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Word from the Superintendent
CASD Earns Awards
Author Visits Buchanan
Mr. Bonitz: Retirement Celebration
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Grandview Raises Money
CASD Foundation News
Dinorific Poetry
Energy Conservation
May Students of the Month
Law Day
Letterkenney Earth Day Poster Contest
Summer Reading Program
Spelling Bee Winners
Faust Band Selling Discount Cards
CASD in Search of Color Day T-shirts
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June 3, 2011 


CASD Earns Exemplary Awards


CASD earned four awards from Shippensburg University School Study Council for the 2010-2011 Academic School year.   


The district earned the awards in the following categories:


In Recognition of Instructional Coaching

In Recognition of College in High School

In Recognition of CAP

In Recognition of E-Learning  


Congratualtions CASD!   



Author Kay Winters Visit Andrew Buchanan


Kay Winters was a Title 1 teacher and is now an author who lives in Bucks County, Pa.  She is pictured (in the center) with Mrs. Zeger's class.  


Mrs. Winters visited Andrew Buchanan on May 10. She provided a PowerPoint presentation and spent time speaking to second through fifth grade classes, sharing stories and talking about the writing process, from research to character development.  


Mrs. Winters involved her audience and encouraged the children to follow their own dreams.  She has books published in six languages. Some of her books include, "Whooo's That," "Did You See What I Saw," and "My Teacher for President."  



Retirement Celebrationmr bonitz


Principal Richard Bonitz is retiring. Mr. Bonitz has been with the CASD for 35 years (this is 36).  He started his career as a teacher at CAMS.   

He then he taught at Faust and later became principal.  He was also principal at King Street, Marion, and New Franklin. Mr. Bonitz has been the principal at Stevens for 22 years.  


Faculty and staff of Stevens Elementary will be hosting a reception at Stevens on Monday,  

June 6, 2011 at 4 pm. Join us for cake and snacks to bid our favorite principal farewell.  


CASD would like to thank Mr. Bonitz for his years of dedication and service; we wish him well in his retirement.



Payroll Cycle


The Chambersburg Area School District pays employees every other Friday which generally means that you are paid 26 times in the fiscal year.   


For fiscal year 2011-2012, there are 27 pay cycles.  Due to this additional pay period, your gross pay each pay period will be less,  however the total for the year will be the same.   


An example of a salary calculation is as follows:

$45,000 Annual Salary / 26 pays = $1,730.77 Gross Salary

$45,000 Annual Salary / 27 pays = $1,666.67 Gross Salary


If you have questions regarding the change for 2011-2012, please contact Wendy Grove @ Ext 3310 or Danette Nolt @ Ext 3312.


 Summer Art Classes


The Council for the Arts, downtown Chambersburg, if offering various fun and educational art classes-for all ages-that are sure to awaken your artistic side.


See the attached flyer for details or access their web site,, for more information. 

Grandview Raises $ for Cystic Fibrosis


Cystic Fibrosis Collection:   

The staff donated $1075.  The students raised $422.77. 

That makes Grandview's grand total this year $1497.77!    


Great job Grandview staff, students, and families!     

Grandview CF fundraiser 

Save Your Files!


Due to re-imaging of all computers this summer, remember to remove any and all files from your C drive computer(including files saved on the desktop) and save the files safely in your user folder on the server.


CASD Foundation: Scholarship & Grant Recipients 

foundation logo

On May 23, the CASD Foundation held its annual "Night of the Stars" event to announce and award its scholarships.  Please read the attached document for the full list of scholarship recipients.   


On May 27, the foundation announced its grant recipients, to read the full list of recipients, open the attached document.



Dinorific Poetry


What do you get when you combine dinosaurs and poetry- a father and son collaboration called Dinorific Poetry written by ad salesman Michael Sgrignoli and illustrated by his then 7-year-old son Ethan. dinorific poetry


Sgrignoli shared the collection during a visit to Hamilton Heights third graders as part of April's National Poetry Month. Sgrignoli shared favorite poems, answered questions and autographed copies for students and teachers.  


He calls the poems a "time capsule of creativity" based on he and his son's "mutual fascination for all things dinosaur".  You can visit Mike's dinorific web page at




Energy Conservation Pays Off! 


Seventeen of the CASD buildings are currently under review/processing by the EPA as qualifiers for the 2010 Energy Star Label. And our District portfolio is also being reviewed for Top Performer/20% Improvement for a second year. You can review information about the Energy Star recognition by going to; go to the Building and Plants section on the home page.  


Click here to read Connie Kelley's May issue of her "Watt's Up" newsletter. 


CAMS  Students Represent CASD at PA Middle School Computer Fair


This year the state contest was held at Dickinson College in Carlisle, PA. Over 1,300 middle school students from 150 public and private schools participated in IU Computer Fairs around the state.


Caeley Etter and Gwendalyn Clark, CAMS students, represented CASD at the state level fair. Their project was one of 112 entries from 20 Intermediate Units. Caeley and Gwen's entry was in the Digital Movie category. Their topic: Spreading the energy conservation message at CAMS. 


Although their project was not selected as a top three winner, the girls had a great experience and represented CASD and CAMS well. They made history by being the first representation from CASD at the State Competition.


Thank you to CAMS teacher Stacey Knepper and CAMS TV Studio Director Ute Cline, for their time and help with the students' project.    



Innovative Technology Challenge Grant Program


Greater Chambersburg Chamber Foundation's annual Innovative Technology Challenge Grant program is being opened up to all six school districts for the first-time this year! The application deadline has been extended to June 30, 2011. Please open the attached document to access the application package. 



Scoop-a-Palooza: Chamber Fundraiser


WHY:       Ice Cream for Education 

WHEN:     July 9, 2011 

WHERE:    CASHS Cafeteria

TIME:      11:00 am - 3:00 pm


Enjoy all you can eat ice cream samples from a variety of Franklin County's favorite ice cream shops.


Tickets on sale at the Heritage Center.  


See attached flyer for further details.


May Students of the Month 




   Jonathan Crawford, 5th & Brynn Vandegriff, 5th


   Jose Rodriguez-Aguilar, Kg & Ashlyn Bothe, 3rd 



   Ashlyn Ellis, 6th & Blake McAfee, 7th  


   Lifson Dessame, 8th & Shyane Morris, 9th  


   Aryn Santrock, 10th & Michelle Varkey, 12th


   Jacob Stoner, 12th & Annabella Petit, 12th


may 2011 students of month


'Law Day' Sponsored by Franklin County Young Lawyers Association


 law day.1 


Student government members from Faust recently visited the Franklin County Bar. They participated in a mock trial, which was presided over by Judge Angel Krom and were shown a DVD about the consequences and threats of Facebook.  


law day.2


3rd Annual Letterkenney Earth Day Poster Contest


In celebration, students grades k-5, were treated to a reception at Letterkenney Army Depot, where they met Sergeant Major Stevens. 

Each grade level had a first, second, and third place winner.  Each grade received a $100, $75 and $50 savings bond, a Lettterkenny Earth Day t-shirt, and other school supplies.


letterkenney earth day poster contest winners. 2011   


FC Libraries Kick-off Summer Reading Program


The Franklin County Library System is set to begin its summer reading program.


WHEN:                June 6th through August 13th 

REGISTRATION:    Online or at your local library (Program starting time may vary depending on location.)


This summer's themes:  


Birth - age 12:  "One World, Many Stories" 

13 - 18 years:  "You are Here"  

over 18 years:  "Novel Destinations" 


Go to the Franklin County Library Homepage for more information.



35th Annual Elementary Spelling Bee  

  spelling bee winners.2011 

Winner:         Alycia Creager, Fayetteville

                                   --the winning word "lieutenant"


Runner up:    Austin Kauffman, Ben Chambers



Faust Band Selling Discount Cards


faust jr high header 

The Faust Band is still selling their Band Discount Cards. 

PRICE: $5 for a years worth of discounts!  

Please email Richard Bricker,, if you are interested.   

Thanks for your support of the Faust Tiger Band!  


CASD is in Search of 'Color Day' T-shirts:

             1997 to current


If you are a CASHS graduate then you know that the tradition of school spirit began in 1901 with the hanging of class pennants.  The use of the pennants stopped in 1996, and CASHS began using Color Day t-shirts.


CASD would like to continue the tradition by displaying Color Day t-shirts in the administration building. If you have a  Color Day shirt and would be willing to donate it to CASD, please contact Dr. Michael at or call 263-9281. 




CHIP Back to School Flyers are Coming!


Pennsylvania's Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) covers all uninsured children and teens. No family makes too much money for CHIP because there are no income limits.  


If you would like an electronic version of the CHIP flyer, please visit, and click on "CHIP Resources" for Community Partners and School Districts.    


To get your children covered, visit or call 1-800-986-KIDS to enroll today!


Board Docs


For more information about school board

business, including meeting agendas and related documents, visit BoardDocs under the school boardlink on the district website.

If you have news about student achievement, an upcoming school event, or other information of interest to the CASD community, visit


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Recent issues of the eNewsletter are available at