Awaken With Light, Inc.
Gentle Reflection ~ June 2012
Take it all in!
beach scene


I have found one of the best skills I have cultivated and continue to develop is the discipline to live in full awareness of each moment in time. That might sound difficult but if you start by taking note of the details of your day or the order of events you will view the time in your day differently. As time progresses, I realize how life is filled with helpful hints, nudges and advice if we just take notice.

Choose to see the clues or directives that are being offered to you. They will affirm what you know to be true. You will become a co-creator in your life, experiencing control because you have chosen to be aware of each moment.  Learn to take the guidance being given to you.
You can choose to dismiss such moments as coincidences but by taking notice of the details in each moment it can lead you to a better sense of presence in life's daily experiences. This can lead you to a greater appreciation, awareness or just an overall sense of peace for the details in your daily life.
Taking it all in,

Daily Guidance Using Angel Oracle Cards ~ A workshop to assist you in your daily life!


Wednesday, June 27
10:00-11:00am or 6:30-7:30pm

Join me for a one hour class on how to use Doreen Virtue's Daily Guidance cards to assist you in your daily life. Such a tool can be a great way to begin your meditation time, assist you with making decisions and bring you peace of mind.

Cost including the cards $40.00, please register by June 18th ~ Visit the wellness store to reserve your spot. If you are unable to make it to this class but would like to attend, please email me with dates/times you would prefer.
meditation rocks Announcing! New Meditation Schedule Starting June 20!
Starting Wednesday, June 20th I will be offering an evening Meditation class from 7:00-8:00pm. A morning meditation will be available on Thursday mornings from 10:00-11:00am.

Please email or call 484-252-1150 prior to any meditation to let me know you plan to attend. To read more about the benefits of meditation, click here! I hope to see you this beautiful summer!
leaf drop of water Reiki for your loved ones


If you have a loved one who is terminally ill, very sick or dying please consider giving them the beautiful gift of Reiki. Reiki can bring peace to your loved one and assist in an overall sense of relaxation, click here to read more about this powerful healing method.

I am able to go to your home, hospital or hospice center. Please call 484-252-1150 or email to set up an appointment.
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Nancy Gentle Boudrie
525 East Gay St.,
West Chester, PA (Located in The Spirit of Yoga in the Gay Street Plaza)