May 8, 2008
Miracle Valley Newsletter
Miracle Water

Indonesia Wants Miracle Valley Water

Beloved Dr. Melvin Harter and Miracle Valley Team,
Please read my prayer request. My name is Henokh Howard and I am from Indonesia.
Please, please, please Dr Harter, I have read about the Miracle Valley Water.
Please send to me only one bottle of Miracle Valley water COD!!!!
Please if you can not send a big bottle of water (because of the fee); please just send me a small vial of Miracle Valley water. I will add and mixed it with my drinking water.
I know the same power in the Miracle Valley Water will saturated with the other water.
Please Beloved Dr. Harter, I NEED A MIRACLE for my healing and my business.
Please Dr. Harter and team, help me by sending the Miracle Water to me.
Brother, this is my prayer request in the below.
Dr. Harter and team, would you please help me to asked God to pour out His blessing for me on my business?
My life is so tired because of the burden I have.
Sometimes my business has not grown for 4 years.
Do you want to help me do what has God said to me, the Prophetic Word from Jesus?
Please ask God how my business can grow and bloom! Brother, I want you to help me to give.
Send me a vial of
Miracle Water from Miracle Valley which
IT WILL BE A POINTED OF CONTACT of Jesus' power and the Holy Ghost's fire.
I want His anointing to fall upon me. I want to have more of God's anointing power in order to walk in signs, miracles and wonders.
I want to minister healing for the people and glorify Jesus' name with His anointing.

My Beloved Brother, Dr. Harter and team, I need a double portion anointing of Jesus, a financial anointing and a financial miracle in my
business which is an Additive Oil Product for cars and soldering flux.
Please pray so that it can grow with many customers who will come.
Dr. Harter, I need the power of Jesus for total healing of my broken tooth that needs to be removed from my mouth. It causes swelling in my gums and is very painful (toothache).
Please pray for my backache, liver problems, kidney stone problem, so I am not tired and fatigued again, and my sweaty hands.
Please don't reject my request Dr. Harter.

2nd Request

Miracle Valley Water

Shalom Dr. Harter and team,
I want to ask you. I want to buy the Miracle Valley Water to Indonesia
How much is the price? Or how much money I need to pay for the postage fee?
Can I send the money VIA mail?
If the fee is not expensive, maybe I can buy it.
Thank you so much. God bless you.

Hneokh Howard


A pastor in Orland, Florida requests two cases of water from Miracle Valley be sent to him ASAP.

 with Cancer

A woman recently called, requesting more water from Miracle Valley.
She has been drinking the water she received from Miracle Valley everyday.
When taking her cancer treatments, she would drink 2 bottles of Miracle Valley water and pray and ask the Lord to give her a miracle.
She stated that she attributes her improvement from believing God and drinking the Miracle Valley water.

Man Requests more Water from Miracle Valley

Stomach Being Healed
We just received word from a man who had major stomach issues.
He has had to go into the hospital several times during the last few months.
He was given several bottles of Miracle Valley water that was prayed over.
He declares it is the best tasting water he has ever drunk.
The water is doing something to his stomach, and he feels much better after drinking the Miracle Valley water.
He is requesting the Miracle Valley staff to send him the Miracle Valley water on a monthly basis and he will pay all costs involved.

Woman with Cancer

"Begins her cancer treatment this week"
A wonderful Christian saint of God requests water from Miracle Valley.
She was diagnosed several months ago with cancer of the breast.
She had been drinking some of the Miracle Valley water that was recently given to her.
She declares that she feels so much better, especially after drinking a bottle of water from Miracle Valley.
She says it is the best tasting water she has ever had.
She is requesting additional Miracle Valley water to be sent to her ASAP.
The water is her point of contact, and she believes God for her MIRACLE.

Miracle Well
  In 1958, God gave Rev. A. A. Allen exact instructions as to where to dig and how far down to dig the well in order to get its water for Miracle Valley.

We are getting so many requests for Miracle Valley water, that I felt it wise that we should tell you more about it.
God certainly moves in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform.
waterMiracle Valley Water
A Christian woman in Ohio has brain cancer.
The doctors declare there is no hope.
Death is just around the corner.
Someone told her about the Miracle Valley water and how it is affecting in a positive way so many people's lives for the better.
She and her family are requesting bottles of water to be sent to her.
Every bottle of water sent from Miracle Valley is prayed over. Very much like a prayer cloth that we anoint with oil and pray over, the water is dedicated to God, and we pray that as a person begins to drink the water from Miracle Valley, God's Spirit will touch them and completely heal their bodies and give them a miracle.
Many of the people who contact us are desperate.  They must have a miracle, or there remains no hope for them.
God Still Heals
Hello, I am Audrey.
Back in 1960, I was a mother to 5 small children.  At that time, I had a total nervous breakdown, and there seemed to be no hope for me. The doctors could do nothing at all.  I was a hopeless wreck.
I had served God nearly all my life. My father was a tent evangelist and held revivals in churches as well.
Whenever my father was not in revival services, as children, we would always have Bible studies and prayer meetings in our home.
My godly mother and father came to my house to pray for me, asking God to heal my body and give me a miracle.
As they began to pray, Jesus Christ Himself appeared at the bottom of my bed. The power of God went through my entire body, and I was instantly healed.
My mother was shouting all over the floor. When God's power hit me, I jumped out of my bed and began shouting as well.
I know God heals.
Healed at Miracle Valley
My Testimony
Hello, my name is Fred.
A few years ago, my doctor informed me that the artery on the left side of my neck was nearly completely clogged up. He told me that I must have an immediate surgery. Failure to do so meant the strong possibility of my having a stroke.
I said, "I am not going to have surgery. I am going to Miracle Valley and God is going to heal me."
My family was very scared and tried to persuade me to have the surgery. They even telephoned Dr. Harter and requested that he discourage my coming to Miracle Valley until after the surgery.   
I had faith to believe that God would heal me once I arrived at Miracle Valley.  My family called each day, checking on me.
During an evening service, Dr. Harter and his wonderful staff at Miracle Valley prayed for me and I was instantly healed.
When I returned home, the doctors found no clogging in my arteries. I testified to them that GOD HEALED ME AT MIRACLE VALLEY. Praise God I'm Healed!
Recent Stroke
Saved from death
waterSince last August, I have been in terrible shape.
I went to visit my son in Florida, and while there, I had a bad stroke and was put in the hospital.
Up to this time, I have always been in pretty good health.
But I have faith in God that He will heal me.
I came to Miracle Valley and had wanted so badly to be here during the recent revival and camp meeting that Dr. Harter just had.
However, I was unable to get here on time. But I am so happy that I am here for a few weeks.  I always love being at Miracle Valley. It is so peaceful and I always feel the presence of God on these grounds.
"Kid Ray" 
"Professional Fighter"
waterWhen I was a young man, I was a professional fighter. I went by the name "Kid Ray".
During WWII, the Army had me to entertain the soldiers by my fighting various other fighters.
They made me a "Buck Sergeant" after being in the Army just 28 days.  And during the war, I was sent to Europe, particularly in Belgium.
Once when the bombs were falling, I asked God to keep me safe and that I would serve Him all the days of my life. God has kept me for these past 85 years, and I have continued to serve Him each day.
Drinking the Water
"God Touched Me"
waterYou should have seen me when I arrived here at Miracle Valley. I was in a wheel chair.
When I wasn't in the wheel chair, I had to use a walker every where I went.
I was afraid that I might fall and hurt myself.
The folks at Miracle Valley prayed for me and I am drinking nothing but the Miracle Valley water while here.
I hope you noticed in these photos that I am no longer in a wheel chair, nor am I having to use a walker.  God has touched me and I can walk by myself again. Praise God!
I know God Heals
A Man with a Broken Back
waterAfter the war, I worked on the railroad. One day I fell of the top of the train and broke my back.
I overheard the doctor say to the nurse, "It is a shame that this young man will be paralyzed for the rest of this life."
I bowed my head and asked the Lord to heal me because I knew if I was paralyzed, I would be a burden to someone else, and I did not want to be a burden to anyone.
God healed me and 90 days later, I walked out of that hospital to the amazement of the doctors.
Miracle Valley Water
"Filling the Bottles"
waterSince I arrived at Miracle Valley, God has touched my body.
I have been drinking what some people call "Miracle Water" here at Miracle Valley.
It is the best tasting water that I ever drank in my life.
There are many requests arriving each day, requests for the water from Miracle Valley.
I have faith in Jesus Christ, and this water is my point of contact with the Lord.
I am blessed to be able to fill these empty bottles with the Miracle Valley water so they can be sent out to other people.
Touched by God
"at Miracle Valley"
waterThe stroke greatly affected me. My words were slurring and it seemed that I could not think properly.
I was unable to finish my sentences.
I seem to be unable to remember anything. I was a mess.
But PRAISE GOD, THE LORD HAS TOUCHED ME HERE AT MIRACLE VALLEY! I am speaking plainly and have all my thoughts about myself.
The ways of God are far above us. Right now, we look through a glass darkly, but then, we shall see Him face to face.
I do not always understand the different ways God works, but I do know that we are getting tremendous testimonies from people who are drinking the water from Miracle Valley.
If you would like some Miracle Valley water, please let us know. One thing is for sure, I will do everything possible to see that every request for Miracle Valley water is honored.
God richly bless you,
Dr. Melvin Harter
Miracle Valley, AZ

Dr. Melvin HarterDr. Melvin Harter 

Friends, I want you to know that we are not in the water business. Nor do we sell any water at Miracle Valley. We do not give, nor warrant, any guarantee of miracles or healings received from drinking, or washing with the water from Miracle Valley.
We do not always understand the ways of God. However, God does move in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform. Jesus commanded a blind man to go to the Pool of Siloam and wash the spittle of clay that He had put on the man's eyes. Yes, Jesus could have just spoken the Word, but He chose not to do so. 
It is a proven fact; however, that God has used the water from Miracle Valley to perform the miraculous. It is well documented in our Archives, and we are eye-witnesses as well, that people have received miracles and their healing from just drinking this water. (The well is located directly behind the large tabernacle and goes into the ground 876 feet.)
We emphasize that the Miracle Valley water is a point of contact.