
Are you a writer?  Or want to be?  Get a daily dose of "how to write" at my daily writing blog -! 
In This Issue
Stuffing by Susan
What's Brewing?
Dinner wtih Rafe!
You're a Winner!
Contact Info

Happy New Year!

Everybody makes New Years resolutions.  Last year I made Anti-Resolutions (and stuck to them!  I wasn't tempted to run a marathon once, and I successfully let my laundry grow to Everest sized piles!)  However, this year, I thought, well, I'd be serious. 


I know, but it's always good to try something new. 


The thing is, I'm not getting any younger (although my daughter tells me to stop acting like a teenager, so maybe I am!  Oh whoops, serious.)  and I've been thinking a lot about my remaining time on the planet (okay, like hopefully 50 more years, but really, who knows?).  I like doing A LOT of things -- like playing tennis, which I am terrible at and only learned this summer.  And Karate.  And I like doing new Bible Studies, and trying new programs at church.  I like trying new recipes, and re-arranging the house.  I like reading new books, and experimenting with new stories. 


And why do I do this?  Because, well, someone told me I should.  I should try new things.  I should expand my horizons. 


But a gal can only do so much at a time.  I went to an organizational seminar last year, and the woman had reams of lists, all partitioned down into little groups. She even had her reading material mapped out for a year.  Okay, I did that once, and sometimes still do for research purposes, but what about that quick weekend read you pick up at the grocery story along with a couple frozen pizzas?  Where does that fit?  I'll pencil it in for next August? 


I decided that what I need this year is a little refinement.  See, while ALL those things are potentially interesting and good, doing them ALL at the same time is not.  So, I'm going to focus.  Prioritize.  Maybe I'll just do ONE sport.  Or Learn ONE type of cooking.  Study ONE book of the Bible, focus on ONE room.  Maybe write ONE genre.  By paring down, maybe I can manage to do ONE thing well. 


I know God has given me a lot of different interests and desires, but if I buy into the "I have to do everything" to be happy, then I think I'm going to end up like my son on Christmas Eve - too many different cookies on his plate, not sure what to eat first, and surely too full to enjoy any of them.


Last month I talked about my beholding journal.  Here's my first entry:  I behold God in my life when I sit, and breathe, and enjoy the freedom He gives me to choose, to hear his voice, all the while protecting me from the voices that demand I do everything in order to be complete and successful in my world.  I am complete and successful just as I am, because of Him. 


I hope this year, as you look at your resolutions; you're able to sort out all the options, and behold God giving you freedom to choose the ones that will truly enrich you. 


Happy New Year!




Josey is home from Russia and traveling the country on her first ever book tour!
*g* Well sort of...

josey Join Josey on her blog tour! She'll be visiting some great "mommy" blogs and hosting a super fun contest. Here's your big chance to share your most embarrassing pregnancy story ever...just what you've been watiting for -- right?
A few of the blogs Josey will be stopping at are:
Lynetta's Open Book
Read the first chapter here
Buy the book here
Taming Rafe
Spot Rafe and WIN!
Taming Rafe hits the stands this  month! 
Have you seen him yet? To celebrate Rafe's release, I'm having a contest (*g* of course I am).
If you spot Taming Rafe in your local bookstore and and send me an email letting me know which store you saw it in and how many copies were on the shelf...I'll enter your name in a drawing for a gift certificate to that bookstore!
And if you have one of those phones with a camara (and you're blessed enough to actually know how to use it) snap up a picture of the book on the shelf and send it to me -- I'll enter your name in the drawing 5 times!
Taming Rafe!
Book 2 in the Noble Legacy Series: Order your Rafe *g* here!
In less than eight seconds, two-time world champion bull rider Rafe Noble lost his title, his career, his best friend-all on the dirt floor of a noisy rodeo arena.  Now he has no choice but to head back to the Silver Buckle, but not before he accidentally destroys  philanthropist Katherine Breckenridge's NY Charity event.  Now she's in town, wanting his money - or his help.  And the last thing this broken bull rider is going to do is give her his heart.  But Nick's little brother is going to learn just was it takes to tame the heart of a rebel.
Read the first chapter here!
***Attention ladies, meet Rafe at his blog!
Want to see more of Rafe? Download Rafe wallpaper to your computer here!

And the winners are...
Look who's going to dinner with Rafe!

Susanna H.  grab your grill and your steak knives! You've won a copy of Taming Rafe and a Steak dinner for two!

And the 25 lucky people who were chosen at random to receive a preview copy of Taming Rafe are: 

Becky W.

Elaine H.

Jackie L.

Amy S.

Edith S.

Kaylee D.

Jessica M.

Charlotte S.

Amy R.

Linda Y.

Sarah H.

Patricia S.

Margarquet F.

Crystal G.

Ashley V.

Betty R.

Laura W.

Janet C.

Teal M.

Dana C.

Doris B.

Amysta H.

Lizzie G.

Beth N.

Becky B.

Email my assistant ( your mailing address and she'll get your copy in the mail!
Congratulations and thanks to all who took the time to enter!


Here's something for the writers!


My partner at, Rachel Hauck is in therapy and inviting you to come along! Here's what she had to say...


So, I don't know about you, but I'm really picky about who sees my work before it's publishable. My ideas are like little unbaked cookies, too easily smashed (but still ever so tasty!) SO, I was thinking about the Book Therapy readers (me being one of them) and how we could share our ideas in a protected setting (sort of like a, uh, THERAPY group!), and I came upon this PRIVATE social group Ning. My idea is to post the topic of the week, and then we can post our examples that we want to work on, or even ideas etc. related to that topic in our private group page. That way, we can post our comments to the world...but post our unbaked cookies to a group who promises to encourage and uplift. Join the club!


So -- if you want to be a part of BOOK THERAPY Voices, where you're inner writer finds a voice, join us!

(I'm still tweaking the site, so bear with me. But, see you at Club Book Therapy!)



And speaking of My Book's what we'll be covering in 2008!


Embark with us on the Heroes Journey!  We'll be studying the structure of an Epic Novel, taking it apart step by step to uncover the secrets of a best-selling novel! 


Get your subscription to My Book Therapy today and don't miss an of the exciting chapters!


Here's a syllabus of the pit stops we'll be making along the way: 


The Writer's World and Discipline


3 Steps to a great hero

3 Steps to a great heroine

Using the GREATEST devices: Great Fear/Greatest Dream

Competing Values


Inciting Incident


Building a Scene




Secondary Characters



Inner Monologue

Writing Tension in a Scene

Weaving in Spiritual Threads

Romance - Love me Tender


Writing Suspense - Structure

Emotional Layering

Subplots - how they affect the heroes world and create new stakes

Writing Character change without overwriting

Writing High Action scenes

The Black Moment


New Story World

Using Metaphor and Symbolism/Theme

Editing Techniques

Synopsis writing

Agents Spotlight

Publishers Spotlight

Susan May Warren
Soul-Stirring Fiction