gay Day at Six Flags Mgic Mountain
Friday Sept. 26 from 7 p.m. to Midnight
Parking is free, and the park is closed to the public.

This is a private event, so ONLY LGBT tickets will be valid.
Tickets are $24.99 if purchased in advanced, $40 at the door.
For more information and to purchase tickets please call
661-255-4500 or visit www.sixflags.com promo code: glbt08 
19. LGBTQ Youth: It's time to Sound Off !

Sound Off and Help amplify the multicultural voices of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning (LGBTQ) youth!

We are asking your help in educating others about the experience of LGBTQ youth from multicultural communities. Our goal is to build more support for LGBTQ youth throughout California. So what are we asking you for?

We want to learn from LGBTQ youth:  "How does your race, ethnicity or culture affect your identity as LGBTQ?"

There is no one way to share this information...each person may express their experience differently.

Each person may feel differently about how they are supported, celebrated or challenged by family or community for all of who they are.

Every person's voice is important; every person's voice will make a difference!

Speak Up by emailing statements reflecting youth "voice" to:  Donna Matthews at CA Institute for Mental Health. Email: [email protected]   We'd love to know your first name, age, the city you live in and however you identify (i.e. race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or culture).

Thanks!!! We are so grateful for your help. Together we will build a more respectful world!

Statements will be included in an upcoming chapter about LGBTQ youth in the CA Mental Health Directors Association's Transition-Age Youth (TAY) On-Line Resource Guide at www.cmhda.org/committees/com_csoc_tay_rsc.html

Donna Matthews, MSW
California Institute for Mental Health
2125 19th Street, 2nd floor
Sacramento, CA 95818
916-556-3480, x 153

+++++++++++++ Jobs JOBS AND SCHOLARSHIPS +++++++++++++
20. The California Hall of Fame Dreamers Challenge: $5,000 Scholarship

Submissions Now Accepted

What Would You Do to Change the World?
The California Museum, home of the California Hall of Fame has partnered with Comcast and the California State Fair to present a challenge to high school seniors: Tell us how your dream will leave a lasting mark on the state, nation and the world.
The scholarship challenge is inspired by the California Hall of Fame, an honor and an institution which serves to inspire visitors by exhibiting the amazing stories of trailblazers, leaders and legends who have called California home.

Unlike other scholarship contests, the California Dreamers Challenge hopes to provide opportunities for future Walt Disneys, John Steinbecks and Rita Morenos by opening up entries to submissions beyond the standard essay. The California Hall of Fame inductees became legends for thinking outside the box, and so The California Museum challenges high school seniors to produce a video, music, artwork, or an essay that can be submitted digitally on CD or DVD, that will display the creative abilities of each individual.

One grand prize winner will be selected for a $5,000 cash scholarship, airfare and accommodations for student and one adult to Sacramento to accept award at the 9am California Hall of Fame preview event on December 15, 2008. They will also get VIP placement during the red carpet event before the official ceremony that evening.

"So think for a moment what you would have to do to stand out in a state of 37 million people. You'd have to go out and do what your heart and mind ordered you to do."
-- Maria Shriver
The California Museum, 2006 California Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony

Scholarship Timeline
September 8 - Submissions accepted
October 10 - Last day for submissions
October 11 - Judging starts
November 31 - Judging ends
December 1 - Winners are notified
December 15 - Grand prize winner is recognized at the Museum

For further information and to download the entry form, go to www.CaliforniaMuseum.org


(916) 654-5688 or [email protected]

News+++++++++++++++++ NEWS +++++++++++++++++
21. NEWS: School board rejects resolution on same-sex marriage

Bakersfield Californian
September 2, 2008

Mona Twocats lives in Bakersfield with her wife, who she has been with for 20 years, and they have sent three children through the Kern High School District.

So when she found out a resolution to support Proposition 8, which is a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage, would be discussed Tuesday evening, she decided to speak to the KHSD board.

"We have families, real families, and to hear someone say that my children are less than others because they were raised by two women, when they have so many scholastic and athletic honors," she said after the meeting. "To hear that from a school board member is disturbing."

In a split vote, the school board rejected the resolution, with trustees Ken Mettler and Chad Vegas voting for the resolution and trustees Joel Heinrichs and Bob Hampton voting against. Board President Bryan Batey was absent from the meeting and the resolution needed a majority to pass.

read the entire story at:

22. NEWS: Filipino Teen Activist Running for CA District Assembly

Philippine News
Sep 05, 2008

LOS ANGELES - A television anchor quizzed Lucilla Esguerra, 19, who is running for California State Assembly's District 48, under the banner of the Peace and Freedom Party: "Are you better off on the streets than aspiring for public office? "The Filipino American anti-war activist and LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) rights advocate, responded: "I want to represent the people of the streets." She is currently the youngest person running for public office in the state.

Her ambitions are simple and realistic but right on target; her words don't mince around rhetorical bombast and oratorical histrionics that rule traditional politics-she hits it straight, no qualms, no chasers in between. "The most important thing is to get the word out there, that we have problems in our society that need to be addressed. If I will serve as the voice for the voiceless to air out those problems in the duration of my campaign, then so it is," said the middle child of immigrant Filipino and Polish parents, before a gathering of supporters, friends, and family members. The rally was held at Manila Terrace Social Hall in Temple street in the Historic Filipinotown district here last Monday, Sept 1. The event was organized by the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) and Answer Coalition (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism), of which she is a member.

"While Lucilla talks about issues that she's campaigning for, she also talks about people as being part of the movement for justice and human rights, it's not just voting," says Ian Thompson, L.A. organizer for Answer and one of Esguerra's advisers.

Elder sister Corazon presided over the ceremonies, dad Jerry prepared the late lunch food (as he always does for PSL events), and younger brother Nathan assisted in the proceedings-while Answer's staff of youthful socialist activists kept all plugs covered.

"Whatever happens, my candidacy should serve as an inspiration to the youth of our community, particularly our "kababayans" [fellow-Filipinos]-the second largest immigrant group in California and yet the most underrepresented-to dare to struggle for what is good for our community and the people as a whole," Esguerra told a cheerful gathering of more than 300, mostly from the Filipino and Hispanic communities. "People are really excited about the campaign, they offer to help. Yes, they say I am still very young, they almost don't believe it, but I told them we need more of the younger generation to be part of the government," Esguerra told Philippine News.

Esguerra's central campaign demand is "jobs, education, housing, healthcare-not racism and war!" She is for full employment-gainful jobs for all, including job training for youth and the unemployed; free, quality healthcare for everyone; free, high-quality education from pre-school through college; and the immediate end to all foreclosures and evictions in the 48th district and across the United States. She believes in full equality and "immediate legalization for all," and seeks to make the state of California a sanctuary for undocumented immigrants.

March 15 this year, Esguerra led an anti-war protest in L.A. of 10,000 people. She also has organized resistance to the anti-immigrant Minuteman Project and mobilized support for the May 1 mass protests demanding full rights for all immigrants over the past three years.

As former president of the Gay Straight Alliance at the Sherman Oaks Center for Enriched Studies in San Fernando Valley, Esguerra has mobilized for LGBT rights and led student actions for same-sex marriage at the high school and college levels. "Despite her age and controversial stand on certain issues, it's hard not to take Lucilla seriously," says Roberto Manuel, a resident of Filipinotown. "It appears that she has more experience with talking and dealing with people than most politicians that I know."

To read the full story, visit: Phillipine News

GSA Network
empowering youth activists to fight homophobia and transphobia

Gay-Straight Alliance Network
1550 Bryant Street, Suite 800
San Francisco, CA 94103
415.552.4229 (Phone)
415.552.4729 (Fax)
[email protected]
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