October/November 2011 Newsletter

In This Issue
October Event
Meeting Reports
Galaxy of Glass
Mechitzah Unveiling
Finding a Mentor
Letter from the President




It is hard to believe that it is October already.  This is quite a month for our organization, culminating in "30 Rocks!", our show celebrating the very best of the AGASC.  A heartfelt thanks to Marti Blair, Jon Simpson, and the entire Show Committee for months of hard work to make this happen.  I hope to see you all at the reception on October 9th!


In addition, I want to thank each and every one of you for your participation, support, contributions, and faith in the Board and the AGASC as a whole.  We may have stumbled a bit in the past few months as our "frenzy" to revitalize the group charges into overdrive, but believe me, it is out of dedication and passion, two things I wouldn't trade for the world.


Much love,


Kathleen Mitchell

President, AGASC

October Event...  

     Road Trip to Palm Desert!  

Museum and Gallery tour October 29th    


The plan is to leave San Diego around 8 am and arrive in Palm Springs around 10 am. Our first stop will be at the Palm Springs Art Museum where member Patrick Blyth has agreed to be our docent. We will then visit Imago gallery and finally an affiliate of Imago, Studio Gallery, which is supposed to have a nice selection of glass. There are many restaurants and cafes along El Paseo Blvd. where we can stop for lunch, or you can bring a sack lunch and relax in a park. We can spend some time gallery hopping before we head home around 2 pm, returning to San Diego probably around 4 pm. I'd like to keep the cost down to about $30. Our mode of transportation will be determined by the number of people. If it's a small group then we can car pool. Medium size group can rent a large van. A large group can rent a bus. So who's in??

I'm starting a list. Email me at [email protected]

I hope that you can join us,

Rob Morey 


August General Meeting

Our last General Meeting was held August 21st at the studio of Pat, Max and Carrie Warren in Point Loma. We had a fine turnout and a lot of fun!   Our gratitude to the Warren's for their continued generosity in letting us use their great space.  Please join us for the next meeting, and plan to bring either $5 to contribute to the food costs or a dish of some kind.  We do love to talk glass, and it's an environment where everybody feels welcome and a great place to share common interest and great food!
Details for the upcoming "30 Rocks" show were worked out and new assignments for the volunteer categories were established.
There is still plenty of opportunity if you would like to contribute; especially needed is a volunteer to help run both the raffle and the pot luck reception.
We are hoping that all members will contribute to the Reception Potluck...so please schedule in some cooking time for Sunday, October 9th...dishes to arrive prior to 4:00 PM when the reception starts at Studio 21, Spanish Village in Balboa Park.  To keep things a bit organized, Sandy Levin, who heads the Potluck, has assigned categories according to the alphabet.
If your last name begins with
A-F - Please prepare an appetizer
G-L - salads or vegetable dishes
M-T - main dishes
U-Z - desserts

Once again, Bill Matulich will be the Wine Master and Marv Miles will provide us with non-alcoholic alternatives.

The attached pictures of our General Meeting are by Lyn Feudner.  She will be assisting Show Photographer, Paul Czajkowski  in taking photographs of our upcoming "30 Rocks" Show

group aug mtg
AGASC Meeting

Marti and Leslie

"Your Success is Our Success"     

                                                by Rob Morey   


At our general meeting on June 19th at the San Diego Art Institute in Balboa Park, Kathleen Mitchel put together an amazing panel discussion titled "Your Success is Our Success".  The intent of this presentation was to help us grow and thrive as artists.  The panel consisted of Dana Springs and Vicki Reed from the San Diego Commission for Arts and Culture, April Game from SDFAS/Art Pulse and Sarah Trujillo from Quint Contemporary Art. Kathleen began the discussion with some prepared questions for the panel such as advice for artists approaching art professionals such as themselves, and what they look for when reviewing work. After the initial "ice breaker" questions were discussed, the floor was open to the members to ask the panel questions, which they did most enthusiastically.

I realize that for some, this may have felt a little out of their league. I fully appreciate that this wonderful community of glass artists which make up the AGA is very diverse in talent, technique, direction and intent of our work. I imagine that some at this meeting were thinking , "This isn't for me." Especially after experiencing some of the strong, upfront dialogue and advice which a few in the panel had to give. Others found the panel to be interesting and the overall meeting to be what was needed. This is probably most evident by the fact that no less than a dozen people have approached April Game with questions about her mentor program starting this fall. The beauty of our association is that it can and does try to meet the interest and needs of the group as a whole. If you were one of those who found the discussions of the panel not necessarily something which you would want to pursue or pertains to you, then that is a good thing. You know that probably dealing with public art directors and art dealers is not a direction for you. The fact is, it's not for everybody. For others, it was a great opportunity to meet some of the people in San Diego that are a part of a bigger art scene than the regular venue of local galleries and shows.

Over all, I found the meeting to be one of the most important events that the AGA has had since I've been a member. Not only did we all learn a lot, but having the esteemed panel take the time to discuss these issues with us and the patience to answer ALL of our questions, was a valuable experience for all of us as we pursue our goals to become more successful artists.

Thank you Kathleen for a job well done. Thank you San Diego Art Institute for hosting this event. And thank you to the esteemed panel, Dana Springs, Vicki Reed, April Game and Sarah Trujillo. Your generosity of time and information is truly appreciated.


(This article was accidentally left out of the July-August Newsletter! Our apologies to Rob Morey) 




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San Diego, Ca 92107

619-223-1895 or 619-224-4622  




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Uroboros Glass Sale!!!    

One of our Sponsor Members, Uroboros Glass, is having a blowout sale of non-standard sizes and curious glass on October 7th & 8th and 9th that is Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We will be selling Rods, Frit, and casting billets, if we have it. We are selling it at deeply discounted pricing to make way for all of our new products coming up!

Uroboros Glass Website 


14th Annual Galaxy of Glass at Fallbrook Art Center       

About the Fallbrook show: It is well worth going. The Fallbrook Art Center, directed by Mary Perhacs is very well managed and a nice venue. The show is definitely a must for members who can find their way to Fallbrook, if only to see the wonderful work that our AGASC members contributed. Other than our own members work, which is excellent, there are a number of great glass blowers in the community who show their work here.

John Gibbons,( just back from Pilchuck where he studied with Ben Moore and Lino Tagliapietra) has some very nice pieces there.  Buzz Blodgett and Michael Hermann with Gina Lunn put on a great show of talent and expertise in Glass Blowing. One of the most interesting to me was a new artist, a young man named Daniele Fratarcangeli. He works at the Fallbrook Art School most days, and his work is very unique. He combines three dimensional figurative work with an abstract and geometric pattern: all in clear scientific glass wrapped with wire. A great example is a piece in the front window of the gallery that is suspended in air and about 12 feet by 5 feet.
Other favorite works from our members were Kathleen Mitchell's blown glass, and Rob Morey's work.  Both had stunning work in a variety of style and purpose. Additional great work was by Marty and Jean Marshall, Linn Nimietz, and Raku glass by Dana Taylor and myself. The first local showing of our Raku Glass!

We can be proud that our membership was so well represented in this 14th Annual Galaxy of Glass exhibit. It is a juried show, and there were only 19 participants, 7 of whom are members of AGASC! It is on until October 16, 2011 at Fallbrook Art Center, 103 S. Main, Fallbrook, CA 92028. Hours are Mon-Sat 10 AM - 4 PM, Sun: Noon - 4 PM
Link to Fallbrook Album

Kathleen Mitchell

rob morey Fallbrook Show
Rob Morey


One Million Bones project completion!     


The final impressive results of member's work, contributing to The Million Bones project, headed by Rob Morey, were on display. The attached pictures, by Lyn Feudner, are of the finished results of the skulls out of the casting and awaiting the cleaning out of the investment and saw cutting and grinding.  The skulls will be on exhibit at the show.

To see all of the process go to our album link 


3 glass cast skulls
divesting mold
sanding the skull

AGA member Ilanit Shalev unveils year long project!       

The unveiling of the Mechitzah glass wall room divider by AGA member Ilanit Shalev was held September 17th at the Chabad Hebrew Academy in Scripps Ranch.  This completes a yearlong project for Ilanit, which was made with students from the 6th through 8th grades. The students sketched 13 different designs, which were then converted by Ilanit into glass, us
Ilanit Shalev
ing glass paint and powders. The individual designs were fired and then set into a background of �" thick glass, which had been water jet cut to accommodate the pieces and then tempered. Lyn said the room divider was an amazing and complex project.  The glass divider is attached to the moveable wooden base so that the divider can be stored, or utilized in difference spaces.  She said she was impressed with the technical challenges that Ilanit overcame and that the results were inspirational. Kathleen Mitchell and Rob Morey were there and also duly impressed, and the entire synagogue was very appreciative to Ilanit for this gorgeous contribution. 
full view
The Completed project!

Detail of Children's Work
Detail of Children's Designs
My Trip to Portland and Tour of Uroboros Glass
                                                                            by Connie Glovier

Last month I treated myself to a mini-vacation in Portland, Oregon, with the express intention of visiting Uroborus to observe the artists who create the beautiful glass that many of us use for our creations.  I was also hoping to see our own Cathy Coverly, who was the artist in residence in August, but missed her by about 30 minutes.  (Hope to see newsletter article or talk to her about her experience there.)
Connie at Uroboros
Ken Hashagen generously toured my daughter and me around the facilities and he can be seen in the picture by containers of initial glass components.  I was privileged to observe theprocess from glass pour to the final glass inspection (also pictured).  Uroborus, ever conscious of safety precautions,  provided safety glasses and gloves to protect us as we rummaged through glass and observed the workings of the factory. I understand Uroborus has increased pouring/firing to four days a week, adjusting their schedule based on the amount of inventory on hand.  Sounds like demand is increasing.  It was a particularly warm day in Portland, not made any better by the basement furnaces.  That didn't keep me from checking out all the beautiful 96 COE glass and purchasing more than was comfortable for me to carry home on the plane.
Uroborus recently updated their website   and it's well worth your time to check it out.  Uroboros Glass  You will see the creations of AGASC members Cathy Coverley, Leslie Perlis, and Dick Ditore in their Artist Gallery section.  And you'll notice a piece by Bill Matulich in the 9 minute virtual tour of the factory http://www.uroboros.com/about.php   
Portland is such a beautiful city and definitely takes actions to protect their environment.  The City of Portland certified Uroborus as a 'Green Business'.
If you visit Portland, I'd also recommend Dapper Frog in the Pearl District.  It's a wonderful gallery, with lots of glass creations.  www.dapperfrog.com

Ken Hashagen at Uroboros

Contemporary Fine Art Gallery features Susan Hirsch 


AGA Member Susan Hirsch was the featured artist at Contemporary Fine Art Gallery for the "First Friday"  La Jolla Art Walk in August. Her show consisted of 17 pieces and was highlighted for a month in the main entrance of the gallery. Susan has been with the Gallery for two years and is also one of three artists that will be featured at the gallery on Thursday October 20th for the 8th Annual La Jolla Gallery Wine Walk 5-9 pm.   

Hirsch at CFA
Contemporary Fine Art Gallery in La Jolla 


Finding a Mentor by Sandy Levin


 Mentor is Greek to me. In Greek mythology, Mentor was the person Ulysses asked to take care of his son when he went off to war. Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom, Arts and Crafts, disguised herself as Mentor when she visited Ulysses' son. Today, the name Mentor is used as a term for someone who imparts wisdom to a less experienced colleague. Athena is relevant here because my mentor is a master of arts and crafts.


Over the past several months, I've had the opportunity to work with Boyce Lundstrom at his studio in Oceanside, CA. While the mentor relationship was never defined in any formal way, his advice and guidance has provided a powerful mentorship for me.

In 2008, Jason Horejs, the owner of Xanadu Gallery in Scottsdale, Arizona conducted an informal survey of 1,000 artists and asked them to rate their most important art education experiences. He found that 35% identified association with other artists, 34% specified a mentor, 21% listed workshops, 7% indicated academic training, and 3% selected online resources.


These results can be interpreted in many different ways, but as an educator what caught my attention were the majority of artists who said that they associate with other artists and seek mentors. Informal learning extends the education process from the classroom and studio to lifelong learning.


Association with other artists can be compared to the water cooler story I've heard many times. Computer repairmen initially get their training and are sent out to the field. Over the course of time, equipment changes and new challenges arise, so the repairmen stand around the water cooler back at the shop and swap stories of problems they encountered and how they fixed them. At art glass association meetings I've heard similar stories. I got bubbles in my glass when I used this firing schedule, but fixed it by reducing the high temperature, holding the temperature for a longer time, or changing the annealing time. This is how artists learn golden nuggets of wisdom. But what does an artist do when she's ready to take a giant step in her career? She looks for a mentor.


So, who is a mentor, how does an artist find one and what can a mentor do for you? These are serious questions to be sure. And, there is no one answer, but after reading several articles, searching the web, and talking to people, I've come up with the following.


One article I've read on the subject defines what a mentor is not. "It is not teaching, or coaching, or being a best friend, or eldering" (Hughes, 2003). Although I think that teaching and coaching may be a component of a mentorship, I'd rather focus on a positive definition. I found this description of mentoring appealing. "A dynamic and two-way relationship that involves critical reflection and full participation by both partners. The mentor assumes a role of facilitator and the mentee becomes a proactive and equal partner, helping direct the relationship and goals." (The Canadian CED Network)


So, how does this relate to a glass artist? Say for example you've been creating beautiful blown or fused glass, selling at art fairs or to your friends and you are ready to take the next step. Maybe you want to display your art in galleries across the country or obtain a commission for a permanent large-scale display. Maybe you aren't quite there yet, but you have a burning drive to flourish as a glass artist, you need help creating a direction for your work, you're uncomfortable about the business aspects of art or you want to learn how to network in the art glass world. It may be time to find a mentor.


But, how do you find a mentor? There's no directory of art mentors that I'm aware of. If you look at the definition of a mentor (advisor, master, guide), anyone who has more experience and knowledge in your area can be a mentor.


So, the way to find a mentor is to make a list of what you are looking for. Are you looking for someone with a source of knowledge and experience, a role model, a good listener, someone who can offer suggestions, open doors, who will challenge you to think and reflect on your art? Are you looking for someone to dialogue with where both parties learn something essential?


Once you know what you want, then ask the question: "Would you be interested in being my mentor?" Someone who is a teacher or has the expertise you are looking for would narrow the list of possible mentors. When you approach someone, think of how the mentor can benefit from your association. Will there be a monetary exchange? What can you bring to the relationship? If you approach a master artist, are they looking for an intern for their studio? Maybe they need help in some other area of expertise that you have? Expect to get a few "no" responses, but don't get discouraged.


Once you find a mentor, there are other details that should be discussed about the relationship. Every mentoring relationship is unique, but a successful mentoring partnership involves trust, should be reciprocal in some manner, and be flexible. If you are going to work together for an extended period of time, you must respect and feel comfortable with each other.


As you start your mentorship, discuss your goals of the partnership. Define your roles and responsibilities. What do you expect from the mentor and what does the mentor expect in return? Find a space and time for regular communication. Set mutually agreed upon milestones and boundaries. Set up a process for action and reflection. Lastly, determine when the mentorship will end and come up with a transition plan.


If you live in San Diego County, Art Pulse is a mentoring program that might be the answer. This is a six-month mentoring program that brings together artists with professionals in the art community. There is an application and selection process. The cost is $500. The next cohort will begin in March 2012. If you are interested in this program, go to www.artpulse.org for more information.



Art Pulse, http://www.artpulse.org 

The Canadian CED Network,  The Art of Mentorship.pdf 

Hughes, J. E. Jr., A Reflection on the Art and Practice of Mentorship, http://www.iijournals.com 

Xanadu Gallery  http://www.xanadugallery.com 



Welcome New members:  

Mischelle Richmond
Ernie Orfila 



SEPTEMBER 4-OCTOBER 16 14th Annual Galaxy of Glass  Fallbrook Art Center 

OCTOBER 15-16 Patio Sale in Spanish Village

OCTOBER 7-8-9 Uroboros Glass Sale Uroboros Glass


OCTOBER 7-17 30th Annual Members Show in Spanish Village


OCTOBER 29 Palm Springs Road Trip

NOVEMBER 26 Make you own Ornament Workshop at UCSD Crafts Center
                          (Exclusive to AGASC members only)


To submit events that may be of interest to our members contact
our AGA Newsletter Editor Carol Korfin   



Share your experiences at a workshop, show or event with all of us at AGASC!
                                             This is your newsletter...  We would love to hear from you!  

              Deadline for Articles and Events for Dec/Jan Issue is Nov 15   



Carol Korfin Newletter Editor
Art Glass Association of Southern California