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eCASD Employee Newsletter
This Week's Articles
Word from the Superintendent
Senator Alloway Speaks to CASD Students
CAMS Teachers Receives Gift from Rotary
Student of the Month Awards
Children's Fair
CASHS Exhange Student
Faust Band Selling Magnets
Spring Break Dangers
Worried About Your Power Bill?
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March 4, 2011 
Word from the Superintendent

I recently attended an informative workshop on the complex issues surrounding social networking sites such as Facebook which many of our employees use.


We've all see the high-profile cases here in Pennsylvania and across the country involving school employees who have gotten into hot water because of their use of Facebook.


As a district we will be developing policies designed to protect all of us from the pitfalls of using social networks as public school employees.


Here are some critical guidelines I want to share with everyone:


·         Do not "friend" students or former students.

·         Do not "friend" colleagues you supervise.

·         Monitor your accounts closely to ensure content      posted by you, and others, reflects you accurately as a professional and role model for our students.

·         Don't be fooled by Facebook's illusion of privacy.  Please remember that once information is sent into cyberspace it is never again entirely in your control.


I hope you all take some time while you're online this weekend to do some basic housekeeping to protect yourself and your colleagues.



Senator Alloway Speaks to CASD Students


Pictured here are Senator Rich Alloway with Joshua Sherman and Michelle Holtry, both teachers at CASHS.  Alloway with Teachers

Senator Alloway was a guest speaker for the student government groups of CASHS and FCCTC at the administration building in February.


Senator Alloway spoke to the students about the importance of leadership, which included not being afraid to take on the role of a leader and the importance of thinking for oneself. 


Senator Alloway also saught questions from the students, and they did not dissappoint him.     



CAMS Teacher Receives Gift from Rotary


Ms. Stacey Knepper, CAMS Business Education Teacher, was the recipient of a $1500 check from the Rotary Club of Chambersburg.


The funds will be used to transport students to York so that they can participate in the Junior Achievement Program. Click 

here to read the article and see a photo of Ms. Knepper receiving the check from Rotarian Peter Lagiovane.     



Student of the Month Recipients


At the February 16th School Board meeting, the "Student of the Month" Awards were announced for both January and February. 


The awards were given for five elementary schools, CAMS, Faust, CASHS, and FCCTC.   


January Students of the Month


Elementary Students:

Breanne Byers, 5th Grade, South Hamilton

Abigail Yourkavitch, 5th Grade, GrandView

Anne Romine, 5th Grade, Lurgan



Caeley Etter, 6th Grade

Ian Patterson, 7th Grade



Breanna Nuckols, 8th Grade

Tyler Richards, 9th Grade



Christian Keyes, 11th Grade

Olivia Beckner, 12th Grade



Shelly Brown, 12th Grade

Matt Kohler, 12th Grade



Jan Feb Students of the Month 














Pictured here (left to right) are elementary students

Colby Benedict, Abigail Yourkavitch, Anne Romine,

Kayla Grove, & Breanne Byers.  



February Students of the Month


Elementary Students:

Kayla Grove, 5th Grade, Buchnan

Colby Benedict, New Franklin, 5th Grade



Luke Ocker, 6th Grade

Natalie Saylor, 7th Grade



Kylee Shadle, 8th Grade

Brooke May, 9th Grade



Michael Laviena, 10th Grade

Deidre Yeager, 12th Grade



Shelly Brown

Matt Kohler


 CAMS, Faust, CASHS, FCCTC Students of the Month




















Pictured above are Ian Patterson, Caeley Etter, Luke Ocker & Natalie Saylor (CAMS), Breanna Nuckols, Tyler Richards, Kylee Shadle, Brooke May (Faust), Olivia Beckner, Michael Laviena, & Deidre Yeager (CASHS). Not pictured are FCCTC students, (Shelly Brown & Matt Kohler) who were unable to attend the meeting due to work committments.  







This is a photo of Dr. Barry Purvis hugging Maria Keyes after he spoke about her son, Christian.


Christian was named as CASHS January Student of the Month.


Christian was in the 11th Grade when he lost his battle with cancer.   


Don't Miss the Children's Fair 




The Franklin County Early Childhood and Education Community Engagement Program is sponsoring the 6th Annual "Get Ready, Get Set, Learn" Children's Fair.


Date: March 26, 2011

Time: 10:00-1:00 pm

Place: Church of Brethren


Click here for a flyer for the event; don't miss out on the fun!


CASHS Exchange Student Visits Schools


Linda (her English name) Wenchao Li, an exchange student from China, visited Lurgan Elementary. She spent time with Heather Brown's third grade class. 



As part of the visit, the class celebrated the Chinese New year by making fruit salad, which, according to Ms. Brown, is "a traditional "good luck" food in China on Chinese New Year.


Pictured here are Linda Li with Caroline (age 10) and Paul (age 7) Hance. Caroline and Paul are the children of Paul and Andrea Hance. They are Linda's host family.


Since this photo was taken, Linda has also visited New Franklin elementary where she spent time with first, second, third, and fourth grade classes. While visiting New Franklin, Linda provided a PowerPoint presentation, talked about traditional Chinese clothing, and taught the children to hold pencils as if they were chopsticks. 


new franklin students 


Faust Band is Selling Band Magnets


Faust Tiger Magnets

Faust Band is selling "Faust Tigers" Car Magnets for $5.00 each. 


Proceeds benefit the Faust Band.


These will soon be a "collector's item"!






Please email or contact Tamy Cook, Speech/Language Therapist at Benjamin Chambers and CASHS if you would like one (or one for each car!).  Her contact information is: 



Ready for Spring Break?


Although the district has lost its "Spring Break" due to snow make-up dates, Spring is just 16 days away. And many local universities will be on spring break next week. 


With that in mind, the district wants to keep families safe as they start to enjoy the warm weather. Click here to read an article discussing the many dangers that are often associated with 'spring break.' 




Worried About Your Electric Bill?


Deregulation of electricity is happening. If you are concerned about your bill or would simply like to be better informed on how to save money on your electric bill, Connie Kelley can help! Read Connie's newsletter, which is filled with resourceful information.


If you are thinking of shopping around for new electric service, go to This site will provide you with a better understanding of what is available to you.     


Board Docs


For more information about school board

business, including meeting agendas and related documents, visit BoardDocs under the school boardlink on the district website.


Public Personnel Items from February 16th, 2011 Board Meeting.

If you have news about student achievement, an upcoming school event, or other information of interest to the CASD community, visit


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