Itinera Staff
Ceci (Garcia-Velez) Petschel '94 Maria (McRae) Dykstra '01 Lucy (Ferber) Cunningham '92
Contributors To This Issue
Laurel (Tambornino) Stroud '00 Hannah Brummer '98 Maddy Salmon '06 Laura (Simones) DeSouza '00
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Greetings! Welcome to Itinera, now in email format! We will be emailing this newsletter on a quarterly basis for you to keep up with your fellow alumni and the happenings at Trinity. Please take a moment to visit the Trinity website to view a number of videos directed by Joe Gleason '05 and produced by Elizabeth Grams '01 highlighting Trinity's unique features.
Enjoy your newsletter! Itinera Staff
Alumni Spotlight Abe Olson '03 From Legos to Quantum Physics
Laurel (Tambornino) Stroud '00
When working with the apparatus for ultracold atomic studies in a lab at Purdue University, Abe Olson sometimes recalls his childhood passion for building with Legos. (Just imagine the Legos being replaced by a complex apparatus of lasers, magnetic fields, imaging optics, electronics, vacuum chambers and computer control systems!) Beyond that, though, Abe can look back at several experiences in his life and attribute them to pointing him in the direction of his graduate studies towards a PhD. "[At Trinity] I really enjoyed learning special relativity in physics... I remember thinking for days about how it worked, imagining light-cones, flashbulbs on moving trains, and the like. I was excited to get to learn about the fabric of the universe," Abe reminisces. Read More
 | Abe and the Ultracold Atomic Rubidium apparatus which he is constructing and using to run experiments on atoms cooled to temperatures in the nano-Kelvins |
Alumni Challenge
The $2,500 alumni challenge is currently at $1,905! Give to the Max Day is over, but it's not too late to contribute to Trinity School taking advantage of this matching challenge. We still need $595.
Please consider even a small gift. You may click on the link below to give online:
Give to Trinity School So far we have received gifts from the classes of: 1992 1998 2001 2004 2009 1993 1999 2002 2005 2010 1995 2000 2003 2007 |
Faulty Update Critical Realism
H a n n a h B r u m m e r ' 9 8
Along with "truth, beauty, goodness," "the community of learners," and "sense of wonder and depth of inquiry," try adding another catchy Trinity phrase to your repertoire: "critical realism." Heard of it? It's the way we describe our approach to the discovery of truth. Rather than saying, on the one hand, "Well, that's true for you, and this is true for me" or on the other hand, "I'm right, and you're wrong because I know the truth, and you haven't a clue," critical realism affirms that there is external reality and that humans can know and speak of it only provisionally. In our 2009-2010 faculty seminars, we explored critical realism first through a work by C. S. Lewis and next through Personal Knowledge: Towards a Post-Critical Philosophy by Michael Polanyi. Read More
Spring Gala 2010 Spotlight on Trinity
Several alumni joined parents, faculty and Trinity supporters for the annual Spring Gala, Trinity's main fundraising event held last April. The event raised more than $61,000 for Trinity School. Guests viewed and purchased many pieces of artwork on display, registered for group gatherings to be held throughout the year, and enjoyed an elegant dinner and live auction.
Alum Andy Grams '99 designed the year's Gala booklet and the following alumni contributed their artwork to be displayed: Jennifer (Huebner) Soriano '94, Andy Grams '99, Lisa (Rumpza) Lundsford '02, Amie Kieffer '04, Julia (Johnson) Doffing '04, Ryan Murray '06, Mary Reinhardt '07, Ariel Pomputius '08, Hanna Schutt '08, Jordan Wolff '08, Apryl Wolney '08, Sadie Cassellius '09, Daniel Skarman '09, and our recent 2010 grads Sarah Ennis, Chris Gross, Rebecca Maslow, Anne Putzier, Anne Raway, Joe Rumpza, and Rebecca Winker.
For more information on the 2011 Spring Gala, click here.
 | Gala Guests from left to right Hannah Brummer '98, Beth Schmitz '01, Jessica Lauer '99, and Sarah Coleman '99 |
 | Gala Volunteers Mary Clare Ferber '99 and Ben Altman '08 |
Summer Play 2010 A Murder Is Announced Maddie Salmon '06
Trinity alumni from several classes and two campuses gathered this summer to perform "A Murder Is Announced," an Agatha Christie mystery filled with plot twists and surprises. Summer schedules are always tricky to coordinate with each cast and crew member juggling work, school, and other activities. The group also had to replace two cast members without much notice, but they pulled off two excellent performances nonetheless. With extraordinary hair, makeup, and costumes from the 1940s and a cast of characters who are rarely what they claim to be, the alumni kept the audience enthralled and guessing until the play's shocking climax. This performance is the fourth Alumni Summer Play and marks the revival of this Trinity tradition. Watch for information from Itinera and Trinity's website for next summer's production.
  Maddy Salmon '06 Andy Bowar '08, Anne Putzier'10
Reunion Class of 2000
Laura (Simones) DeSouza '00
For the Class of 2000's 10-year reunion, a trip down the Mississippi was enjoyed on the Paddleford Boat Tours starting at Harriet Island in St. Paul on August 29. After the cruise, we met at the Great Waters Brewing Pub and enjoyed food and drinks as we caught up with each other.
 Left to Right: Dan Ficker, Kathy Stauble, Theresa Wind, Anne (Claassen) Dudkiewicz, Becca Altendorf Glen and Laura (Simones) DeSouza |
Class Notes
Twins, Jack Charles & Sophia Clare were born to Sam and Jessica (Mitchell) Groeller on April 2, 2009. They were also welcomed by big brother & sister, Aidan and Alison Groeller.
Amy Rosener married Jason Carlson on April 10, 2010.
Jessica (Murphy) Bowden and Grant welcomed Jacob Patrick Bowden into their family on December 11, 2009.
In March, Sarah Coleman was promoted to Museum Supervisor at Mill City Museum in Minneapolis.
Mary Rosener was recently promoted to a new position at a non-profit in South Minneapolis called the Center for Child Abuse Prevention & Treatment. She is now the Therapeutic Coordinator as well as a Family Therapist.
David and Jenny Rosener announce the birth of their son Lucas Xavier, born May 24, 2010.
Anne (Duncan) Morgan and Zack welcomed Eliana Maurita Morgan into their family on May 16, 2010.
Angela (Adam) and Luke Cahill welcomed Torin Jerome Cahill on September 4, 2010.
Rosie Springer married Chas Dalske on October 10, 2009, at St. Timothy church in Blaine, MN.
Anna Cunningham married Robert Reinke on April 24, 2010, at Nativity of Mary Catholic Church in Bloomington, MN.
Will Johnson married Liz Kelley on January 9, 2010.
Barbara Ferber married David Lamb on August 20, 2010, at St. Mark's Church in St. Paul.
Levi James O'Hare was born on June 6, 2010 to proud parents Jonathan & Kasi O'Hare. Jonathan was also promoted to Advanced Research Engineer at 3M Company's Corporate Research Process Lab, effective April 1, 2010.
Mike & Carolyn (Lauer) Hoy welcomed baby Abigail Rose into their lives on July 25, 2010.
Becca Clasen & Richard Thompson were married on October 15, 2010. They live in Minneapolis, MN.
Catherine Loesch & David Osborne were married on October 23, 2010. They are living in Long Beach, CA.
Alayna Larsen & Wesley Tanaka were married on November 5, 2010. They now live in Fort Meyers, FL.
Karen Coleman has accepted a middle school teaching position at Pope John Paul II Catholic School in NE Minneapolis.
Mike Cunningham and Grace Goetzke ('06) were married on August 7, 2010, at the University of St. Thomas Chapel in St. Paul.
Rachelle Lamers and David Wind ('07) were married on September 4, 2010.
Lindsey Cermak was among 19 juniors and seniors at the College of Saint Benedict selected for membership in the Omega Chapter of Delta Epsilon Sigma, a national Catholic scholastic honor society. Membership in the society is one of the highest academic honors Saint Benedict's confers on its outstanding students. Mike Ryan donated a kidney to his older brother, Sean Ryan ('99) this past winter. Both are doing well - and Mike even was able to get back and coach the rest of the 9th grade boys basketball season!
Keep in Touch! Submit news and updates here.
From the Archives Gethsemene '87-'91