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Personality Principles

APT 2006 group


July 30, 2007

Greetings Everyone!
The early registration deadline is fast approaching - it will be here before you know it!
~ August 7, 2007 ~
Remember we still have the $100 drawing running - don't miss it !
This year looks to be an exciting line up of topics and teachers. We are thrilled Florence will be with us for the whole conference and will be giving the keynote at the banquet Thursday night.  The cost of the banquet is $25.00 and is open to anyone who wishes to come for the evening, so if you live in the St. Louis area or are bringing a spouse or friend, we would love to see you there.  Seating is limited, so first come - first serve. Please reserve your place at the table on-line at http://fs2.formsite.com/krobbins/form457539458/index.html
APT 2006 group
I now have the APT daily schedule done and posted on the website, for those of you who need to know the details. =0)  Also, if you are attending APT and have products you have developed and want to sell them on the book table, please contact Cassandra at apt2007@personalityprinciples.com or 314-266-3843 to obtain an inventory sheet.
We will be having a "Show and Tell - What Other Trainers Are Doing" session on Thursday.  Here's where you get to strut your stuff!  For the first 6 people who sign up for this session, a designated time will be allotted for you to share how you use The Personalities.  If this is something you wish to do, please contact Cassandra at apt2007@personalityprinciples.com and we will put your name in the list. 
The details for APT are all coming together nicely.  If you are on the fence about coming...trust me - you'll be kicking yourself, if you miss this!
Advanced Personality Training
Advanced Personality Training
September 7 - 9, 2007
St. Louis, MO
Wingate Inn Hotel
(Riverport Dr. St. Louis, MO)
Early Bird Discount deadline is August 7 Don't miss it! 
To register for APT follow this link
or visit the new (and still under construction) website for more information about payment plans, hotel and tuition prices.  www.personalityprinciples.com
Enter to WIN $100.00 off tuition!!!!!!
Between July 15 - August 31, 2007
We will be having a drawing worth $100 which will be applied toward tuition of this year's APT. 
There are several ways to save money on tuition - 
  • Early-bird discount - $20
  • Drawing - $100
  • Alumni saving - $100
Take advantage of all these discounts and SAVE big.
Everyone registered will be entered into the drawing.
You must attend APT 2007 to use your prise drawing.  The $100 will be applied to the balance of your account. If for some reason you are unable to attend at the last minute, the winning certificate will be forfeit and a new winner will be chosen. This certificate cannot to be use as the down payment.
The Banquet on Thursday night is optional ($25.00).  Florence will be giving the keynote for the evening and we will have a meet and greet time afterwards, giving us time to share what we are doing with The Personalities.
Here are some of the Topics to be covered at APT:
  • Setting Up Your Business
  • Basics of Leadership Workshops
  • Life Coaching 
  • Comparison of Other Systems
  • Website issues
  • Teleconferences/Webinars
  • Developing Your Materials
  • History of Personality systems
  • Masking/Dysfunctional Behaviors
  • The Difference Between Keynote and Teaching
  • Spiritual Growth & Personalities in Scripture

APT 2006 Attendees

APT 2006 group

Basic Seminar Schedule
Thursday: 6:00 pm - Banquet (Optional)
               Keynote Speaker - Florence Littauer 
Friday:     8:30 am - Registration
               9:00 am - 8:30 pm  General Sessions
Saturday: 9:00 am - 8:30 pm  General Sessions
Sunday:    9:00 am - Noon  General Sessions 
(meals are included in the tuition) 
FREE Teleconferences


Next   Teleconference

Tuesday Aug 7

2:00 pm Central time Zone

We had a great teleconference call last time! Plan to attend our next call, coming Tuesday August 7. Our topic will be:
Essential Elements for a Training Workshop

Applying Personalities to Spiritual Growth 

Please use the link below, to find your time zone.
The purpose for the teleconferences are to showcase some of the topics we will be covering at APT this year. These teleconferences are FREE and available to you, even if you can't make it to Advanced Personality Training. Teleconferencing is one of the new topics at APT which we think will help you grow your business/ministry, so I hope you can join us. Feel free to attend all the calls or just one, you'll love them!
If for some reason you can't make the call, a download will be available. Follow this link:
  • Tuesday July 10 - 2:00 pm Central-- First Steps to Business/Website issues
    (this call is now available for download)
  • Wednesday July 25 -8:00 pm Central -- History of Personality studies/Emotional Needs 
    (this call is now available for download)
  • Tuesday Aug 7 - 2:00 pm Central
    Essential Elements for a Training Workshop  Applying Personalities to Spiritual Growth
  • Wednesday Aug 22 - 8:00 pm Central--  Life Coaching/Pre APT Conference Questions 

Conference Dial-in Number:  (319) 741- 8100

Access code:  1076965#


For those of you who are calling in from outside the USA, remember to check out the great phone rates at Skype.

The call will last about one hour and will be recorded for future MP3 down loads.  When prompted, enter the assigned access code, followed by the # key.  Once connected to the live conference, every caller will be able to talk. Callers will be given instructions about the control buttons after the call starts, *4 instructions, *6 -Mute.  Please be courteous to mute your phone if there is back ground noise in the room from which you are listening to the call. 

We hope to hear you on the call!

We respect your privacy and will never sell or give out your information.
In This Issue
Advanced Personality Training
FREE Teleconferecnes
Research and Articles
Skype Calling Program
Quote of the Week
"The circumstances of life, the events of life, and the people around me in life, do not make me the way I am, but reveal the way I am"
Dr. Sam Peeples
Websites to help further your goals
If you would like your business' link on the page - let us know.
Prayer Support
Dear Heavenly Father,
Surround each person who is teaching the concepts of the personalities, i
n the work force and in the Church, with your power and grace.  Bless the words of our mouths and the desires of our hearts, so we are pleaseing in your eyes. Amen
It is our desire as a planning team to pray for the conference and the attendees.  If you have a prayer request or would like to join the payer chain please email at this address.

Having participated in last year's Advanced Personality Training, I know first hand the effectiveness of Kathryn's enthusiasm, instruction and inspiration. Through APT, she gives the extra push that many Certified Personality Trainers need. If you have attended our Personality Training Workshop, have been doing some training, but feel that you need additional coaching to make your Personality business a reality, I hope to see you at the APT!

Florence Littauer

Founder, the CLASSeminar

Speaker/Author of Personality Plus and Your Personality Tree

I am so grateful that after spending enormous amounts of time with our Certified Personality Trainers, Kathryn Robbins saw a need to give them additional training to answer their questions, equip them with technology and business savvy, and help move to a more professional level-and did something about it. If you are a Certified Personality Trainer looking to take the next step and move forward, I am confidant that you will find the Advanced Personality Training to be the place for you!

Marita Littauer

President, CLASServices Inc.

Speaker/Author of Wired that Way and Your Spiritual Personality

Alive! eBook Network offer
Alive! eBooks Nework

Bringing You and Your Message Alive to the World

I am so excited to tell you about a new - cutting edge opportunity that came my way.  As many of you know, I have been attending teleconferences about marketing, blogging, ebooks, and more. As a trainer of trainers, I feel it is part of my job to help you obtain the tools you need to facilitate your passion and help you get your businesses going.  I told you about the eBook Expo last month, well, during that conference I was introduced to the idea of "multi-media eBooks" by Ruby Yeh, who is the force behind this innovative idea.

Last week Ruby was the guest host on Ellen Violette's (The eBook Coach) teleconference and she had the opportunity to explain how this multi-media eBook thing works.  I was all ears when I found out that I could talk in the pages of my book along with writing - as a Sanguine, this thrilled me! The idea of marketing world wide through the Internet was also appealing. I know how hard it is to ship books world wide, so to give people around the world the ability to click and download my message was wonderful!
The bonus for that evening's call was a $500 discount on your eBook if you signed up by Monday night.  Well, I struggled with the decision, I knew this was the route I planned to take, but the only extra money I had at the moment was the money I set aside for APT.  I decided to stay the course (pay the caterer for APT) and hope that God would supply the money I would need to pay full price when I was ready to create my eBook.
I emailed Ruby and thanked her for her offer and explained why I couldn't take her up on it at this time, but I would be signing up later this year. To my surprise, Ruby called me the next day and we discussed different options available.  I am so jazzed with what she has offered.  Alive eBooks Network is two weeks away from their grand opening, so for the next two weeks the $500 discount is still open.  This offer is only good for those who are referred through either you or me.   
Many of us have what the publishing industry calls a "narrow niche," which takes us out of the running to get our message published in the traditional way. Over the years I have looked into self-publishing, but by the time I paid the $4,000 - $10,000 to print the book, I would need to spend even more to sell the book.  In essence, I would need to become a book peddler to become an author.  Not my idea of fun.
I know this is not for everyone, but some of us have been waiting for an opportunity like this. The regular price will be $2,495 after their grand opening. This special offer is just for us, so cut and paste this link into your emails and tell your writer friends about it.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact Ruby at
ruby@aliveebooks.com or visit http://www.aliveebooks.com/create.htm
I have another offer for those who would like to take their businesses or ministries to another level.  What is the easiest way to learn to be successful? Do what the successful do.  In this Pass It On Live mentoring program, you will learn tried and true ways to grow successfully.

How do you take your dreams and turn it into reality?
Two key words:  Action & Mentorship.
10 renowned leaders have gathered to reveal their time-proven secrets to Inspiration, Success and Happiness ... and you get to hear their conversation!
 Here's where you can listen
http://www.PassItOnLIVE.com/cmd.php?af=633937&p=1 < ---- Pass It On to friends, ok?
Research and Articles
This week's pick is -
The #1 most annoying office habit!
You are going to love this one. In fact you will want to save this for your future Personality presentations!!
(this is just a small bit of the article - which is definitely worth the read)

How Loud is too Loud?

Despite the laundry list of complaints, the loud talker wins the award for most annoying. Of 2,318 people surveyed in March 2006 by Harris Interactive and Randstad, 32% say an office loud talker is their biggest pet peeve. Coming in a close second at 30% is using an annoying cellphone ringtone; 22% said speakerphones are their No. 1 peeve.

As for Kargus and her colleagues, no one in the newsroom ever complained directly to their co-worker. Kargus was nervous that her co-worker would get upset and seek retribution or that it would create a tense atmosphere.

Worse than the conversations that reduced Kargus' ability to concentrate was her co-worker's annoying cellphone ring: the Mexican Hat Dance...

Skype Calling Program
Use your computer to call any phone number, anywhere in the world 
  Skype logo     

Skype is world wide internet communications.

Skype is software that lets you use your computer and internet connection to communicate with anyone, anywhere in the world.

We want to make the teleconferences available to all out trainers - world wide, so we found a calling program that can cut the cost cost of international calls to the USA. It's called Skype and it as close as your computer.

To download Skype or find out more about the program, go to  http://skype.com/

Once you have your SkypeIn number set up you can then follow the direction to learn the different ways that Skype can help you connect with others around the world. If you go to the Skype download page you will find answers too many of your questions.

Here are some facts to help you get started:

You can call from most countries to the US for 2 cents a minute, and there is a great rate for calling between Canada and the USA. So if you want to call into the teleconferences the cost would be less the 2.00 a call.

Skype "minutes may be purchased via PayPal, Click&Buy, Master Card, Visa, JCB, Bank transfer and more.

If you have questions about using Skype you can email me at Apt2007@personalityprinciples.com

We hope to see you at one of the seminars - Teleconferences or APT, because we feel they will enhance your businesses/ministries and the simple fact is, we are planning to have a FABULUS time!
my signature
Personality Principles LLC