Miracle Valley Newsletter
Special Newsletter September 10, 2007
In This Issue
Day of Prayer
Childcare Center
Charter School
Assisted Living
From Dr. Harter
Dr. Melvin Harter 
Dear Miracle Valley Friends,
Warmest Christian Greetings!
I am pressing on with what the Lord spoke for me to do nearly 10 years ago.  GO DOWN TO MIRACLE VALLEY AND BUILD MY BIBLE COLLEGE.
Why the Lord chose me, a total stranger to the Allen ministry or Miracle Valley? I do not know.
I only know that I heard God's voice and I obeyed that voice.
God never fails me.  And although being at Miracle Valley has been truly a difficult time to Sister Harter and me, we have been faithful to the Lord.
So many times, we have come to the edge and it appeared to be over for our work at Miracle Valley.  But God has come through for us every time.
Now we face another dilemma.  Our mortgage note came due.  We did not have our new loan in place.  As a result, the mortgage company foreclosed our note.
Meanwhile, our broker has met with other lending institutions.  Many of them have denied us a loan due to various reasons: We are a church; we are too far from Tucson, they do not like assisted living home, they do not like day care centers, we do not have enough monthly cash flow, our congregation is not large enough, and the list goes on and on and on. 
What do I do?  I have to continually go before the Lord.  I feel that the Lord would have me to send you this newsletter.  I need your financial help.  
We were to raise $12,000 for legal fees by today; however, we were given an extension until tomorrow morning.
Friends, I really do need your financial help, at least until I can complete those programs that will ultimately generate an adequate cash flow at Miracle Valley for Miracle Valley. 
Rev. A. A. Allen raised the money required for Miracle Valley in his vast revival campaigns across the nation.  Since Allen's death, there have been really no (or very little) funds to maintain Miracle Valley.
God gave me the plan that will enable us to maintain Miracle Valley without having to request funds all the time.
But until I can get our programs operating, there is nothing else I can do.  Will you stand with me? 
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Tuesday to be spent in PRAYER
truck Not only do we request financial donations for Miracle Valley, at least until it can get on its feet financially, but we also continually call upon the Lord for His provision as well.
At the time of this writing, Dr. Dennis Robinson, the Dean of Miracle Valley Bible College is in the Prayer Tower, praying to God to make the way for us again.
Tomorrow is Tuesday, September 11th.  We will be spending the entire day in prayer.  Some will pray in the Prayer Tower, others will pray inside the Tabernacle.
There is nothing else we can do except pray and trust in the Lord for His provision.
If it is possible, will you take some time out of your busy schedule tomorrow and pray with us?

We really need your financial help at this special time.  As much as I hate to say it, we really do. 
We must have $12,000 to pay our legal fees in order to stop the sale of Miracle Valley. 
I know you may not have this amount, but if everyone donated something, I am sure there would be adequate funds to take care of the need at Miracle Valley.
Will you prayerfully consider making a special donation today?
God gave me a Business Plan how to fund Miracle Valley.  If I am able to implement this plan, I know it will sustain Miracle Valley for years to come.
Please continue to stand with me.
God bless every one of you,
Dr. Melvin Harter
Miracle Valley Childcare Center

DC BannerMiracle Valley Childcare Center is open. 

We received our State license to operate as a childcare center. 
Our enrollment may be a little slow at the moment, but it is increasing each week.
It will not be long before we have 40 children enrolled, and after that, it will double to 80.  The childcare facility can actually accommodate somewhat over 100 children.
The childcare is desperately needed in the local community.  Children need an opportunity to grow and develop in a quality and safe environment.  Here they can be exposed to positive things of life as well as learning about Jesus. 
Not only will the childcare center be a blessing to children and young parents in the area, it will also generate additional revenue to assist in the costs of Miracle Valley.
Friends, this is now the fourth childcare center that Sister Harter has started.  Years ago, I was able to finance nearly our entire church operation, including a building program, just from the childcare we operated. 
I know it will work at Miracle Valley.  We just need some time, and we need some people to partner with us each month until the childcare is in full operation.  Will you help us? 
Miracle Valley Charter School
Charter School Building Our objective is to see a Charter School established at Miracle Valley by 2008. 
The school will be located in the two main educational buildings that Rev. Allen held his elementary and high school. 
We have just received a certified letter from the State of Arizona that our initial Charter School application was approved. 
This is a major hurdle that we just crossed.  Even though there are several other hoops that we must jump through, they will not be as difficult as what we just accomplished.
Not only will the Charter School be a major asset to our local community, it will also generate a positive income, helping Miracle Valley to sustain itself financially.
The Lord's will, Miracle Valley Charter School will open its doors in August 2008.
Miracle Valley Assisted Living Home

Assisted Living It was difficult in the beginning trying to get residents for Miracle Valley Assisted Living Home; however, we were persistant and never gave up.  We believed God and God blessed our efforts.

Today, not only is the Miracle Valley Assisted Living Home full, but we have a waiting list of individuals who desire to relocate to our home. 
A par-excellent program is provided to each resident, and we are so proud of what the Lord has done for us.
Miracle Valley Assisted Living Home provides funding for Miracle Valley.  Even though it has been blessed, it is still not enough to carry all of our financing.  We must have other programs to help us as well.
Miracle Valley Apartments

The Apartments at Miracle Valley have never been remodeled since they were constructed in the early 1960s.


There is a 9-Unit Apartment Complex that can be a great blessing to Miracle Valley. 

We must get them totally remodeled and up-dated with new wiring, plumbing, lights, etc. 

Already, we have started remodeling three of the apartments. 

Think about it - a place where retired ministers and Christian workers can live out their life in a total Christian atmosphere.  These retired individuals will be such a blessing to students of Miracle Valley Bible College. 

In addition, the apartments will bring additional income for the financial support of Miracle Valley. 

A good income from these apartments would help sustain Miracle Valley in its monthly budget.  What a blessing this would be!

Friends, you will never know how much I appreciate your financial support.  Without you, we just cannot make it.  I know that you love Miracle Valley just as much as we do.
Again, thank you for every thing you have done, even though it may not be a great sum of money, you would be surprised what it totals up to when everyone participates.
Sincerely in Christ Jesus our Lord,
Dr. Melvin Harter
Miracle Valley, AZ
Miracle Valley
needs your help!
We need your donation asap.  Call 520-366-1000 right now and put your donation on your credit card if you are able to do so. 
If you would like, you can mail your check to Miracle Valley.  Any amount of donation is greatly appreciated. 
Make out your check to Miracle Valley.  Send your check to 9210 E. Miracle Valley Loop - Miracle Valley, AZ 85615.
Don't delay.  Please stand with us today.