Outback ... In the Temple of Venus
in the Temple of Venus

Outback ... In the Temple of Venus
Easter Egg and Matzah Hunt
Pick a (pair of socks) egg ... with discount inside!
Find the Matzah and get a prize!
sock egg basket
May your weekend be blessed with DeLight, LoveTribe!

Whether your spending time with family and friends or working alone ... may you encounter special moments of love, gratitude and forgiveness, with your fellow passengers on this beautiful "Spaceship Earth".

Outback, our Temple of Love and Beauty, will be open  this weekend, Saturday and Sunday. Drop in for some love, community, snacks, beautiful adornments and a free pair of colorful socks! And if you are purchasing something ... inside those socks are an additional discount from 10-25% off!

AND, we still have our sale of an additional 50% 0ff (on top of the already 50% off or more discount) ... on most of the clothing!

Here's to freedom ... truth, love, beauty and community!

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