Miracle Valley
Miracle Valley Tabernacle July 9, 2007
Water Inside Tabernacle

The above photo shows the interior of the tabernacle.  Water is all over the floor.  In some places, it is several inches in depth.

Rain has come through the roof for years.  Prior to Dr. Harter's arrival at Miracle Valley in 1999, there was major water damaged throughout the structure, even whereas a portion of the concrete floor must be poured again.
The tabernacle experienced major water damage, as well as everything else that goes along with the water damage such as mold, and etc. 
If something is not done quickly to solve this problem, then the time will come when it is not feasible to restore the tabernacle.
The Lord laid upon Dr. Harter's heart that NOW IS THE TIME for the restoration of the tabernacle.
In order for there to be restoration, the roof structure must be fixed first of all.
Here is a picture of the tabernacle.  The roofing material was removed. 
Much of this roofing material remains from 1960 when it was first put on the roof by Rev. Allen.
A lot of weight was removed from the roof of the Tabernacle when the old roofing material was removed.
The above photo was taken when one-half of the roofing material was removed.  The viewer can see the under lying wood base that was first put down by Rev. A. A. Allen in 1960.
Today, all of the old, existing roofing material has been removed.
What is known as the Monsoons in southern Arizona starts in July and usually continues through mid-September each year.
Tremendous amounts of rain fall during this time of the year.  The photo above shows the rain at Miracle Valley in front of the Administration Building.

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 Tabernacle Roof

2008Dear Friends,
It is imperative that we insure there are no water leaks in the tabernacle.
For years, rain water has literally poured into the Allen Tabernacle.
Since our loan has not closed at the moment, and since we are now in the monsoon months, it is mperative that we put 30 pound felt paper and then standard roll roofing material on the roof.  In doing so, we will protect the underlying roof structure from the elements of the weather.
However, to do this, I need at least $7,500 to purchase the necessary materials. In addition, I need some monies likewise to pay the workers, whom we have hired for a lower wage, to help us put this material onto the roof structure.
WAIT A MINUTE; God has already spoken to one man's heart to stand financially with me regarding this special need.  He is DONATING  $5,000 toward this effort.  This means that we only need $2,500 more toward the purchase of the required materials.  Since our workers are at a reduced wage, I believe that about $2,500 more dollars would take care of the wages of the workers.
Will you help me?  Remember, you are not giving to me.  You are giving directly to the restoration of the roof of the Allen Tabernacle in Miracle Valley, Arizona.
We believe God to give us enough funds in our loan to completely restore the tabernacle, including the installation of a new metal roof.  However, it will take several weeks for our loan to close, and then additional weeks before the metal roofing will arrive.  The monsoons will already come and go by that time.  WE CANNOT DELAY.  The tabernacle cannot take much more rain than what it has already experienced.  WE MUST PROTECT THE EXISTING WOOD NOW.  The only way this can be done is if we PUT ROLL ROOFING ON IT RIGHT NOW.
Can we count on your financial support?  Remember, we only need $5000 to do it.  We already have a donor who has contributed $5000, and we just need $5000 more dollars to purchase the rest of the materials and pay our workers.  Any amount you can donate is greatly appreciated.
Inside the Tabernacle
 Inside RoofThis is a picture of the inside of the tabernacle showing a section of the bad roof that was cut out.  New wood will be put back in its place.
The new structure will be made very strong and last for many years to come.
Tabernacle Roof
 Tab Roof TopHere is a photo of the existing roof on the tabernacle.  The large holes reveal areas where the workers have cut the bad wood out. 
Due to water damage to the underlying part of the roof for many years, some of the wood had deteriated and must be replaced before any new roofing material can be put on it.
Friends, I do not like coming to you seemingly always asking for your financial support.  However, there is nothing else I can do at this moment.  I believe there are many people who love Miracle Valley because of the mighty miracles that God did in this place.
However, I do believe the Lord would have me to share the need at Miracle Valley with you.  This, I do.  Every dollar you donate goes directly to what is designated. 
Again, thank you.  Every person is very valuable to the work of God at Miracle Valley.  Together, we are going to restore Miracle Valley so it will be effective in what God desires it to be for His glory and honor.
Dr. Melvin Harter
Miracle Valley, Arizona USA