Outback ... In the Temple of venusin the Temple of Venus
139 W. Richmond Ave directions 510 237 1199
Special hours this Sunday 7/4 1-3
We will still be opened Wed 2-7 & Thurs 4-7
Good News ...
20% off
On any 1 item ... to
use at any time.

(inspired by July 4th theme of freedom
and by Bed, Bath & Beyond!)


Anam Thubten
And great news ...
My friend and deep love, Diane who I shared about a couple of emails ago  got her recent tests back and is now cancer free (from stage 4 cancer!)
Wow & YEAH!!

More Happy news ...
I went to the meditation and (Dharma) talk of this sweet (and very popular) Monk Anam Thubten who is a teacher at the Temple here in Pt Richmond. When I was introduced to him he said how he had been waiting to meet me, as going by the  Outback " Temple" always made him happy and he thanked me for that.  Yeah! I enjoyed his Temple too! http://www.dharmatafoundation.com
Some of you may want to check it out. He'll be there this Sunday 11-1 and we'll be opened after that 1-3.

Even more good news! ... I will be going to my home in Hana on Friday. I haven't been there in a year and am ready for my favorite temple/walk in the Bamboo forest and my other paradise "spots" and seeing/being with my Hana Ohana (family), friends and kitties.
I'll write you from there ... I want to share some other great news ...
Join me in connecting and sharing good news! xoxo Devi


Outback ... In the Temple of Venus
139 W. Richmond Ave.
Point Richmond, California 94801
510 237 1199