Awaken With Light, Inc.


Gentle Reflection


What are you thinking?


May 2011

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525 East Gay Street
West Chester, PA 19380

leaf drop of water
Enjoy a Reiki Session with Nancy in May!


Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of alternative medicine. As it is found to be effective in many illnesses, surgeries pre and post-op, hospice relief, and pain management it is a complementary option to standard medical or therapeutic care. Read more about the benefits and contact Nancy for your next session!  


See coupon option below!


Click on the calendar to view all classes, events, workshops offered!

Living in a time that has proven to be the most challenging and difficult in my life, I have come to realize I must choose my thoughts very wisely.  If I am not careful, I could be consumed by fear, allow my mind to have thoughts of failure or even question what I am doing with my life.  Paraphrasing Doreen Virtue, "a half second before you hold a thought you decide to hold it; you choose your thoughts, your thoughts do not choose you."

I must be the gatekeeper of my thoughts and choose only those thoughts that focus upon my true intentions.  I know I hold the key to how I experience life, but when I need strength, courage or perseverance, for instance, I call upon a source greater than myself to assist me.  I rest in the knowing with full faith and trust in myself, my abilities and my connection to my greater source that I will experience a positive life claiming inner peace, and living a life of immense joy and happiness.  All by choosing my thoughts carefully, how about you?

Thinking and responding deliberately,


Summer Promotion Header Image 

May WorkshopsSelf Discovery


Positive Thinking Workshop

Beginning May 5th 5:00-6:00pm for 4 weeks

Join me for this Meditation Based Workshop designed for those who genuinely would like to attract more of what they want and less of what they do not want. Transforming your thought patterns to a positive way of thinking can transform your life. Participants will meet one hour weekly over four consecutive weeks. You may attend the workshop at the studio or via conference call if you have a quiet place with little interruptions. Make ups are available if you miss a class. Click here to read more about this stimulating workshop! 

Reiki Level I ~  May 7th 10:00am-3:00pm

Click here to read more about Reiki Level I training.

Reiki Level II ~ May 9th 10:00am-3:00pm

Click here to read more about Reiki Level II training.


Please call 484-252-1150 or email if you wish to attend any workshop.

Summer Promotion Header Image 

Meditation Classes

meditation rocksDid you know that cultivating a meditation practice is a great way to improve your well-being, and might even reduce your need for medication?  As reported in the April 26, 2011 The Sacramento Bee, "Meditation can also lead to a reduction in the area of the brain that is associated with pain and stress. In other words, we can literally change our brain by what we focus on. And you don't have to be an expert at this in order to benefit." Click here to read the full article.


To view more information and benefits of Meditation check out my website!


Join us for a guided meditation and learn for yourself how you can benefit from it and having your own practice! Click here to view my calendar, call 484-252-1150 or email an hour prior to any class time if you wish to attend!

2010 CC AwardNancy Gentle Boudrie


New Clients Save $10

~Reiki Service

If you have always wanted to learn how you could benefit from Reiki - in the month of May - for all new Reiki clients enjoy an hour service for a reduced fee of $65! Mention this ad when scheduling your appointment with Nancy! Please !
Offer Expires: May 30, 2011