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March 18, 2011 
Word from the Superintendent


As we are all aware, the release of Governor Tom Corbett's proposed budget affects Pennsylvania's communities and economy and also directly impacts CASD.


I believe that it's important for our employees to better understand the effect of the proposed budget on daily operations. In order to address this concern and increase communication, the district has scheduled several meetings in regard to the budget and its impact on our district.


Each meeting has a specific audience as well as location; therefore, I urge you to attend the appropriate meeting.


DATE:           Monday, March 21

TIME:           3:00 pm

AUDIENCE:    Administration Building Employees

LOCATION:    Admin. Board Room

AGENDA:       Budget and its impact on the district


DATE:           Monday, March 21

TIME:           4:30 pm

AUDIENCE:    Administrators

LOCATION:    Admin. Board Room

AGENDA:       Budget and its impact on the district


DATE:           Wednesday, March 23

TIME:           7:00 pm

LOCATION:    CAMS Auditorium

AGENDA:       Board Meeting, See BoardDocs


DATE:           Monday, March 28

TIME:           4:30 pm

AUDIENCE:    Only CASD District Employees

LOCATION:    CASHS Auditorium

AGENDA:       Budget and its impact on the district



Additionally, in light of the recently announced reduction in state funding for the 2011-2012 school year, the Chambersburg Area School District has implemented an immediate cost control measure through June 30, 2011.


Effective immediately, all non-essential expenditures will require prior approval from the Superintendent of Schools. The district will continue to honor all expenditures authorized through contractual agreements approved prior to March 21, 2011.


Thank you for your continued support of the Chambersburg Area School District's efforts to address the financial issues that we are currently experiencing.




Thinking About Retirement?  




You may remember that a district email was recently distributed that highlighted a retirement incentive for all employees who notify the district in writing by April 15, 2011.  


If you are currently thinking about retirement or considering retiring within the next five years, you may want to think about joining the Franklin/Fulton County Chapters of the Pennsylvania Association of School Retirees for a free "Retirement Workshop."


It will be held on April 9, 2011 from 8:15 am until 12:30 pm.  


This workshop will discuss the following topics: 

  • Public School Employees Retirement System.
  • Health Options.
  • Social Security Benefits.
  • Financial Planning.

You must register by Monday, March 28, 2011. Bring your spouse. Click here to access and print the necessary materials (agenda, directions, and registration page).    


Don't miss this opportunity to prepare for your future.  


Board DocsFor more information about school board business, including meeting agendas and related documents, visit BoardDocs under the school board link on the district website.
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