Jan Michaels
Clare Ullman
Above photo by Anastasia
(wearing Rebecca Beeson buy 2 pieces get one free!) She has her gorgeous photos in our dressingroom. She's been known to set up a spontaneous photo booth.
Aloha LoveTribe,
Keeping your peace? Do your piece to keep the Peace for a peaceful holiday season ... Power to the Peaceful*. OK, let's take this moment to take a deep breath ... ahhh, peace rippling out ....
Funny, after I wrote that Carla King posted on our facebook page, a thank-you to me for the stress-free holiday shopping. That is one of our intentions and the other is to have fun** while finding something beautiful, comfy, inspiring and fun.**
Towards the Fun!!**
Meet & Greet PARTY! Sunday 12/18/11 4-9ish
Outback in cahoots with the 4th st Gallery, where we now share a space until the end of January, will be having a meet the artists, meet the designers, party, eat, imbibe and shop. This Sunday from 4-9ish ... my party crew will be in the house ... big fun!**
So many of you over the years have let me know how much you love Jan's jewelry, which we've had at big discounts ... thanks Jan! Now you can meet her and let her know yourselves! She will also be bringing some of her new styles AND she said to let you know you can order by choosing pieces from her website and she will make them up and get to you in the next couple of weeks! (all of you who have been showing me the one JM earring you have that needs the lost one replaced, you can bring that to show Jan and see if it can be replaced!)
Meet Clare Ullman (with her hubby Dana at Burningman). They are a walking party!
My good friend Clare Ullman, an award winning designer of fine jewelry, will be bringing her gorgeous (and less expensive) pieces (with special prices for the LoveTribe). Check out her website here
Meet Shaye 
See what my amazingly talented daughter is up to (hey I'm biased but she constantly inspires me!) Check out her new video on her website (under construction) and peruse her cool vintage, art wrapped jewelry she's put together.
And Diva may drop by... 
my amazingly talented daughter! She will be at the Renagade Fair all weekend, and may drop by after, but we will have her new art linen calenders for sale at special LoveTribe prices. And you can see her website and her blog
The artists of the 4th St Gallery will be there, Gera and I ... and many of my talented and fun friends will also be there Sunday night (This is your invite dear closest friends!) So come join us ... party, eat, imbibe, shop for gifts and party clothes (no need to dress up, you can do that Outback!)
xoxo Devi
Outback ... In the Temple of Venus |