Dilworth Express

January 26, 2012




give thanks

Help recognize those in your life with a submission to the Quarterly---see article to the right for details.


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Dilworth's Unsung Heroes All Around
Sometimes the biggest heroes are the ones right under our noses. 

The next issue of the Quarterly will bring a different twist to the "Making A Difference: Neighbors to Know" section...and we need you to make it work. We want to feature the many rather than the few. 
How can you help? Respond to this email today and tell us about the Dilworth people in your lives who are making a difference in all the small ways----the small kindnesses, the generous spirits, the funny quirks (include the Dilworth kids!). It's great way to say "thanks".

Your submissions will print anonymously....those recognized can wonder who it was who noticed their special contribution to their block, their family, their community. 

To get your juices flowing, here are our first few.....with the names unrevealed...for now!

"XXXXXXX is an excellent neighbor because she's got two boys a little older than mine. Which means hand-me-downs. Lots of them. Blue blazers, khakis, LAX gear, and shorts...lots and lots of shorts. She is also really good about sharing her wine and lots of laughs. Lots and lots and lots of laughs." 

"XXXXXXX is a good neighbor because she learned everything she knows from Mrs. Cravitz from Bewitched fame. She notices everything that is going on in the 'hood and reports back to me. It's like having my very own Neighborhood Watch directly across the street. Like her friend XXXXXXX, that girl knows how to throw a party and her new back porch has become the neighborhood hang out. I'm pretty sure I could talk to XXXXXXX for 12 hours straight and not run out of things to talk about." 

Help pack the pages of the Quarterly with recognition of DIlworthians who bring life to the word COMMUNITY


Want to sponsor a Dilworth Express? (only $50 with proceeds going to maintaining this website!). Go here for details. 

This email is sent out by DCDA periodically to help keep residents informed on a variety of Dilworth meetings, news and events.  

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