Dearest LoveTribe ... (my inner witch is channeling this)
The veil is thining ... it is a time to ask.. Who am I now? The opportunity of Halloween is to put on a different face, costume, persona. To ask ourselves who we want to be ... Male? Female? Animal? Spirit? Superhero? ... and as Kim asked Monroe yesterday at Outback ... and what would your special powers as a super hero be? Monroe said it was to turn weapons into chocolate ... Now THAT is my kinda superhero! And the opportunity of All Hallows Eve ... when the veil between the worlds is at it's sheerest ... is to be less rigid in our form and our beliefs therfore allowing more possibility. The possibility of moving from a fear dominated reality to a love dominated world. Here is some evidence of this move ....
 A meeting of the stewards of a more sustainable and just world at bioneers.org this last weekend.
Saw many friends doing wonderful things... Eric Utne the founder of the Utne Reader & Cosmo Doogoods Urban Almanac (& the list goes on) has "seeded" new salons bringing Elders (many of us) with youth in dialog and action. Check out EarthCouncils.org Rhea ... changing the face of aging from senior (often dishonored) to elder (honored for wisdom, guidance and juicy living!) bringing many new voices to the airwaves and through her online archives livingjuicy.org While there I got the inspiration for fear offset credits ... there is a movement for carbon offset credits which Al Gore, among many others, speak about, so companies and people can be responsible for their "carbon footprint". But there has been little awareness and responsibility for fear generated or credit given to fear dispelors ... Yes, I want to be able to pay my bills with fear offsets ... planting the seed ...
Trying on other personas in the Temple of Venus... We do have some costumes to rent and fun pieces to buy. There is a party Friday night at The Baltic a few doors down from Outback ... come dress up ... then go party a bit in a fun club with good music and fun people.
An Additional 11% off for trying on a new you!
La Library Shaye has opened her shop/studio which she is using to build La Library "A Socialist Boutique" and community closet. She is open now to raise money for this with a combination of the lines I carry and her own reconstructed clothing designs like the silver lurex knit dress she has on in this picture. She is usually open from 1- 7. You can call her at 415-504-5158. The address is 380 Guerrero a few doors north of 16th. She will also honor the discounts to the LoveTribe that I am offering here. Show her the love!
This is a good week for the mindful practice of not waiting to see how the world turns out (who wins the election), but creating how the world turns out ... moment by moment...  Rainbow Nomad Amira Light Angel
Outback ... In the Temple of Venus
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Point Richmond, California 94801
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