Business Clients - We Need Your Input! |
We value our clients, and appreciate the feedback and input you provide us!
Please complete this brief survey to help us understand how we can better serve you.
To thank you for your help, participants will have their name entered into our quarterly drawing for a $100 gas card! |
Did You Know? | Kinney Pike employees are dedicated to our clients, our community and the company! The average employee tenure with Kinney Pike is 11.7 years! |
Insurance - The Cost of Doing Business |
Having adequate business insurance is about more than just protecting the business. If something should happen, and you are not protected, you could be out of business.
Click here to read on. To contact a Business Lines Specialist, click here.
A Word from Our Clients... |
We love hearing positive feedback as much as the next person! Here are comments shared by two loyal clients!
"I am always impressed with Kinney Pike's speed and responsiveness. My loyalty to Kinney Pike is strong. The major reason that I feel that loyalty has to do with the employees and their service."
- Leigh Woods, Tunbridge, VT
"You can buy insurance anywhere but you will never know if you have the right coverage or the right agent until you have a claim. Kinney Pike will make sure you have the right coverage and they will be your best ally when you have a claim."
- Steven Richard, Wilder, VT
Reducing Wildfire Risk |
Wildfires can be a devastating experience for both businesses and homeowners. Read here for more about the unique risks facing small and mid-sized businesses in areas vulnerable to wildfire.
After an Auto Accident |
When you're involved in an accident, it's easy to forget what to do next. Here are some helpful tips:
* Move your car to a safe place, but don't leave the scene.
* Call 911 if anyone needs medical assistance.
* Call the police. They will know if an officer needs to visit the scene.
* Stay calm and courteous. Do not admit fault or talk about the accident with anyone except the police.
* Complete this checklist and use your phone or disposable camera to take photos of the scene and any damage.
* Call your insurance agent. To locate Kinney Pike's local phone numbers, visit our website.
My name is Kevin Meilleur. I grew up in St. Johnsbury and work for Kinney Pike Insurance as an Account Executive in the Employee Benefits Division in our Williston, Vermont office. One of my hobbies is photography and in my spare time I enjoy traveling Vermont's back roads to find that perfect setting that defines Vermont. Whether it's a waterfall deep in the forest, a hillside ablaze with fall color, a fresh coating of snow or a warm summer sunset, like this one over Lake Champlain I found on a lazy summer night, there's always a beautiful image waiting to be captured. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoy finding them.
- Kevin
Kinney Pike Insurance Announces Merger with Allen Agency and Roy Insurance Agency | |
Kinney Pike recently announced its merger with the Allen Agency of Williston, Vermont and the Roy Insurance Agency of Swanton, Vermont.
As part of this merger, Kinney Pike moved its South Burlington office (to include its Employee Benefits Division) to the Allen Agency building in Williston. All Employee Benefits Division phone numbers, fax number and email addresses remain the same.
With this merger, Kinney Pike now has seven offices across Vermont to serve your personal, business and employee benefits needs. Stop in or call any of our offices in Williston, Rutland, White River Junction, Randolph, St. Johnsbury, Poultney or Swanton. |
Client Spotlight - CCTA | |
The Chittenden County Transportation Authority (CCTA) is a regional public transportation provider serving a five-county area in northwest Vermont. In the urban portion of its system (Chittenden County), CCTA carries over 2.5 million passengers per year, and an additional 350,000 rides are provided annually in Washington, Lamoille, Franklin, and Grand Isle Counties. CCTA's services range from express commuter routes serving employment centers to local circulators serving neighborhoods to weekly shopping shuttles serving senior housing. Through this network of diverse services, CCTA is pleased to offer a convenient, safe, and affordable transportation option to a wide range of residents and visitors.
"My family has not owned a car since 1983. When I moved to Burlington in 2001, the availability of bus routes definitely influenced where we bought a house. I rode CCTA most weekdays to and from work in downtown Burlington for 8 years; now I ride the Link to Waterbury about twice each week. CCTA helps me continue to work without adding the pollution from another car to the environment, and I can read, write letters, or surf the Internet instead of stressing out about road conditions or other drivers. I sure appreciate CCTA!"
- Ann Fingar, CCTA Rider from Burlington
If you are interested in learning more about CCTA's services in Chittenden County, please visit For information on CCTA's services in Washington, Lamoille, Franklin, and Grand Isle Counties, please visit

If you would like your business to be featured in an upcoming issue of the Kinney Pike Report, contact us.
Special Invitation to Business/Benefits Clients!
FREE Webinar on the Supreme Court's Impact on the Future of Health Reform | |
Webinar Invitation - Supreme Court Decisions' Impact on the Future of Health Care Reform |
Join us for a Webinar on July 11 OR July 26
2:00-3:30 PM Eastern
Reserve your seat EARLY - two webinars offered due to popular demand! Choose your date and click one of these links now:
Wed, Jul 11, 2012 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM EDT
Thu, Jul 26, 2012 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM EDT
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Now that the Supreme Court has ruled on the future of health care reform, Kinney Pike Insurance would like to invite our business and benefits clients to attend a webinar focusing on the Supreme Court Decisions' Impact on the Future of Health Care Reform.
This webinar will review the decisions and discuss the impact on the future of health reform with a focus on how employers may, or may not, be affected by the decisions. We will continue to provide you with facts and information to help advise and inform you, as the future of Health Care Reform becomes more clear.
Presented by: Bob Radecki, President, Benefit Comply, LLC
Bob Radecki has more than 30 years' experience in the HR and employee benefits industry helping employers deal with difficult benefit and compliance matters. | |
After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar.
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System Requirements
PC-based attendees Required: Windows 7, Vista, XP or 2003 Server | | |
Macintosh-based attendees Required: Mac OS®X 10.5 or newer |
To contact a Kinney Pike Employee Benefits Specialist, click here. |
Community Corner
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Kinney Pike employees spend a lot of time in and around the community -- both as your neighbor and representing the company. Community service is about helping others out in the community where we work and live, rather than simply writing a check to a local non-profit.
We have a busy event season! We had a great time at the recent Quechee Balloon Festival and the Relay for Life events! We hope to see you at one of the remaining events this Summer.
June 15-17 - Quechee Balloon Festival
Congratulations to Lisa Hinsley and Carlene Bolton,
winners of our hot air balloon rides! And congratulations
to Mike Pierce - a $250 donation will be made on his
behalf to David's House in Lebanon, NH *.
June 16 - ACS Relay for Life - St. Johnsbury, VT
June 22 - ACS Relay for Life - Essex Junction, VT
June 23 - ACS Relay for Life - Rutland, VT June 30 - ACS Relay for Life - Springfield, VT
July 14 - The Prouty - Hanover, NH
August 11 - Harpoon Point to Point - Windsor, VT
* "From us to you, thanks for supporting David's House. You are a great organization to give to a truly deserving cause." - Mike Pierce