In This Issue
Hello from Susan
Fresh Off The Press
What's Brewing? New Site!
Susan May Warren Book Therapy
Get in on the Contest
Contact Info
Hey!  Check out my interview from Monday, April 30 on The Harvest Show!

There's a reason this newsletter is late.  And yes, I've been running all over the country this spring doing speaking events, and promoting Nick (thank you to all who have "picked him up"  (he he) and sent me their comments!).  But the real reason I'm so horribly late on this newsletter is --


I'm blank.  I have no words of profundity, no wisdom, no deep spiritual insights.  It's not that God hasn't been working in my life recently - every day I see His hand of grace.  But I have no burning buildings to report, no horrendous travel tales, no bringing-the-wrong-kid to camp stories.  My life has been, uh, gloriously normal.   Okay, yes, a bit insane on the travel/speaking/writing side, but tragedy is the substance of great newsletters.

Alas, no tragedy. 

As a writer, it's a terrible thing to long for tragedy.  Even the Bible tells us that we need to suffer to grow. (ie, Heb 12:7-11).  Recently on the Harvest show, the interviewer asked me about Russia - and I told him about a scary event we had (if you've read Tying the Knot (by the way - repacked and due out in August!) then you know the story of the robbers!).  Tragedy is one of the primary ways we see God's grace in our lives, sufficient, holding us up. 


But maybe tragedy also opens our eyes to other moments of grace, born of "lesser" tragedies: 


Like, two weeks ago, when a good friend of mine agreed to ride shotgun during a two day marathon speaking/traveling event.  Her companionship kept me awake, and well dressed. *g* 


Or, the lady I met on the plane this week, who treated me like a granddaughter and (she even offered me a place to stay!) convinced me to stay in town instead of drive the 3 hours home from the airport (at 11:30 pm) with a story about a family who had recently died after the mother fell asleep at the wheel. (That hit a little close to home.)


Or the recent hardcover Nick books I got in the mail, courtesy of Crossings Book club, stating that  Nick was one of the picks of March.  Yeah!  Not only that, but I just found out that Nick is a FINALIST for the GOLDEN QUILL Award!  Whoo hoo!


Or even the fact that the Saturday before I was to leave on (yet another!) trip, we discovered a flat tire, and were able to talk the local garage into patching it even when they were closed (see, the benefits of living in a small town).  Imagine if that had blown on the way to the airport.


So, see, no tragedies, but lots of moments where God's grace was sufficient.  Because that is the way God's grace works.  In big moments (and you can watch the Harvest show to hear about it!) and small ones, God's grace is always enough. Always my portion.  Always that thing I can trust. 


I pray this month, that you are able to see God's grace in big and small ways in your life.  Look for it, and be blessed. 

Thank you for reading!  You support is definately a grace gift from God in my life.
In His Grace,
Susan May Warren

SMW for newsletter




Fresh Off The Press: Happily Ever After

Coffee Cup from Happily Cleaned Up 2 gb

My first book, Happily Ever After, has just been re-issued by Tyndale Publishing. You can now get your hands on a copy of the book that started it all! Return to the peaceful lakeside town of Deep Haven and re-live Mona's dream come true. Then you can answer that nagging question: can ruggedly handsome handyman Joe Michaels build a place in his heart for love? Happily is available at your local bookstore for a limited time at about 1/2 off the regular cover price!  (Just in time for Mother's Day! *grin*) 

dee's quote

What's Brewing?
The new, spring fresh Susan May Warren website! I've been working all winter with a web master to build a better website: one with more information about books and upcoming events, one with easier-to-use navigation, and one with more pizazz. And now it is here ready for you to visit and enjoy.
Now for each book there are "Behind the Pages" peeks into how the book idea was planted and grew into a full-fledged story. There are reviews or endorsements for each book too. There's even a section about upcoming books to be released and what I am working on, my "works in progress"  (sometimes called wips).

Coffee Cup from Happily Cleaned Up 2 gbSOMETHING FOR WRITERS!                                                    Susan

Book Therapy!

So you all know how much I love to teach writing -- I've taught at the American Christian Fiction Writer's annual conference for the last three years, numerous online classes, and even specialized late-night chats.  I love teaching craft and to work personally with, this spring I decided to create a personalized, specific  in-depth editing/coaching service.  Susan May Warren Book Therapy, a fiction editing service for writers. Book Therapy is designed to offer fellow writers a structured way to grow, and gain more sophisticated self-editing skills. I carefully crafted Susan May Warren Book Therapy to give writers thoughtful responses to their writing, to offer a custom-tailored prescription for improvement, and to provide tools for improving their writing.


Book Therapy is one-on-one in shape, so the entire process is focused on learning. Book Therapy offers honest feedback that will challenge writers to grow. Book Therapy also offers effective tools to work through artistic challenges. (aka, writer's block!) 


I'd love to help you grow your craft!  Please visit the new Susan May Warren Book Therapy web page to learn all about the Book Therapy process.

Win a copy of Happily Ever After!

As you know Happily Ever After has just been re-issued by Tyndale Publishing and I want to give five lucky readers FREE copies. Go to my contest page and fill out the entry form there to win!

(oh yeah, the fine print) Only one contest entry per household will be eligible for each contest drawing. By entering the contest you are giving permission to publicly list your first name and city/state on promotional announcements regarding the contest in the event that you are the winner.

This Month's Nick Winners
Thank you to all the people who let me know where they would listen to an audio edition of Nick! I got so many responses that I can't fit them all in the newsletter. (I'll publish more next month!) Here are three of the ones that tickled my funnybone:

Erin S.said, "...I would listen to [Nick] on a drive to Disneyland."
Aileen B. said, "...I would listen to Nick while flying my Piper Cub over the shores of Lake Huron, Michigan.  I'm sure that the vast beauty of the lake and sky would take his breath away; not to mention the stall spin that I just HAVE to pull to show off!  Can anyone say "Yee-Haw!". 
Kara L. said, "I'd listen to Nick while sitting next to a smelly nomad on a 12-hour bus ride through the mountains.  It would be a nice distraction from the the high cliffs and bumpy roads!"

This month's winner of the Nick on CD is Pamela C. Congratulations!

Thank you to all the people who met Nick and entered my contest to win a copy of Nick's book! The following readers WON a hot-off- the-presses copy of "Reclaiming Nick"! The following people have a paperback copy of Nick heading their way!

Amber S.
Kris M.
Janet F.
Melissa M.
Kate B.

You (or your friends!) can still sign up for a free Nick book by going to and following the "Meet Nick" contest directions -- we'll run another contest for May -- with 5 winners/month!

Only one contest entry per household will be eligible for each contest drawing. By entering the contest you are giving permission to publicly list your first name and city/state on promotional announcements regarding the contest in the event that you are the winner.

Susan May Warren
Soul-Stirring Fiction