
     Peninsula Covenant Church Newsletter                                                             Quarter 3 

     If you want your life to count you have to focus it.  You don't have time for everything, and not everything is of equal value.  Jesus said there is one thing that is more valuable in life than anything else.  He said it's love.  When Jesus was asked, what is the most important command?  He answered this way:  And Jesus replied, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and mind.  This is the first and greatest commandment.  The second most important is similar: Love your neighbor as much as you love yourself." (Mark 12:29-31)
     The Bible is very clear about it.  God put you here on earth to do two things: to learn to love God and to learn to love other people.  Life is one giant lesson in love.  Life is not about acquisition - how much I get.  It's not about accomplishment - how much I do.  It's not about achievement - how much I earn.  Because you're going to leave behind all of that.  You're not taking your career to heaven.  You're not taking your car to heaven.  You're not taking your house to heaven.  But you are taking your character.  You're taking you.
     God put you on earth for eighty to a hundred years so you can learn to love.  Life is all about learning how to love.  Jesus says in Mark 12:29-31 that the two most important things in life are learning to love God with all your heart and learning to love everybody else.  He says you get that, you've got life.  If you don't get that, you just waste your life.  How are you doing in getting that?
     This fall, (and well into 2010!) the PCC community will focus on what it means to love God and love others.  While our culture will come up with a myriad of definitions of love, we will look to both the source of love and love personfied to teach us on this invaluable concept.  Ready to ratchet up your love quotient?  Join us this fall as we provide the tools and the opportunities to grow in love.
preschoolServing Beyond Their Job
by Stacie Ciraulo 
preschool-ciraulo-q3      My oldest daughter started attending PCC Preschool in September 2007. What an exciting time for us! I cried as I dropped her off - she seemed so big and little all at the same time! Little did I know what a blessing each of the teachers and the Preschool in general would be for my little family.
     Just a month later, my dad suddenly died and our family was in turmoil! My sweet 3 � year old was reeling, just like the rest of us. It was a rough year in so many ways! The patience, guidance, encouragement, prayers and love that Teachers Terry, Karen, Diane, Jodee, Debbie, Theresa and Meg gave to us over that school year was immeasurable. They were definitely a gift that was "beyond all we could ask or imagine."  There has never been a doubt in my mind that God gave us PCC Preschool to help our family and specifically my daughter through such a trial! Thank God! 
     This past 2008-2009 school year I had one daughter in the 4-year-old class and another in the 3 -year-old class at PCC Preschool. What a fun year! Again, I watched the teachers and directors come alongside to support and encourage families and children in ways that go beyond their job description! I have truly been blessed by our experience at PCC Preschool and highly recommend the program to all I interact with! 
     Plus, my daughters want to say, "I love my teachers!"
hsCHIC 2009
High School     by Carlos DeVitis 
"And now as we go on our way, may Jesus undo our watered-down, sanitized and sugar-coated faith, so that we may follow Him into a heroic life where our comfort zones are undone so that we are not afraid to become countercultural and counter-comfortable. Holy Spirit, reveal a God who is bigger than all we can figure out and who loves us beyond what we can imagine. Give us the courage and the commitment to work together so that none of God's work remains undone."
     This benediction is becoming our reality.  Students are not distinctive for survival, but are agents of change.  The stories from this distinctive are numerous and rich.  I invite you to begin by reading through the benediction again; this time as a personal plea.  Visit  for more detail, photos, video, and testimonies.
Can We Make a Difference?
Serve the Peninsula    by John Luff 
     According to Wikipedia, "compassion" is a human emotion prompted by the pain of others. More vigorous than empathy, the feeling commonly gives rise to an active desire to alleviate another's suffering.  In 2 Corinthians 1:3, Paul refers to God as "the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort."  Jesus showed the ultimate compassion through His act on the cross and His resurrection, which together give us salvation.
     We know BIG C is really "GOD-SIZED COMPASSION". The challenges facing our Redwood City school children and schools are overwhelming. I am often asked, "Can we make a difference?"  My answer is a resounding yes!
     Let me tell you about Lupe Guzman. Lupe moved to Redwood City with her family when she was five. According to Lupe, her family was "dirt poor."  Both of her parents were very hard workers and instilled a good work ethic in all their children. When Lupe started attending Hawes Elementary School she could only speak Spanish. Her parents got their children in the migrant workers education program and emphasized education as the key to their futures. Families in Redwood City were impressed by these hardworking children and came alongside them to help. Through acts of selfless compassion, Lupe went on to get her BA degree and later, two masters degrees. Additionally, all of her brothers and sister have a masters degree. Last May Lupe was promoted to principal at Fair Oaks Elementary School where 100% of the students qualify for free or subsidized breakfast and lunch. When I shared with Lupe everything we are trying to do through BIG C (uniforms, shoes, PE programs, volunteer readers, and Beautiful Day), her eyes welled up with tears of joy. Lupe asked me to tell you "thank you" and to assure you that we can make a difference.
     Please prayerfully consider supporting  BIG C and help us provide God-sized compassion to the school children in Redwood City Schools. 
missionMission    by Sharon King
4-pri-q3     PRAY: Pick a PCC missionary to pray for (daily, weekly, or as the Lord leads). They need our prayers for ALL aspects of their lives(relationship with God, their families, their co-workers, their particular ministry effectiveness).
     SERVE: Our PCC missionaries love and enjoy when we also physically enter into their lives by volunteering to help them with a ministry project. Serving doesn't have to be "overseas;" there are many local PCC mission ministries, too.
     GROW: Have you ever read a missionary biography? (i.e. Hudson Taylor, Nate Saint, Paul Carlson, etc.) You will be inspired and in awe by those whose lives have opened doors for many others! Maybe your Care Group/Community Group would enjoy to "grow" by doing a study on the "first" missionary...Paul.
     CELEBRATE: Ever considered inviting a visiting missionary to a "home-cooked" meal, or a FUN day with your family? (i.e. beach, sports event, BBQ, etc.) These who serve far from their original home base have some of the same happenings in their lives as we do, (i.e. weddings, births, graduations, moves, changes in their jobs, etc.) "Celebrate" with them via email, phone call, or a care package.
     Visit the PCC website for names, addresses, and other info. May God bless YOU as you "Pray-Serve-Grow-Celebrate" with and for our missionaries. 
pccPeople Matter
Community Center     by Mike Lynch
comm-ct-q3     Have you ever wondered how you can make a difference in people's lives?  It may only be a simple act to you, but to the receiving person, your helping hand may make a huge difference to them.  Here at the Community Center, we are always looking for these very opportunities.  Take for instance, John,  a longtime member and lap swimmer, recently lost his drivers license due to  his failure to navigate the written portion of the test at the DMV.  He swims every day and it is very important to his lifestyle that he get to the pool.  John also lost his lifetime partner, his wife,  about a year ago, and lives alone in his home near the club.
     He is 82 years young, and when he was a young man in Holland, he witnessed the 101st Airborne Division Paratroopers falling  out the sky as the Allied Troops began the job of reclaiming Europe, and he himself served as a US Marine stationed in Indonesia in the later stages of World War II and into the late 1940s.
     John is brought to the club for his daily swim by one of our staff, and others on staff assist in returning John home.  There are others like John in our midst that "we" watch over, and notice by their absence or by someone mentioning "where have they been,"  that begins our investigation of how to come alongside and assist them, where we are able.
     A few years ago, our summer theme was, "Where People Matter" and I want to assure everyone within the scope of this correspondence, that it is alive and thriving at your Community Center.
     Who is the person God is nudging you today to make a difference in their lives? 
Beyond Sunday
Community Groups     by Todd Gumbecht
     It is our desire for Community Groups to be the primary vehicles through which Peninsula Covenant gathers to live life for Jesus in and among the city.
     Community Groups are geographically-based small groups that gather intergenerationally or by life stage.
     They exist to gather the church, to promote connection of both current and future families, to serve needs, to facilitate growth, to celebrate life and to pray together, beyond Sunday.  Community Groups consist of about 12 members and gather in almost every neighborhood that Peninsula Covenant attendees live in.  They are a place where life change can occur, a place where stories are shared.  It is a place to be encouraged, equipped, and challenged as we travel the road of faith together.
     We want our Community Groups to be...
     Bibliocentric - The Bible is necessary for knowing God and growing as a follower of Jesus.  Our four priorities of Pray, Grow , Serve and Celebrate can only be accomplished through study and application of God's Word.
      Authentic - We live in a world where people don't have to interact with one another.  We can go for years without even talking to our neighbors.  The church needs to be a place where people can know one another and be known; a safe place to share and do life together.
      Growing - We believe two kinds of growth will happen in Community Groups.  The first kind of growth is individual growth.  Proverbs 27:17 says, As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.  This is the basis of living life in community.  As we gather together, we will challenge one another, teach one another, encourage one another and pray for one another.  The second kind of growth is group growth.  We do NOT want our Community Groups to be exclusive clubs.  Community Groups are the Church, and so inclusive to new church families, neighbors and friends.  This means that it is important for each group to not be solely lead by anyone, but rather facilitated by a called person, who works closely with a co-facilitator who assists and is prepared to birth a new group when growth necessitates.
     Organic - We desire to be the gathered Church beyond 3560 Farm Hill Boulevard.  To launch this process, it has been very mechanical.  We have literally placed every address (1,200+) into Google Maps and grouped families by geographic location in either life stage or intergenerational.  In the future, these established groups (by location) will become the natural connection point for new families.  Community Groups will be Peninsula Covenants missional touch point in your neighborhood for care, prayer and service.  All groups will be open to friends and neighbors.
     The Dream...
     To be the Church!  To become a gathering where nobody stands alone.  If you have not received a Community Group letter from Gary Gaddini, please contact Todd Gumbrecht at [email protected] or 650-365-8094 for a gathering in your community.
sk8Summer Skate Camp
Skatechurch     by Chris Davidson
skate-q3     This summer we had our fourth annual Summer Skate Camp.  Each year Skate Camp has been a greater success than the year before and this year was no exception.  We had many return campers and return instructors.  We definitely saw more improvement and higher levels of skateboarding than in past years.  Also, our new half pipe remodel offered skaters obstacles that they have not been able to skate in the past.  But the most exciting addition to Skate Camp this year was the Jesus Table.  Phyllis Hurst and Carol Phelan sat at the Jesus Table each day at the end of the skatepark just waiting to share the Gospel.  At first the skaters were hesitant to wander over to the Jesus Table but as the week progressed more and more kids were sitting down and hearing the story of Jesus.  Many kids even came more than once and asked to hear the story again.  By the end of the two weeks of camp nearly every camper heard the Gospel and 15 prayed to receive Christ for the first time! 
Jesus Table 
Sharing the Good News!     by Meg Roundy 
     Every summer, Day Camp is blessed to have committed saints, Phyllis Hurst and Carol Phelan, freely sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the children of our local churches and community.  These two amazing women of faith take their service to the Lord very seriously!  Serve is one of our priorities here at PCC and they model it for us all.
     Carol and Phyllis unashamedly tell the Good News to the children no matter how many times they want to hear it: that Jesus Christ loves them, has a plan for them, and paved the way for them to personally connect with Him!   It is awesome.  This summer they also spent time with the Skate Camp kids too.  The Good News continues to spread here at PCC.
     Please pray for the seeds planted in these children who indicated that they prayed to receive Christ for the first time.  Pray that their faith would grow deeper.  Pray that they would fully understand that they are saved - forever.  Pray that their faith would be nurtured, both at home and in a solid faith community.  Pray that their parents would be open and supportive if they are not Christ followers themselves.
Francis Beach 
Swim and Gym Field Trip     by Michele Perez
swim-gym-q3     Misty air, sandy feet, the gentle sound of waves crashing all beautifully interrupted by 90 children and imagination at hand. They stand at the edge of the cliff waiting to go on the sand as a ship with two pirates comes to shore. They have a bottle with a message! "Find the buried treasure, two chests buried in the sand." The campers get the OK and run down to the sand. Sand flies everywhere as little feet run to catch a glimpse of the treasure map. Little minds at work as they immerse into a new world and become pirates themselves. Captain Holly leads a group of pirates to a cave where they are given a mission to find rivals and defeat them ro sham bo.  Another group is going on an adventure hike to search the sands for sea shells and other ocean treasures while some of the young girls paint their nails in lime green to match their field trip shirts.  There are times of prayer as we all thank God for the gifts, beauty, and opportunities around us.
     Minds were expanded, friendships were strengthened, and God's power and gentleness was shown through the waves, sea shells, and spirits of the 90 children at Francis Beach.
new-staffNew Faces
Welcome Our New Staff!
     Dain Jepson is PCC's new Families Pastor, overseeing the development of people ages 0-21.  He was born in Lincoln, Nebraska and moved to California in 1966.  One of his favorite memories was when his family lived on a farm just outside of Binghamton, NY. His dad would pull the hay wagon back to the barn with the old car, a 1929 Model A.  He and his brother would ride on top of the hay wagon while his dad drove. Years later when he was a teenager his dad restored that old car. Today it sits in his garage!
     Dain has been married to Terry (Therese) for 24 years.  In Ohio, she was a high school Spanish teacher.  Daniel, their oldest is 21 and a senior at Baylor University in Texas, studying electrical engineering.  Son Tyler is 19 and a sophomore at Ohio Northern University where he is studying mechanical engineering.
     California is really home for both Terry and Dain. They both spent most of their later school age years here (Dain in Saratoga and Terry in Moraga) and both have extended family nearby. 
      When asked what Dain was looking forward to at PCC, he stated, "Community!  I was so taken in by the community of PCC during the job search process. I look forward to meeting and coming alongside families and children of all ages and sharing life together. I love serving the body!"

mark-aaron-q3     Mark Aaron Humphrey was born in Bedford, Indiana, a small farming town. His family had a small dairy farm that his dad and brothers worked. His dad also managed the local telephone company and served as the pastor of Shiloh Baptist Church, a one-room church with creaky wooden floors and pews. Mark Aaron accepted Christ in that church and was baptized by his dad in the public swimming pool.  He grew up in Titusville, Florida, where the Kennedy Space Center is. His family witnessed a lot of space shuttle launches. 
     Mark Aaron met his wife, Kristina, when he became the Music Director at Lake Avenue Church in Pasadena. Her father was the senior pastor. One Sunday, she had her parents invite him to lunch, so she could see if he was her type. He was and they were married a few months later.  They've been married six years this December and have a son, Drew, who is 4 years old.
     At PCC, his primary role will be to oversee, design, and facilitate worship and creative arts, which is a perfect opportunity for team building and collaboration.  Asked what he looks forward to at PCC, he stated, "The compassion PCC shows for its community, its commitment to marriages and family, the supportive staff team that Gary leads, and the incredible potential for impact on me, my family, and this city makes this a place we can believe in."
gcGary's Corner     by Gary Gaddini 
They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.  -- Acts 2:46-47
Good Afternoon Church!
     This summer I took the time to read the book of Acts in one sitting, (as it was intended to be read!) and I was struck anew by this passage. The disciples experienced what I would call a Spiritual Tsunami.  They were completely caught up in the out-of-control tidal wave of the Holy Spirit.  Isn't that what we signed up for when we pledged to follow Jesus?  Don't you hunger and thirst for that?
     When individuals caught up in a spiritual tsunami gather in community, the math just doesn't add up!  1STL (Spiritual Tsunami Life) +1STL+Jesus doesn't equal three; it is exponentially greater!  That is what happened at the birth of the church in Acts 2 and I believe that is what we are in for as a church this year!
     Our call as a community to follow God this year is supernaturally ambitious - well beyond our means!  I read this past year that if you want to reach people no one is reaching, you better do things no one is doing, gc-wave-q3.jpgso this year, we will be reaching out as well as reaching in in some pretty creative, relevant and effective ways. We have a God-sized call to engage our community through serving and sharing, we have a God-sized call to decentralize and meet like never before in Community Groups to prioritize and maximize the growth of our souls in and through community, we have a God-sized call to transform our Sunday gatherings and create more space for you to invite friends, colleagues and neighbors to come with you to church. We have a God-sized call to partner with our brothers and sisters on the Peninsula and around the world in fulfilling the Great Commission. 
     So get ready Church...I say that with complete humility and devoid of all self aggrandizement.  What is about to happen is not about me, for like you, I am being swept up in this out-of-control spiritual tsunami. I walk with holy trepidation and I wouldn't have it any other way!
     My call is to be the siren giving the tsunami warning.  Pray for your church - beg God to show up in power and shake our gatherings to the core.  Be humble and sensitive to God's Spirit within you and by all means, obey God in whatever He is calling you to do.  We're all caught up in this together and  that gives me amazing comfort.
I Love Being Your Pastor!

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Follow-up Links
     The Bridge newsletter is produced four times per year by Peninsula Covenant Church. Its mission is to communicate the ministries of the church with the intention of furthering the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Peninsula Covenant Church is part of the Evangelical Covenant Church.
     Please let us know if you have a new email address, receive duplicates, would like to be removed from our email mailing list or know someone who would like to be added.
Please contact us at: 
[email protected]  
 Gary Gaddini
 Lead Pastor

All PCC Members

Brian Rhen
People Development
 Carlos DeVitis
High School
Caren Fior
Cheryl Burns
Chris Davidson
Dain Jepson
Daisy Segal
Church Office
 Dan Cornelius
Community Center
Dave Enderby
Community Center
Gerry Skinner
Jeff Murphy
John Seybert
John & Janet Miclean
Students & Families
Lauren Majewski
Middle School
Mark Aaron Humphrey
Marilyn Lynch
Meg Roundy
Patsy Owens
Rod Toews
Royce Garvin
Counseling Center
Sid Newcomb
Tennis / Mission
Tabatha Mason
Student Ministry
Todd Gumbrecht
Terry Boudreau
Tony Gapastione
Young Adults