


 SPRING 2012


Welcome to our Spring edition of J-HAPPENINGS!  We are excited to share the tremendous progress that has been made since our last e-newsletter.  Much of the success of J-HAP is due to collaborations and support from our agencies and synagogues.  The accomplishment of providing an innovative Jewish residence for our adults with developmental disabilities truly is a community initiative.  Together, we are building community and changing lives.


Linda Bialick

Founder & President, J-HAP


Tuesday, May 8 at 7:30pm

Sabes JCC


Don't miss the J-HAP Community meeting on Tuesday, May 8 at 7:30pm at the Sabes JCC.  Hear the latest developments in making J-HAP a reality. Learn about our community partners, local and national research,plans for moving forward, timeline for site development and breaking ground and how you can be involved.  Be a part of this innovative and exciting future for our Jewish community!  Together, we are building community and changing lives.



Preliminary research has begun for a site location for our future residence. We have put together a great team to find the perfect West suburban location. With the excitement of breaking ground comes the reality of raising funds. Watch for our capital campaign kickoff in the next several months.



J-HAP is proud to partner with Jewish Family & Children Services, Sabes JCC Inclusion Department and Sha'arim to provide programming for adults with disabilities.  See each organization's website to register and for more details.

For Adults with Disabilities (18+)
KESHERMonthly recreational programming at the Sabes JCC on Tuesdays 8-9pm
April 17 - On Stage Theater Games
May 8  -  Cooking
June 12 - TBD
Please register in advance
FRIENDS 'N' FUN - Monthly recreational programming in the community on Sundays
April 22  -  Brunswick Zone
May 20  -  Little Tel Aviv
June 10  -  location TBD 
Must register in advance.
For Parents & Caregivers 
Special Needs Trusts- April 17, 7-8:30p at Sabes JCC

J-HAP Community Meeting - May 8, 7:30-9p at Sabes JCC (see article above)

Parents &Caregiver Support Group - Monday, May 14, 6:30-8:30p, Sabes JCC



Outstanding Leadership in the Minneapolis Jewish Community

On January 29, 2012, J-HAP Founder and President, Linda Bialick, was honored at the Sha'arim Annual Benefit for her  outstanding leadership in the field of inclusion within our Jewish community; for her unique vision for J-HAP; and her ongoing passion, dedication and chutzpah to make the J-HAP dream a reality.


Guest Speakers in honor of Jewish Disabilities Awareness Month

On February 24, 2012, Linda Bialick and Jennifer Lewin were honored to represent J-HAP at the Bet Shalom Inclusion Shabbat.  Their presentation shared how J-HAP empowers individuals with disabilities to live an enriching life where their Jewish identity continues to thrive.  They also shared how this impacts our Jewish community and us, personally. 


Parent Education Series for 2012-13

J-HAP is proud to partner with JFCS to create a Parent and Caregiver Education Series beginning Fall 2012.  Topics may include Transitional Planning, Vocational Options, Sexual Health & Relationships, Sibling Relationships and more.  If you would like to be a part of this planning group, send an email outlining your interest and skill set to info@jewishhousing.org.


by Abby Badzin, J-HAP Board Member &

Co-Founder Dress for Success Twin Cities


It is a very exciting and rewarding time to serve on the Board of Directors of J-HAP!  The momentum is strong and the reality of developing J-HAP's unique model of creating a living environment for Jewish young adults with developmental disabilities is drawing near every day!  This model, providing residents with social, educational, vocational, recreational and religious opportunities in a safe and nurturing Jewish setting is like no other in the country. With the extraordinary team of talented board members and community professionals working together to create this vision, no longer will parents of children with development disabilities have to worry about who will care for their child when they are no longer able.  I am thrilled beyond words to be a part of the excitiement and innovation of J-HAP!


If you are interested in becoming a Board Member or have talents or services to offer J-HAP, please email linda@jewishhousing.org.  We would love to have you join our team!




J-HAP gratefully acknowledges the following organizations for partnership, support and/or pro-bono services: 
Marvin Liszt

Minneapolis Jewish Federation


Please consider adding a J-HAP supporter to your list of service providers.  If you know of a business or ogranization that would like to support J-HAP, please contact linda@jewishhousing.org.

In This Issue
Building Community. Changing Lives.
J-HAP Housing Update
J-HAP Programming
J-HAP in the Community
My Passion for J-HAP
Community Events
All programs listed are for Jewish adults ages 18+ with developmental disabilities in the Minneapolis Jewish community. Click title for more information and to register.


Wednesdays, 7-8p
April 4 - May 23

Tuesdays, 7-8p
April 17, May 8, June 12

Tuesdays, 8-9p
April 17, May 8, June 12

Mondays, 7-8p
April 23 - June 4


Tuesdays, 7-8p
April 10, May 15


Tuesdays, 7-8p
April 24, May 29

 Friends 'n Fun

April 22, May 20, June 10

Thursdays, 7-8p
 April 5 - June 21

Mission & Vision
Jewish Housing and Programming is committed to serve the life-long needs of adults with Developmental Disabilities within a Jewish environment where residents feel welcomed, valued, fulfilled and secure.
To empower residents to achieve their full potential by providing guidance and support, the ability to practice a Jewish lifestyle, and enable a high quality of life enriched with opportunities for socialization, education, vocation, culture and recreation.
Core Values:

*Be active in, and positively influence the local community.


*Provide safety and peace of mind for residents and their families.


*Partner and co-sponsor with groups of similar goals.


*Build social relationships through programming.


*Enable residents to reach personal goals.


*Maintain a high level of ethical behavior.


Quick Links

Contact Information:

13100 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite #300      


Minneapolis, MN 55305                      

Phone: 952.417.2155

