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Coaching and Mentorship: New 2011
January, 2011
Coaching and Mentorship 



 Kathleen in Jersey 

As a coach/mentor I really love helping individuals find their authentic selves and assisting them in re-igniting the original blue print of their souls.  I use my 30+ years of experience as a professional counselor, addictions specialist, systems therapist and equine facilitated learning practitioner as my personal toolbox when assisting others. 


When I talk about holding the sacred space of possibility I mean creating a container of support in partnership with my clients.  This holding allows me as a coach to feel into the client; be with them in the space between the words, and be with them in the moment.   Seeing and listening with the heart engages both of us in an adventure where the full essence of the other can be heard and supported.   As a relationship coach I hope to offer people the possibilities to take action in their lives for positive and sustainable change.


Robert Johnson is his book, "Balancing Heaven and Earth" talks about what he calls the "slender threads". This intuitive direction is about being in a particular place at the right time, meeting someone who opens you to a new direction or possibility, and following this thread consciously without full knowledge of the outcome. Johnson says, "I have gradually learned to accept that the slender threads possess greater intelligence and wisdom then my scrambling ego could ever attain."


I would like to guide you in discovering and following your "slender threads" to meet your destiny.  Please contact me via email or telephone and give yourself this gift for the New Year.    kathygram@cox.net or 520-322-5949. 


Kathleen Barry Ingram, MA
     Mentorship in Equine Facilitated Learning:  New for 2011                  
Kathleen and Ruth in Jersey
Kathleen & Ruth LeCoq, Jersey, UK

Mentorship in Equine Facilitated Learning


This advanced learning opportunity is for those wanting better understanding of the science and psychology underlining the wisdom of the horse.  I want to assist qualified individuals in a one on one mentorship program which will emphasize the most recent research on the importance of relationships in learning; the limbic system; implicit knowing versus explicit knowledge; and the latest scientific information available to validate and affirm the intuitive knowing received from the horses. 


Each program is designed to meet the individual's specific needs and will include phone consultations, written assignments, email correspondence and if possible work together with the horses.  This program has been created out of requests from people wanting more training and information on equine facilitated learning and therapy.  The recent advancements in brain science, psychological studies on relationships and the importance of connection with nature support the work with horses.


An article in the Utne Reader, November 2007 cited the mission statement from the Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers:


The grandmothers believe that only culture derived from nature's laws will survive.  Without a deep connection to nature, our consciousness and our politics will inevitably be flawed.  But when we are connected to the natural world, we cannot help but see the beauty within ourselves and everywhere else.  With the deluge of negative information in the world today, it is heartening to consider the possibility that opening ourselves to beauty, hope, and connection may be the most healing action we can take.


Please contact me directly if you are interested in this learning opportunity.  Email me at kathygram@cox.net and I will get back to you with a response.  I promise to assist you and if we find together that you need more training or help I will refer you to an appropriate program
Kathleen Barry Ingram, LLC
3132 N. Gill
Tucson, Arizona 85719
Visit Kathleen's website: www.sacredplaceofpossibility.com
For her Youtube interview:
Horse Spirit Connections present "The Way of the Horse" and interview with Kathleen Barry Ingram, see it on You Tube!