

J-HAP Newsletter                    

 Winter 2011


We are delighted to introduce our first newsletter, J-HAPPENINGS!  We are excited to share local and national J-HAP news with you.  Please forward our newsletter on to anyone you feel would be interested and have them sign-up on our website at www.jewishhousing.org

A Vision of Independent Jewish Living

Over the course of four years, we have been working to bring the vision of providing a safe, secure, lifelong Jewish living environment for our adult children with developmental disabilities a reality. Our vision of an independent Jewish lifestyle, filled with social, recreational, educational and vocational opportunities will not be compromised.  We are seeking to fulfill the dream of peace of mind to parents, siblings and loved ones of these individuals, that there will be a welcoming place in our community where adults with developmental disabilities can continue to thrive with their Jewish identity.  We are overwhelmed by the collaboration we have had with our lead agencies and synagogues.  Together, we create this dream.



Linda Bialick

J-HAP Founding Member & Board President 

Local & National Support for J-HAP

At this time, J-HAP has commitments from several partners to offer in-kind, fee-for-service, and/or client referrals and support, including Minneapolis Jewish Federation, Jewish Family & Children Services, Sabes Jewish Community Center, Sha'arim, Sholom Community Alliance, executives at local housing providers for individuals with disabilities, Hennepin County, building developers, leadership at other local large housing projects, as well as executive leadership at local synagogues and secular disability advocate organizations.


J-HAP is proud to announce that during 2011, we received grants totaling over $35,000 from: The Toodie and Frank Trestman Special Needs and Collaborative Education Endowment Fund, a designated Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation of the Minneapolis Jewish Federation; and the Kelen Family Foundation.  In addition, J-HAP has received nearly $15,000 in financial support from a variety of individual donors.  We thank each of you for your generous contributions to help make J-HAP's vision a reality.


Housing & Political News


The Olmstead Decision is often cited regarding housing for adults with disabilities.  J-HAP is always mindful of independent, person-centered planning, stressing choice and opportunities for our future residents.  As individuals with developmental disabilities will most likely be receving funding cuts over the next several years, creative housing models will become more prevalent.

There have been a series of workshops at the State of MN Department of Human Services (DHS) where J-HAP has a presence.  DHS will be making recommendations to the legislature regarding definitions of "own home" and "residential settings" and how it pertains to people with disabilities.  These new guidelines will affect both individuals and providers. 

The Jewish Funders Network (JFN) has launched the formation of a new peer network of funders dedicated to elevating special needs and disability advocacy in the Jewish community.  The network is a two-year initiative funded by founding partners and administered by JFN.  The new initiative's goal is to assess the current state of funding of special needs programs in the Jewish community, identify successes that can be duplicated on a larger scale, and bring attention to underserved areas that would benefit from additional funding. J-HAP had an opportunity to speak to key funders in at a conferece in October 2010. We were asked to bring a formal presentation for consideration when we are ready.

Why We Need J-HAP

by Sharon Palay, future resident 


I would like to live with others who share my faith.  My apartment building is covered with Easter and Christmans decorations.  Everyone around me is going to church on Sundays.  Although I participate in programs at the JCC and my synagogue, and have found friendships there, these friendships do not follow me home.  Living with others who are Jewish and may have disabilities increases the quality of my life.  With my "extended family, I would have the opportunity to celebrate my faith, to socialize and dine together and live a Jewish lifestyle together.  I wouldn't be as lonely.
Events for Parents & Caregivers

J-HAP is proud to partner with the Sabes JCC Inclusion Department and Sha'arim to provide programming for adults with disabilities.  Also, the JCC is providing seminars and supports for parents and caregivers.  See the JCC Winter Program Guide to register and details.

Preparing for Guardianship - February 15, 7-8p at Sabes JCC, FREE

Legal Process of Guardianship - February 22, 7-8p at Sabes JCC, FREE

Parents/Caregive Support Group - Mondays, January 9, 6:30-8:30p, Sabes JCC, FREE

Thank you!!!

J-HAP gratefully acknowledges the following organizations for partnership, support and pro-bono services:  CBIZ, SeilerShindel PLLC, Skyline Consulting, Where It Blooms .
In addition, thank you is due to the JFCS for their in-kind office space, Sabes JCC for in-kind meeting space, and Mpls Jewish Federation for in-kind grant writing support.
In This Issue
Independent Jewish Living
Local & National Support
Housing & Political News
Why We Need J-HAP
Community Events
The following programs are
all within the Minneapolis Jewish community.


Wednesdays, 7-8p
begins Jan 4

Tuesdays, 7-8p
begins Jan 10

Tuesdays, 8-9p
begins Jan 10

Mondays & Thursdays, 7p
begins Jan 16


Tuesdays, 7-8p
begins Jan 17


Tuesdays, 7-8p
begins Jan 31

begins Feb 17, 6p  


begins January 2011

Jewish Disabilities Awareness Month
February 2011
community wide events
coming soon! 
Mission & Vision
Jewish Housing and Programming is committed to serve the life-long needs of adults with Developmental Disabilities within a Jewish environment where residents feel welcomed, valued, fulfilled and secure.
To empower residents to achieve their full potential by providing guidance and support, the ability to practice a Jewish lifestyle, and enable a high quality of life enriched with opportunities for socialization, education, vocation, culture and recreation.
Core Values:

*Be active in, and positively influence the local community.


*Provide safety and peace of mind for residents and their families.


*Partner and co-sponsor with groups of similar goals.


*Build social relationships through programming.


*Enable residents to reach personal goals.


*Maintain a high level of ethical behavior.


Quick Links

Contact Information:

13100 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite #300      


Minneapolis, MN 55305                      

Phone: 952.417.2155

