Aloha LoveTribe ...
We are planning on closing at the end of the month, (unless one of you want to take on the financial responsibility). Amira and I have loved being part of this sweet community and introducing our larger community to these parts. Outback has enjoyed it's home here this last year. Thank-you to those who have adventured out here and those that have welcomed us with enthusiasm and appreciation. Thank-you for your kind, inspirational and appreciative words and for your financial support by shopping with us. Many of you have let us know the positive impact we've had on this community and we know you all are part of that. Although I am not clear on the form the LoveTribe energy will take, I do feel clear that by letting go and clearing out what no longer sustains and growing with the flow has kept me and our community together, growing and dressed well, for 30 years!
For now... time to continue getting fluid!... 40% off all clothing and lingerie (already 50% off or more) 30% off all Jewelry (most already below wholesale). Plus scarves, books, oracle decks, health products, gifts, Baggalini bags, purses, shoes, socks, tights ...
We will be selling our "Temple" furnishings, tables, benches, chairs, statues, cabinets, counter, carpets (prices will be put on these by the 15th and will post pictures soon). I will also be clearing out spirit houses, statues and other furnishing from our last larger space that is now in storage and will be brought to the store as it clears out.