Awaken With Light, Inc.

Gentle Reflection

September 2012

Have you ever found yourself thinking:

Why can't I live a peaceful life? I'm a loving gentle person that only wants good for myself and others, so where is the peace?


The answer is there ... though puzzling and complex, you do have peace, it is held within YOU! This simple concept which we have all heard is so deeply complex it may take a lifetime to Master.


No matter the roles we play and the people we encounter, our lives are evolving and our quest for calm and order remains constant. In order to have a deep sense of inner peace, a step further, serenity, we must rest that everything happens for a reason and that there is a higher purpose to all things. Knowing you can not control anyone or anything; the world is filled with opposites. For example, clarity and confusion, ups and downs, calm and conflict. Just let things be. Encourage and Allow yourself to cultivate the peace you seek and the peaceful life you so desire. You do this by fostering the space of quiet intention within the solace of your heart.


In the process of Becoming a Master of Peace,



Book Club Starting October 4 - Every Thursday
Untethered Soul book cover Book Club forming Thursday evenings at Magnolia Grill in Chester County Book and Music. Starting October 4th, on Thursday evenings 7-8 pm. We will be reading The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer.

Join me as we explore this book with open dialogue of our interpretation. Please come prepared to discuss Part I:  Awakening Consciousness, up to page 38.

Click here for directions to the Magnolia Grill.


Local West Chester, PA
meditation rocks If you are local to the West Chester, PA area and interested in forming a lunchtime Meditation class that would last from 30 to 45 minutes, please contact me or call 484-252-1150.

To learn more about the benefits of meditation, please click here.
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Nancy Gentle Boudrie
525 East Gay St., West Chester, PA
Meditation Schedule
Whether you are experienced or just thinking about starting a meditation practice, join me on Wednesday evenings 7-8pm or Thursday mornings 10-11am to experience a visually guided meditation.

Email or call 484-252-1150 if you are interested in attending any class by 2pm for evening meditations or 8pm the night before morning meditations.

I look forward to seeing you!

leaf drop of water
Reiki Training
now forming for
Levels I and II
To learn more about Reiki Training, click here. Email me or call 484-252-1150 if interested.
Law of Attraction
Law of Attraction Workshop now forming
To learn more about the Positive Thinking - Law of Attraction Workshop, click here. Email me or call 484-252-1150 if interested.