Mother's Day from now until the end of May! for all care taking, compassionate LoveTribers! 20% off
Hola LoveTribe!
I just arrived in my home in San Miguel De Allende after a long, interesting and relaxing couple of travel days. And it is so beautiful here. I'm in a courtyard filled with flowers, trees, fountain and breeze. In a cafe with wifi ... a beautiful place to write. Amira was going to write you but our Outback computer seems to have taken a vacation ... anyone have an extra computer to donate or trade Outback treasures for? So it is giving me this opportunity to write about what's new in the store and in my life. We finally got Cut Loose in!! ... and LOTS ... for all those that have been asking for it for awhile now. We have offered a Mother's Day, all month of May, coupon in The Monthly and wanted to give our LoveTribe, first pick, so we are offering this to you starting TODAY - 20% off everything! There is still a lot of Citron and the other lines we carry. Plus, some great shower and sink water filters, yummy raw chocolate made with Agave, fun color changing OGGs and assortment of other treasures.
Cut Loose
All sizes 
Some of your favorite easy to wear clothing All at 40-50% off with additional 20% |
Save 20%
Until the end of May 20% off EVERYTHING in store!! |
Offer Expires: May 31
So now I have the opportunity to tell you about my HUGE support team
... which I have just re-organized and relate to in a new more efficient way. O.K. ... hang in there with me for this ...
I have appointed a "cross dimensional" (still looking for the right title ... this one cocreated with Leslie) assistant. I give this (energetic level) assistant all my requests and he/she (cross dressing- cross dimensional! cdcd) passes on the tasks appropriately to other "assistants" and other "committees".
So for example, I make a list of people to contact, pass along to my cdcd, who alerts these people, who in turn contact me! I used to call this synchronicity, which I became a pro at ... the more you use, the better it works. Though this form works more efficiently with all my other tasks.
Like handling my finances. My cdcd sends me messages (like this one to you) to work on ... bring up, out and eliminate past limitations, (including ancestral ones), and current limiting thoughts. At the same time bringing me new opportunities and when I need immediate cash to tide me over ... the request is always answered. In terms of the limiting thoughts such as worry thoughts ... my cdcd turns them over to a committee, who sifts through for any useful information (distinctions in the situations) and files away! And then "poofs" away (like on some computer screens) the worry thought! And WOW... did my cdcd make my travels work out smoothly! Turned them over to the best (energetic) travel agent!
For those of you that find this useful ... let me know how you cocreated with this to design and use your assistants ... so I can share. My assistants are working on an easier form of communication ... like blog and/or facebook, for us to communicate through and will keep you informed with what we come up with!
con mucho amor XOXO, Devi
Outback ... In the Temple of Venus