Outback 1717D 4th Street in Berkeley
Sharing the  space with the 4th St. Gallery ... 1 more month!
(Yes! Pt Richmond shop open too! Everyday except Tuesday)
Berkeley everyday 11-6   Pt Richmond 12- 6 closed tuesday 
Fun holiday shopping party
Outback Love Tribe Party
Outback Love Tribe Party

Fun party! Here's a 6 minute movie of the party we had on the 18th.  
It gives a glimpse ... onto 4th st with the magical Holiday lights .. into Outback our Temple/shop ... and through the looking glass into the dressing room, the altar where Venus enters and transforms. 
We plan to have at least one more evening party in January before we close.
Though as many of you know ... parties happen spontaneously and often Outback in the Temple of Venus. 

LOTS of new hats came in today ... mostly wool and wool felt.
Aloha LoveTribe,

Personally, it's been a  Garrison Keillor kinda holiday ...

The Holidays can be sweet, full of love, family and joy of gifting. And as you know it can also be filled with stress, lonliness, unfullfilled expectations ... and the flu!

I got to see it all this holiday season. Without going into the gory details .... I was listening to Garrison Keillor (of Prairie Home Companion) on the way to lend a hand. He was telling stories where there was one calamity after another and just when you can't take it anymore "Oh Nooooo!" he's says in times like this the only thing you can do is to break out the Rhubarb pie! Then he told another one and more rhubarb pie.

After the end of a long day and Christmas eve night  ... I'm driving back home for a bath and Garrison's show is on ... again!  This time he's telling about his most memorable Christmases ... with a few of those "Oh No!" stories amoung them. And I'm thinking ... OK I'm having one of those Christmases ... although thanks to Garrison, along with witnessing the suffering, I was also watching the comedy of craziness!

That evening, I went to a dinner party ... a delicious Ciopinno (fish stew) caught,  cooked and served by Alan, Max and Leslie. And guess what the desert was?! ... Rhubarb pie !!

May we wind down this year and move into the next, with acceptance, trust and love (and maybe some rhubarb pie!)

Some of our friends, our loves have left to party elsewhere and we will miss them. May those of us here for the 2012 ride, ease into this new year with our new abilities to watch the show and grow with the flow. This is also the year to express  our contribution to this sometimes crazy, beautiul life ...  
Being fearless by choosing love.

xoxo Devi


                                 Outback ... In the Temple of Venus     
139 W. Richmond Ave.                                1717 4th Street
Point Richmond, California 94801                Berkeley, Ca 94710
510 237 1199                                                510 5271777


Save 30%
already 50-75% off
New Years Party outfit

To support you in Celebrating the end of 2011 and the begining of 2012 we are offering 30% off your New Years Eve outfit (including scarves, socks, tights, shoes, hat, jewelry...?) to transition in!
Mention LoveTribe for the discount.
Many new fun collections ...

LoveTriber in new coat

We've been blessed with many new collections at great prices. Sorry I've been too busy to let you know. And we just got more in today. I can't tell you the labels because they don't want them showing up discounted on the internet, but they are FABULOUS!. 
More pictures next week! 


Check out this tie-dyed fine mesh bubble skirt/slip. They come in 3 tye dye colors and 3 solid colors, long and short as pictured under the R. Beeson  tunic.

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