The M&B Weekly
January 24, 2012
Jane Dobisz
In this issue...
Secretary Hartstein to Speak at M&B
Study on Tightening Medicaid Rules
Office Space...Great Location

Read Why the Chained CPI is a Bad Idea




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 Click here to tune in online.

Quick Links

Secretary Hartstein to Speak at Margolis & Bloom     Ann Hartstein


Secretary of Elder Affairs Ann Hartstein will be the speaker at Margolis & Bloom's February Lunch for professionals speaking on the the future of long-term care in Massachusetts.   


With everyone living longer and baby boomers getting older every year, we can anticipate a tremendous need for long-term care support and services in the coming years.  Secretary of the Executive Office of Elder Affairs, Ann Hartstein, will describe the demographics coming our way and the work of the Long-Term Care Financing Advisory Committee, including its recommendations for changes to state policy to accommodate the coming need.


The lunch will be at Margolis & Bloom's Boston office on Monday, February 6, from noon to 1:00 p.m. 


Click here to register on-line.


Study Finds that Tightening Medicaid Rules Would Have Little Effect on the LTCI Market


It is sometimes claimed that reducing the amount of assets an individual can keep while qualifying for Medicaid would increase the purchase of private long-term care insurance (LTCI) coverage. 


Now, two professors of economics have estimated that tightening Medicaid asset rules would do little to encourage the purchase of LTCI policies.  In an article published in the Fall 2011 issue of the Journal of Economic Perspectives, Jeffrey R. Brown of the University of Illinois and Amy Finkelstein of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology estimate that a $10,000 decrease in the level of assets an individual and their spouse can keep while qualifying for Medicaid would increase private long-term care insurance coverage by 1.1 percentage points.


This is probably because most seniors, especially those who might rely on Medicaid, simply cannot afford LTCI.  To learn more about the study, click here.
copley square
Office Space Available

One corner office available in Copley Square, opposite Trinity Church.  Ideal for solo practitioners.  Utilities, conference rooms, fax and T-1 line included.


For more information, call Eugenia Andrade at 617/267-9700.


(617) 267-9700




             Compliments of Magdalena Lorenzo


Before you throw a few loads of laundry in the wash, ask yourself if it can wait.  The average household does more than 400 loads a year, and wastes about 13,000 gallons of waters.

*Try to wait until you can fill the washer. They run more efficiently when they're at capacity.
eco tip

*Use cold water.  It helps remove stains and wastes less energy.

*Avoid chlorine bleach (irritates and burns skin, releases toxic by-products).  Instead pour in a cup of hydrogen peroxide (safe and chemical free).  It helps fight odors, removes stains, and brightens whites.